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This research was supported by the World Bank and the Social Sciences and Humanities R̃search Council of Canada. Neither institution is responsible for the views expressed in this paper. The author is indebted to V. Corbo, A. Haymer, Y. Kanemoto, K. Lee, K. Mera, Hal Varian and A. Walters for helpful comments and to Elizabeth Lambert, Shehnaz Motani', and Jeanette Leigh Paisley for excellent typing services. I would like to dedicate this book to my wife, Virginia. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction . . . •. . ••. . •. ••. •••. . . . •. . . . . •. •. . . •. . . •. •. •. . •. . . •. ••. • 2. A Simple Producer Benefit Measure . . ••. •••. ••••. •••••••••••. ••••••. • 8 3. Willingness to P̃v Functions and Marginal Cost Functions ••••••••••• 15 4. Approximate Benefit Measures 30 5. Problems with the Producer Benefit Measure ••••••••••••• ! ••••••••••• 41 5. 1. Static versus Dynamic Benefit Measures ••••••••••••••••••• 41 5. 2. The Problem of Endogenous Prices for Local Goons ••••••••• 48 5. 3. The Neglect of Consumer Benefits' ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 56 6. Alternative Approaches to Benefit Measurement •••••••••••••••••••••• 70 6. 1. The Questionnaire or Sample Survey Approach •••••••••••••• 70 6. 2. Ex Post Accounting Approaches •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 72 6. 3. Engineering and Mathematical Programming Approaches •••••• 74 6. 4. The Applied General Equilibrium Modelling Approach ̃ •••••• 75 6. 5. The Differential Approach •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 77 6. 6. The Econometric Approach . . •••••••••. •. ••••••. •••••••••. •• 79 7.
This research was supported by the World Bank and the Social Sciences and Humanities R~search Council of Canada. Neither institution is responsible for the views expressed in this paper. The author is indebted to V. Corbo, A. Haymer, Y. Kanemoto, K. Lee, K. Mera, Hal Varian and A. Walters for helpful comments and to Elizabeth Lambert, Shehnaz Motani', and Jeanette Leigh Paisley for excellent typing services. I would like to dedicate this book to my wife, Virginia. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction . . . •. . ••. . •. ••. •••. . . . •. . . . . •. •. . . •. . . •. •. •. . •. . . •. ••. • 2. A Simple Producer Benefit Measure . . ••. •••. ••••. •••••••••••. ••••••. • 8 3. Willingness to P~v Functions and Marginal Cost Functions ••••••••••• 15 4. Approximate Benefit Measures 30 5. Problems with the Producer Benefit Measure ••••••••••••• ! ••••••••••• 41 5. 1. Static versus Dynamic Benefit Measures ••••••••••••••••••• 41 5. 2. The Problem of Endogenous Prices for Local Goons ••••••••• 48 5. 3. The Neglect of Consumer Benefits' ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 56 6. Alternative Approaches to Benefit Measurement •••••••••••••••••••••• 70 6. 1. The Questionnaire or Sample Survey Approach •••••••••••••• 70 6. 2. Ex Post Accounting Approaches •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 72 6. 3. Engineering and Mathematical Programming Approaches •••••• 74 6. 4. The Applied General Equilibrium Modelling Approach ~ •••••• 75 6. 5. The Differential Approach •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 77 6. 6. The Econometric Approach . . •••••••••. •. ••••••. •••••••••. •• 79 7.
The nation's physical infrastructure facilitates movement of people and goods; provides safe water; provides energy when and where needed; removes wastes; enables rapid communications; and generally supports our economy and quality of life. Developing a framework for guiding attempts at measuring the performance of infrastructure systems and grappling with the concept of defining good performance are the major themes of this book. Focusing on urban regions, within a context of national policy, the volume provides the basis for further in-depth analysis and application at the local, regional, state, and national levels.
This paper reviews the linkages between infrastructure and economic development based on both formal empirical research and informal case studies. The main thesis is that economic benefits result from investments in infrastructure only to the extent that they generate a sustainable flow of services valued by consumers. Thus, an analysis of infrastructures' contributions to growth must look at the impacts of services as actually perceived, not at indirect indicators that measure only aggregate provision of infrastructure capital. The paper notes that macro and industry level research , although having its limitations, suggest a positive and statistically significant relationship between infrastructure and economic output. However the conclusions derived from this research (most of which derives from developed countries) provide little specific guidance for policy. To gain more practical insights about how infrastructure contributes to economic growth and to improved quality of life, and to understand the welfare costs of inadequate or unreliable infrastructure, it is necessary to look at microeconomic evidence. Particularly interesting illustrations of these relationships are to be found in developing countries where there is wide variance in the availability and quality of infrastructure.
This paper provides methodologies for evaluating consumer benefits of infrastructure services using potentially observable information. We define benefit measures for consumers and, using general principles from the index number literature, derive alternative first and second order approximations to these measures under the assumption of fixed prices for market goods and services. We then describe how the benefit measures and their associated approximations can be used in quantifying the economic benefits when prices are allowed to change endogenously as the provision of infrastructure services changes. In addition, under quite unrestrictive assumptions, a measure of welfare change based only on potentially observable data is derived.
"Policy-makers often call for expanding public spending on infrastructure, which includes a broad range of investments from roads and bridges to digital networks that will expand access to high-speed broadband. Some point to near-term macro-economic benefits and job creation, others focus on long-term effects on productivity and economic growth. This volume explores the links between infrastructure spending and economic outcomes, as well as key economic issues in the funding and management of infrastructure projects. It draws together research studies that describe the short-run stimulus effects of infrastructure spending, develop new estimates of the stock of U.S. infrastructure capital, and explore the incentive aspects of public-private partnerships (PPPs). A salient issue is the treatment of risk in evaluating publicly-funded infrastructure projects and in connection with PPPs. The goal of the volume is to provide a reference for researchers seeking to expand research on infrastructure issues, and for policy-makers tasked with determining the appropriate level of infrastructure spending"--
Abstract: This paper provides an overview of the various channels through which public infrastructure may affect growth. In addition to the conventional productivity, complementarity, and crowding-out effects typically emphasized in the literature, the impact of infrastructure on investment adjustment costs, the durability of private capital, and the production of health and education services are also highlighted. Effects on health and education are well documented in a number of microeconomic studies, but macroeconomists have only recently begun to study their implications for growth. Links between health, infrastructure, and growth are illustrated in an endogenous growth model with transitional dynamics, and the optimal allocation of public expenditure is discussed. The concluding section draws implications of the analysis for the design of strategies aimed at promoting growth and reducing poverty.
This book contains a selection of the papers presented at the symposium on "Decision processes in Economics" which was held in Modena (Italy) on 9-10 October 1989. It coincided with the annual meeting of the italian group on Game Theory; the group is formed by economists, mathematicians, engineers and social scientists. One of the targets of the Meeting, and therefore of the book, is to create an opportunity for having together papers by scientists with an "optimal control" education and papers by theorists on refinement of equilibrium, on repeted games and other topics. These two modes of working on Games are quite different but we think that a unitary approch to Games can be given and this book is an attempt in this direction. Another important and updated issue which is emphisized in the book is the discussion of computation and efficiency of numerical methods in Games. Stochastic differential games are treated in the papers by Basar, Haurie -and Deissemberg. Basar considers a stochastic model of a conflict situation between the monetary policy maker (go vernment) and the responding agent (private sector). Because of asymmetry in the (stochastic) information available the Nash and the Stackelberg games become non standard stochastic diffe rential games. After the discussion of the conditions leading to a solution he provides a numerical example for the proposed game. Haurie considers a game where the observed state changes according to a stochastic jump process.