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A companion to his first book, The Spirits' Guide, The Book on Mediums explains how to apply Allan Kardec's principles of his practical science of spiritism in order to become a medium. His aim is to teach interested readers, those who believe in the existence of the spirit world, and people with a strong desire to communicate with the dead how to cultivate their sensitivity to the paranormal. It is a serious undertaking, and Kardec warns his reader to approach the subject with a scholarly mind and pure intentions. For those who are willing, there is a whole new world just waiting to be experienced. French scholar HIPPOLYTE LEON DENIZARD RIVAIL (1804-1869), aka Allan Kardec, was a longtime teacher of mathematics, astronomy, and other scientific disciplines before turning to the paranormal. He founded the Parisian Society of Psychologic Studies, and founded and edited the monthly magazine La Revue Spirite, Journal of Psychologic Studies. He is also the author of The Gospel as Explained by Spirits (1864).
“Working with spirits can be some of the most dangerous yet some of the most gratifying work a magickal practitioner can engage in. With Jason as your guide in this book, you are in some of the best hands out there when it comes to approaching and working with spirits. This is a book I wish I had fifteen years ago when I began working closely with spirits.” —Mat Auryn, author of Psychic Witch Throughout history, humans have sought power and knowledge from spirits. Learning how to conjure, communicate, and negotiate with these unseen powers is one of the keys to success in magic. Consorting with Spirits presents a detailed explanation of what spirits are, their different classifications, and how they exist in relation to the world we normally perceive. The reader will then learn a system of practices that will cultivate three main skills: The capacity to perceive spirits clearly, the ability to interact with them effectively, and the tools to deepen your relationships. It is this focus on deepening relationships and increasing clarity in communications that has been missing from much of the material about spirits. This book will teach you different ways of interacting with spirits, from offerings and invitations to forceful conjurations. With these tools in hand, you can work with your spirit allies to achieve any goal, from protection, to wealth, to vast knowledge. Consorting with Spirits shares: Proper training necessary for calling and conversing with spirits. How to evaluate the messages you receive. A full view of different modes of contact and what situations each mode lends itself to Why the best sorcery is local. The tools to establish and maintain a long-term relationship with spirits (consorting). The 6 different manifestations of spirits and their corresponding magickal operations, qualities, benefits, and drawbacks. The 4 methods of interacting with spirits: prayer, conjuring, compelling, and evocation.
The Truth About Evocation of Spirits by Donald Michael Kraig reveals the real secrets of communicating with non-physical entities. You will find that many of the things you've seen in novels or movies aren't needed: no fancy apparatus, no hypnotic trances. With this small book, evoking spirits becomes something you can do. You'll discover what evocation really is. You'll learn a bit about its history and why the ancient grimoires describing it are full of traps and things to waste your time. Here you will learn, step-by-step, everything you need to contact spirits described in ancient texts such as The Lesser Key of Solomon the King. First, you'll need to prepare. This simply involves determining which spirit you wish to call, making a copy of its "sigil" (signature), and also constructing a place for it to appear: the Triangle of the Art. Then gather some common items such as candles, paper, and pen and, with the help of this book, you can do this magick! When you have everything, you are ready to begin. Start with a banishing. Here you will find a complete version of the famous Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. Next, the seer inhales incense. This alters that person's consciousness so he or she is ready to see the entity. Then call on the entity according to the instructions given here. Then you ask for information which is in the nature of the spirit to give. Or you can ask the entity you've evoked to do something that it is capable of doing. Of course, it is only fair to give something to the creature in return. That something is magical or spiritual energy. This book explains how you can create that energy and send it to the entity. Finally, you'll learn how to release the spirit you have evoked back to its home. Never before has so much information been packed into such a small space. If you want to learn this ancient science, get your copy today!
Learn and Perfect Your Spirit Communication Using a Straightforward, Step-By-Step Process With precise detail, a wide variety of exercises, and a wealth of expertise, Konstanza Morning Star shows how to develop your innate gift of spirit communication. Discover how mediumship works, how anyone can use it, and how to build a strong spiritual foundation so that your abilities will flourish. Medium is a beginner-friendly book designed to help you gain strong and clear spiritual perception through a nine-step process. It takes you inside the medium’s mind and body, demonstrating how to actually experience contact with a spirit person through clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and other spiritual senses. Featuring instructions for creating and conducting a home practice circle, assisting a "stuck" spirit to move on to the light, and much more, this is a book no aspiring medium should be without.