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The Master's Mind, Your Legacy is about Clarity of Thought; discovering distinctions such as: The mind = intelligence and intellect = knowledge; then examine nature's / life's principles of 'Thought' and 'Mind' : We are the Master of Our Life and hold the Reigns to living Large or small; We are center and vital to a Wonder life and Future.
Enlightenment!-You may spend your whole life seeking it, but never find it. You may never search for it or even know that it's possible, but reach it by accident. And you may live out your life ignorant of its existence, and die having never discovered your highest potential for happiness, self-mastery, and creative brilliance. The enlightened psychologist Abraham Maslow was the first to scientifically describe the fully enlightened person-which he called the "self-actualizing person." Building on Maslow's work through careful biographical study of the lives of self-actualizing people, humanistic psychologist and biographer Roman Gelperin found their enlightenment to stem from a nearly-identical handful of breakthrough experiences, which he will reveal to you in this book. Partly a firsthand account of the author's own accidental enlightenment, and partly a full biography of Abraham Maslow's rise to self-actualization, this book will teach you how to identify, understand, and attain those key experiences of: Unlocking the perennial method of using your mind to its fullest potential Being fully at peace with yourself, by deconstructing your internal conflicts Deriving a near-constant joy, pleasure, and satisfaction from sheer existence Half-creating, half-discovering your driving passion and unique purpose in life Automatically evolving the self-actualizing qualities of total honesty, supreme self-confidence, natural creativity, effortless spontaneity, and independent thinking By the end of this book, you will thoroughly understand what enlightenment is, how and why it occurs, and the ways to pursue it!
What do a stealthy synthetic plant, an eavesdropping sound curtain, and an invisible observer have in common? They are artificial agents working tirelessly in the crime-ridden city of Red Calais for their ingenious Master. They wend their way through the cutthroats, cat burglars and con men of the greatest city of the core world called Idona, challenged by numerous obstacles. Yet it seems that their Master hardly notices the chaos his automated minions are creating...
In this Science fiction story, the hero is Ulysses Paxton, a hero of the First World War. He appears in Barsoom (Mars), where he has been magically transported and becomes the apprentice of a mad scientist.