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The Military Covenant states that in exchange for their military service and their willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice, soldiers should receive the nation’s support. Exploring the concept’s invention by the Army in the late 1990s, its migration to the civilian sphere from 2006 and its subsequent entrenchment in public policy, Ingham seeks to understand the Covenant’s progress from the esoteric confines of Army doctrine to national recognition. Drawing on interviews with senior commanders, policy-makers and representatives of Forces’ charities, this study highlights how the Army deployed the Military Covenant to convey the pressure on the institution caused by the concurrent combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. While achieving a better deal for soldiers whose sacrifice became all too apparent, the Military Covenant licensed unprecedented incursion into politics by senior commanders, enabling them to out-manoeuvre the Blair-Brown governments and to challenge the existing norms within Britain’s civil-military relationship. As British Forces prepare to leave Afghanistan, this study considers the value Britain accords to military service and whether civilian society will continue to uphold its Covenant with those who have served the nation.
The Military Covenant states that in exchange for their military service and their willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice, soldiers should receive the nation's support. Exploring the concept's invention by the Army in the late 1990s, its migration to the civilian sphere from 2006 and its subsequent entrenchment in public policy, Ingham seeks to understand the Covenant's progress from the esoteric confines of Army doctrine to national recognition.
There is nothing new about the military covenant, a freshly minted term for something that's been around for as long as soldiering itself. 'Tommy' may have to make the ultimate sacrifice for his country. But what will his country do for him? Over centuries the covenant has been variously honoured and ignored. Confronted daily with flag-draped coffins, shameful stories of inadequate kit and shocking images of the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan: what exactly are we doing to honour those who sacrifice all in the service of their country? In Tommy This an' Tommy That Andrew Murrison uses his perspective as a senior Service doctor and frontline politician to set the events of the past ten years in historical context. He charts the ways in which societal and political changes have impacted on the wellbeing of uniformed men and women, and the nation's changing sense of obligation towards the military. Crucially he asks what the future holds for the military covenant.
This occasional paper is concerned with the Corporate Covenant, a component of the Armed Forces Covenant (AFC) which was intended to be revitalised by the Armed Forces Act 2011. This legally obliged the government to report annually on the progress of the implementation and health of the special relationship between the military and the government and the military and broader society. The AFC is therefore a tripartite arrangement, founded on the premise that, in addition to the government, the nation as a whole has a moral obligation to members of the armed forces, past and present, and their families. The Corporate Covenant is a formal and documented pledge from a commercial organisation (or equivalent) to the armed forces community and wider society. That pledge is lodged with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and commits the company in question to the purposes and intent of the AFC. Specifically, the company agrees to undertake certain actions and initiatives as contained within its bespoke pledge.
This thesis examines the genesis of the Military Covenant as part of the British Army's development of its Moral Component in the late 1990s, the migration of the concept from military doctrine from 2006 and its subsequent entrenchment in the civilian sphere, where it has become integral to analysis of the civil-military relationship. Codifying a moral bond of reciprocity between soldiers, the Army and the nation, the Military Covenant was summarised in a paragraph in Soldiering -The Military Covenant. Launched in 2000, this was a companion volume to another Army Doctrine publication, Values and Standards of the British Army. Written for the Army's senior cadre, and somewhat institutionally neglected, in 2005 Soldiering was subsumed into the Army's new capstone doctrine Land Operations. The Covenant began its migration from the military sphere in late 2006, when the newly-appointed Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Richard Dannatt, invoked it in a controversial newspaper interview to convey the pressures confronting soldiers involved in concurrent combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, for which the Army was inadequately resourced, manned and equipped. Codifying the nation's moral and material support in exchange for soldiers' service and offer of sacrifice, the Military Covenant was subsequently described as fractured by many in the civilian sector, including the media. Following migration, the Covenant came to represent the bilateral relationship between the government and the Armed Forces' community, while helping to rally public unprecedented support for the Forces - if not for the missions in which they were involved. Consequently, policy-makers were compelled to address long¬standing 'people' issues affecting the Forces' community. Today, the Military Covenant conveys the health of the civil-military relationship in Britain, not least because the judiciary has invoked it to assess the value the nation places on military service.
How the MoD has broken the covenant with the military over the past 25 years; an informal agreement that is underpinned by a promise to provide 'adequate safeguards'.
The Military Covenant states that in exchange for their military service and their willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice, soldiers should receive the nation’s support. Exploring the concept’s invention by the Army in the late 1990s, its migration to the civilian sphere from 2006 and its subsequent entrenchment in public policy, Ingham seeks to understand the Covenant’s progress from the esoteric confines of Army doctrine to national recognition. Drawing on interviews with senior commanders, policy-makers and representatives of Forces’ charities, this study highlights how the Army deployed the Military Covenant to convey the pressure on the institution caused by the concurrent combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. While achieving a better deal for soldiers whose sacrifice became all too apparent, the Military Covenant licensed unprecedented incursion into politics by senior commanders, enabling them to out-manoeuvre the Blair-Brown governments and to challenge the existing norms within Britain’s civil-military relationship. As British Forces prepare to leave Afghanistan, this study considers the value Britain accords to military service and whether civilian society will continue to uphold its Covenant with those who have served the nation.
With formal ethics education programmes being a rarity in most countries' armed forces, there is a growing importance for servicemen to undergo additional military ethics training. But how do we ensure that soldiers learn the right lessons from it? Furthermore, how can we achieve a uniformity of approach? The current lack of uniformity about what constitutes ethical behaviour and how troops should be educated in it is potentially a cause for serious alarm. This book advances knowledge and understanding of the issues associated with this subject by bringing together experts from around the world to analyze the content, mode of instruction, theoretical underpinnings, and the effect of cultural and national differences within current ethics programmes. It also explores whether such programmes are best run by military officers, chaplains or academic philosophers, and reflects whether it is feasible to develop common principles and approaches for the armed forces of all Western countries. This is an invaluable volume for military academies and staff colleges to enhance understanding of a matter which requires much further thought and which is becoming a vital force in influencing outcomes on the battlefields of the twenty-first century. The book will primarily be of interest to military officers and others directly involved in ethics education in the military, as well as to philosophers and students of military affairs.
In 1950, when he commissioned the first edition of The Armed Forces Officer, Secretary of Defense George C. Marshall told its author, S.L.A. Marshall, that "American military officers, of whatever service, should share common ground ethically and morally." In this new edition, the authors methodically explore that common ground, reflecting on the basics of the Profession of Arms, and the officer's special place and distinctive obligations within that profession and especially to the Constitution.