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Hailed conservationist Carl Safina examines animal personhood as told through the inspired narrative portraits of elephants, wolves, and dolphins
Poetry gives us a glimpse into the heart. It allows us to write emotionally about things too complex for ordinary words. The heart knows its own joy and its own sorrow. These cannot be known by another. The heart is a passion unto itself. Proverbs 14:10 says, "Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can fully share its joy." New Living Translation. Shawn Winters takes you on a journey into his mind and the expressions of his heart, with an impassioned look at the flame of life before his eyes. He shares his joy, his pain, and his intimacy. These are things that stir expression in his soul. He takes you to the heights of faith, and into the jaws of hell itself. He gives you a broad spectrum lens to view not only life's pain, but as well, the most intimate moments of a husband loving his wife. The book is divided into 8 major sections. 1.Silent Echoes - A look at life, love, and passion through the eyes of the deaf. 2.Fidelity Love and Romance - Poems of love and devotion where the author praises his wife and her virtues. 3.Intimate Pleasure - Poems of passion between a husband and wife. 4.Lost Love - Poems of lost love, pain, and infidelity. 5.The Questions - Poems about the questions of life. A look at the inner self in its relation the outside world. 6.Faith and Hope - Poems of faith and hope in God and His divine goodness and blessing. 7.Dark Soul - Poems of hell and the plight of lost and imprisoned souls. 8.Social Cabal - Poems about our world, society, and the role they play in destroying what could have become good in dominated lives. Poetry is simply tiny snippets and hazy reflections of the mind and the heart. Truly, The Mind Is Beyond Words.
Some people call me crazy. Some think Im weird, and others believe I am out downright out of this world. Sometimes to others I make no sense, but in my heart and mind it all comes together. I am made up of a mixture of different things; some that may not necessarily mix, but live flamboyantly in me. Ive had a crazy life and that should be no secret to anyone anymore. I have experienced things beyond the belief of sorrow and agony. Only I know what it is like to feel what I feel. Only I know the gravity of the experiences I have overcome. I guess it really is just how it is stated in the Bible. God will never allow more to come to us than what we can bear, and I know I can do whatever I need to do, through Jesus Christ, whom strengthens me. So, before you judge this book by its cover or dare to belittle my journey, walk a mile in my shoes. I hope my story inspires you with love, life and courage.
In Coaching Beyond Words: Using Art to Deepen and Enrich Our Conversations, Anna Sheather presents a practical guide for those seeking to incorporate art in their own coaching practice. Complete with case studies and art created by clients, Anna explores how coaching with art connects clients to a deeper level of personal awareness and understanding, which in turn leads to meaningful shifts in personal growth, development and fulfilment. Anna offers the coach an exciting and transformative way to work with their clients by bridging the gap between art and coaching. She covers how to introduce creative approaches, how to support creativity and how to work with the art produced, opening enriching coaching conversations with clients. Anna combines her personal experiences with research that underpins her practice, exploring the benefits of the interdisciplinary nature of art therapy and neuroscience by looking at the field of hemispherical lateralisation to help understand why coaching with art works so effectively. The book also provides a comprehensive guide of how to prepare an art-based coaching session, including contracting, an overview of types of exercises, key principles and approaches to facilitating the image making process, overcoming barriers with coachees and guidance on managing oneself in the process, including managing boundaries. Coaching Beyond Words is the first book to provide an in-depth look at the importance and practicality in interweaving coaching and art, and it forms a complete guide to context, theory and practice. Coaching Beyond Words will appeal to coaches in practice as well as any art therapist seeking to expand their practice into coaching. Additionally, it would be of interest to creative professionals looking to incorporate coaching theory.
Inspired by the unprecedented events of 2020, Beyond Words, An Intersection of Philosophy, Inspiration and Poetry brings to life a mosaic of thoughts and perspectives about subjects and emotions born of human experience and illuminated by a year gripped by wonderment and uncertainty. The year was possibly the most tumultuous year in modern history. It challenged the fortitude of humanity; stretched the fabric of society; and stress-tested governments and institutions worldwide. Through seemingly endless, exhausting news cycles, the world was force-fed a daily diet of crises: a global pandemic, world economic stress, political upheaval across the globe, racial injustice and inequality, public health disparities, wildfires and other global disasters, unemployment, homelessness, food insecurity, devastating hurricanes and flooding, United States Presidential Election and the discovery of a COVID-19 vaccine.This book's perspective about subjects predisposed by the events of 2020 showcase myriad of suggestions relating to life, hope, the future and other subjects. Although these subjects have been contemplated by cultures throughout history, the events of 2020 magnified them through pervasive technology and greater awareness about the subjects and their influence on how humanity thinks and lives. The book uses philosophy, inspiration and poetry to narrate nonfictional themes that inspire thought about personal beliefs and create the opportunity to consider ideas that go beyond conventional and superficial points of view. As you gaze into the window of emotions surrounding these thoughts, you may see reflections of your own emotions. It may prompt an examination of your own beliefs and inspire how you can best navigate an uncertain future.
Over 55% of your day is spent listening; yet only 2% of us have been trained in how to listen. What is poor listening costing you? Do you rush from meeting to meeting, your head buried in the last conversation you had, without time to think of the next? Or feel frustrated with unproductive discussions where the loudest in the room adds limited insight and drowns out everyone else? We usually think of these situations as communication problems; that we have not spoken our needs correctly or clearly. Yet, conflict, chaos and confusion are the costs of not listening. Many communication and listening books say the most important person in a conversation is the speaker - not true! This pocket-sized guide will help you to reconnect with your innate gift of deep listening, to create the right space to listen to yourself before you listen to others. You'll learn to listen beyond the words that are spoken, to add context and meaning and listen in to what's not being said. Deep Listening will help you move from confusion and conflict to thoughtful, insightful and powerful discussions that will transform not just your work, but your whole life.
"You are loved beyond words. Do you yet realize this? The sun rises in your honor. The moon beams its smile upon you each night. The earth revolves around you. You are the center of the universe, the heart of the world. You are the love that you seek." So begins the first of 365 messages from Sanaya, a spirit-teacher in the tradition of White Eagle and Silver Birch. "You are loved beyond words," she says, and reading this collection, you will feel love beyond words, for the messages contained here carry an energy that is felt intuitively and intimately, coming as they do from a dimension beyond the physical world. Those who know and love Sanaya believe that she is speaking directly to them. She is, for, as Sanaya says, there is only One Mind. Reading Sanaya's words, you will feel as if you are being consoled and counseled by a concerned and loving friend, connected with the essence of your true self. Love Beyond Words will answer your most basic questions about life and give you reason for reflection. In this collection of spiritual wisdom, Sanaya addresses universal concerns while speaking directly to your heart.
"Ascending from the metaphysics of demonstrating effect to the higher dimension of mystical consciousness, in which life is lived by Grace, the reader is led into the realm of the soul: the earth of material experience melts and the light of Spirit dawns as stillness and silence of the soul-experience within"--Publisher's description.