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“A wonderfully significant and important book.” —Ken Wilber, The Integral Vision “A timely and penetrating analysis of spirituality’s shadow.” —Stephen Batchelor, Buddhism without Beliefs A spiritual teacher and integral psychotherapist offers a first-of-its-kind study on how we use—and abuse—spiritual beliefs and practices, revealing how to identify and move beyond what holds us back from living life fully. Spiritual bypassing—the use of spiritual beliefs to avoid dealing with painful feelings, unresolved wounds, and developmental needs—is so pervasive that it goes largely unnoticed. The spiritual ideals of any tradition, whether Christian commandments or Buddhist precepts, can provide easy justification for practitioners to duck uncomfortable feelings in favor of more seemingly enlightened activity. When split off from fundamental psychological needs, such actions often do much more harm than good. While other authors have touched on the subject, this is the first book fully devoted to spiritual bypassing. In the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa’s landmark Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism, Spiritual Bypassing provides an in-depth look at the unresolved or ignored psychological issues often masked as spirituality, including self-judgment, excessive niceness, and emotional dissociation. A longtime psychotherapist with an engaging writing style, Masters furthers the body of psychological insight into how we use (and abuse) religion in often unconscious ways. This book will hold particular appeal for those who grew up with an unstructured new-age spirituality now looking for a more mature spiritual practice, and for anyone seeking increased self-awareness and a more robust relationship with themselves and others.
This book introduces the reader to thirteen Christian spiritual classics that illustrate the ordinary steps we can take toward living the Gospel life more fully. Drawing on the rich teaching of a particular saint or mystic, each chapter helps us grow in a different aspect of holiness, of intimacy with God. Archbishop Hughes offers an itinerary for becoming a good disciple of the Lord, giving the reader access to an impressive spiritual library that can support and strengthen progress in discipleship throughout one's life. Among the great saints and spiritual writers whose writings are included in this book are Augustine, Anthony of the Desert, Aelred, Teresa of Avila, Benedict, Guigo, Catherine of Siena, Walter Hilton, Francis de Sales, Ignatius of Loyola, Jean-Pierre de Caussade, Thomas à Kempis, and John of the Cross.
"You have friends in high places. There are masters who have come out of all the world’s great spiritual traditions. These great lights of East and West have graduated from earth’s schoolroom and reunited with Spirit in the process known as the ascension. The masters tell us that they are examples and not exceptions to the rule. We, too, are destined to fulfill our life’s purpose and reunite with Spirit. This intriguing work offers an innovative perspective on the universe and your role in it. In this brilliant blend of East and West, you will discover valuable keys for your own spiritual path. You’ll learn about the relationship between the ascension, nirvana and samadhi, the parallel structure of the spiritual and material universes, the difference between ascended and unascended masters, and the function of the spiritual hierarchy and the role of the masters. The Masters and the Spiritual Path also offers a unique meditation on the bliss of union with Spirit and a breathing exercise to help you balance and expand consciousness."
What is a spiritual master? Spiritual Masters of the World's Religions offers an important contribution to religious studies by addressing that question in the context of such themes as charismatic authority, role models, symbolism, and categories of religious perception. The book contains essays by scholar-practitioners on the topic of spiritual masters in Judaic, Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Confucian, and Daoist traditions. It provides a full spectrum of exemplars, including founders, spiritual masters who highlight cultural themes, and problematic figures of modern times. To define spiritual master, the work of Max Weber, Mircea Eliade, Daniel Gold, and Bruce Lincoln is referenced to provide a balanced notion that includes both religionist and reductionist perspectives. This book takes readers from the past spiritual masters to the future of masters of any sort, posing food for thought about the future of master-disciple relationships in an emerging age of egalitarian sentiments.
This is the story of a young man who was contacted by discarnate spiritual beings who spoke to him through the medium of an ex-monk, some 36 years his senior. It concerns the spiritual training of the younger man given by these Masters, for that is what they were, and although the contact lasted for 21 years, from 1979-1999, the greater part of the book has to do with the first year when the process was at its most intense. Although originally intended for just one individual the training imparted is actually suitable for any spiritual seeker at any level, and there is discussion of many different aspects of the spiritual path as well as elucidation of occasionally controversial points such as the nature of the ego, the problem of evil, the place of sex in the spiritual life, the relevance of spiritual experiences and the function of teachers, all in a form that combines simplicity with depth.
"The great lights who have come out of all the world’s spiritual traditions and graduated from earth’s schoolroom have become widely known as masters. They demonstrate that in the world of Spirit, there is no division of race, religion or philosophy—there is simply oneness, ineffable sweetness and love. What is not so widely known is that these great masters have retreats—temples and cities of light in the heaven world—where we can go in spiritual meditation and while our bodies sleep at night. In this comprehensive work, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet talk about these great masters, the stories of their lives and their magnificent spiritual retreats."
This book is one of the most fascinating of my 40 volume Ascension Book Series. Electrifying reading! This book will leave your absolutely riveted and glued to every chapter. You will not be able to put it down. Spirit and the Masters have systematically revealed the Secrets of the Ages that people have been asking about for the last 2000 years. These are the Secrets from the inner plane Ascended Masters revealed on subjects that have never been discussed before in written form on Earth!
A group of ritual musicians and former slaves brought from sub-Saharan Africa to Morocco, the Gnawa heal those they believe to be possessed, using incense, music, and trance. But their practice is hardly of only local interest: the Gnawa have long participated in the world music market through collaborations with African-American jazz musicians and French recording artists. In this first book in English on Gnawa music and its global reach, author Deborah Kapchan explores how these collaborations transfigure racial and musical identities on both sides of the Atlantic. She also addresses how aesthetic styles associated with the sacred come to inhabit non-sacred contexts, and what new amalgams they produce. Her narrative details the fascinating intrinsic properties of trance, including details of enactment, the role of gesture and the body, and the use of the senses, and how they both construct authentic Gnawa identity and reconstruct historically determined relations of power. Traveling Spirit Masters is a captivating and elucidating demonstration of how and why trance—and indeed all sacred music—is fast becoming a transnational sensation.
Includes excerpts from "Seven storey mountain", "Conjectures of a guilty bystander" and many other works including a chronology of Merton's life.
Six color cover with bleedFour color interior, with bleeds and illustrations/designsCreative use of fonts and color