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Includes profiles & predictions of who the American public will elect based on their moods & the unseen forces known only to a few astrologers & cycles of Saturn & Jupiter. Includes an astrological glossary & presidential facts.
Includes commentary and essays on a variety of subjects as an appendage to the poetry collection.
Daniel Chernilo offers an original reconstruction of the history of universalism in modern social thought from Hobbes to Habermas.
This intriguing Research Essay by Dr. Prof. Tambara Federico aims at consistently linking all what modern Theoretical and Applied Sciences can offer with an unusual and innovative STUDY INVESTIGATION INTO THE SECRET DYNAMICS OF DEVELOPMENT RELATING TO THE MOST IMPORTANT ( AND DRAMATIC ) EVENTS THAT HAVE BEEN MARKING WORLD HISTORY ( in particular throughout the last four centuries ) . This ambitious scientific-philosophical purpose can however be achieved only by means of an unpreceded "HISTORICAL-NUMEROLOGICAL" RECONSTRUCTION AND DECRYPTION OF EVENTS ALONG WITH CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCES : all this in conformity with a universal set criteria or standards of both physical-mathematical and logical-mathematical analysis opportunely applied to major facts, processes and periods throughout Mankind's History. PART I of this Essay is to be a necessary ( as well as fascinating and precious ) introduction for firstly outlining some objective guidelines aimed at the "DECRYPTION" OF AN OVERHUMAN "MATHEMATICAL PROGRAM" REGULATING AND "PUSHING FORWARD" World History since its beginnings and till its future completion : in this regard, the author will herewith try to avoid any possible subjective speculations as well as political-ideological and cultural-philosophical views, in order to keep his own research activity as objective as possible!
The term globalization has gained widespread popularity; yet most treatments are either descriptive and/or focused on changes in economic interconnectivity. In this volume the concept is seen in broader terms as leading international experts from a range of disciplines develop a long-term analysis to address the problems of globalization. The editors and contributors develop a framework for understanding the origins and trajectory of contemporary world trends, constructing testable and verifiable models of globalization. They demonstrate how the evolutionary approach allows us to view globalization as an enterprise of the human species as a whole focusing on the analytical problem of global change and the rules governing those changes. The emphasis is not on broad-based accounts of the course of world affairs but, selectively, on processes that reshape the social of the human species, the making of world opinion and the innovations that animate these developments. Chapters are clustered into four foci. One emphasizes the interpretation of globalization as an explicitly evolutionary process. A second looks at historical sequences of such phenomena as population growth or imperial rise and decline as processes that can be modeled and not purely described. The third cluster examines ongoing changes in economic processes, especially information technology. A final cluster takes on some of the challenges associated with forecasting and simulating the complexities of globalization processes. This innovative and important volume will be of interest to students and scholars across the social sciences concerned with the phenomenon of globalization.
Why are we here?And where are we going?Does science have an answer to these two most fundamental questions of human existence? Can mankind determine and direct the future of life on earth purely by scientific means? Plagued by the failure of modern science to explain the most pressing questions of human existence, many of today's postmoderns are once again boldly going where man has gone before in a desperate final quest for the hidden "holy grail" of cosmology.Erwin Schrödinger, the famed Austrian theoretical physicist who received the Nobel Prize in 1933 for his contributions to quantum mechanics, confided: "[Science] knows nothing of . . . good or bad, God and eternity. . . . Whence came I and whither go I? That is the great unfathomable question. . . . Science has no answer to it."Echoing this dilemma, British astrophysicist Sir Arthur S. Eddington, famous for his work on the theory of relativity in the early 20th century, also reasoned: "Thus, in the physical world, what a body does and what a body ought to do are equivalent; but we are well aware of another domain where they are anything but equivalent.... There is a clear distinction between natural law, which must be obeyed, and moral law, which ought to be obeyed. Ought takes us outside of physics and chemistry."Postmodern thinkers take pride in the perpetual pursuit ot knowledge--but the questions for readers now holding this book are clear: How will you recognize the seemingly elusive chalice of "ultimate truth" when it actually appears? And finally, what will you do with it when this coveted cup is within your grasp?In a sweeping panorama of inquiry and exploration, the timeless quest within these pages leads grail-seekers and skeptics alike to a destiny-altering consideration of the cosmos--and the question of human existence.