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On a fateful spring day at Columbine High, others lifted up their torch and joined the crimson path of the martyrs' way. We cannot forget their sacrifice. This story graphically demonstrates why the Church will continue to bear a brilliant torch of God's love to all nations until the day of Christ's glorious return.
On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed twelve fellow students and one teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Two of the victims of the Columbine massacre, Cassie Bernall and Rachel Scott, reportedly were asked by the gunmen if they believed in God. Both supposedly answered 'Yes' and were killed. Within days of their death, Cassie and Rachel were being hailed as modern-day martyrs and are seen by many American evangelicals as the sparks of a religious revival among teenagers. Cassie and Rachel, as innocents martyred for faith, also became useful symbols for those seeking to advance a conservative political agenda and to lay the blame for Columbine at the feet of their liberal opponents. According to police investigators, however, Cassie and Rachel may never have been asked by their killers about God. They may have been simply victims of a senseless crime rather than martyrs to a cause. The Martyrs of Columbine provides a careful examination of the available evidence and attempts to discover what really occurred. Despite these questions the martyr-stories continued to be told and the religious and political use of Cassie and Rachel continues. The popular significance of the martyrs of Columbine persists, and may even be growing. How and why is this happening? The Martyrs of Columbine is a groundbreaking investigation of what this tragedy has come and will come to mean in American religion, politics, and culture.
The legendary treatise on how so many died at the hands of Roman and Pagan aggressors. In good Catholic fashion, the work is heavy on the descriptions, showing who and how and where they died, with attention paid to each and every sin, in graphic detail... with loads of illustrations.
Jibbooms and bobstays! Those two Blackett sisters are back at it again, and Nancy is right there in the thick of it. Their mother (doubtless suffering from exhaustion) has gone off sailing in the North Sea with Captain Flint on a rest cure, but she has allowed her two daughters to stay a fortnight at Beckfoot on the lakeshore with their trusty cook. She's also permitted their two old friends, Dick and Dorothea Callum, to come up for a visit. But when their redoubtable Great Aunt (aka G. A.) hears of their abandonment, she's horrified and off on the next train. The Amazons are dismayed; not only will their solo holiday be ruined but now they'll have to hide their two guests in the woods in an abandoned shepherd's cottage (where they'll be forced to live off the land like savages, ergo "The Picts") while they'll be required to dress up in white pinafores, practice the pianoforte, and recite reams of parlor poetry aloud (ergo "The Martyrs"). Not much stretch here; no one dares trifle with the G.A. As usual with Ransome, the fun is gentle, the action nonstop, and the instructions on everything from tickling trout to setting anchors are precise and informed. Even the formidable maiden aunt proves to have virtues, not the least of which is her ability to say she's sorry. This is the eleventh title in a beloved series that have endeared themselves to three generations of readers, books as credible today as when Ransome penned them on the shores of his beloved Lake District in the 1930s.
The two Blackett sisters are to stay at Beckfoot on the lakeshore with their cook, but when their great aunt hears of the abandonment, she's on the next train.
The Last Martyr focuses on (1) the conflict between science and religion, (2) between atheism and theism, (3) between that philosophy and theology, and, (4) between that which is secular and that which is sacred - from a biblical/Christian perspective - cloaked in the context of contempory fiction. Many, within the Christian community, have protested through pen and pulpit about the derelict state of theChristian mind. This book -- The Last Martyr -- introduces and orients the reader to criticalbiblical/theological thinking -- with a clarity that fosters biblical thought and facilitates Bible comprehension -utilizing the fascinating narration that details the final journey of The Last Martyr! Before the 1st Coming of Christ, God gave John - the Last Prophet - Whose Death Closed The Old TestamentAge. Before the 2nd Coming of Christ, God gives another John. He is John - The Last Martyr - Whose Deathwill Close The New Testament Age.A theological thriller -- The Last Martyr -- Utilizes intriguing biblical symbols and symbolism, allegories,similes, powerful metaphors and other literary devices to increase the readers understanding of biblical truthand to enhance the value of the readers journey with John, the Last Martyr.Readers will explore Extraordinary Places, including Christ Cathedral: The Church Of The Final Judgment;the Grand Library of Christ Cathedral with its Hidden Treasures and Ancient Artifacts; The Chapel of theCandle, plus mysterious Gothic Cathedrals, Ancient Chapels, Labyrinths, Bell Towers and the other-worldlysite of the ancient Menorah whose majestic flames control the flow of time and history. Through The Last Martyr readers will marvel over the powerful imagery of Towering Frescoes depicting theGreat White Throne Judgment, the Judgment Seat of Christ, The Lamb's Book of Life, and many moremysterious medieval motifs and biblical images.
When the enemy slipped into the garden, he robbed Eve and all her daughters of their original purpose, position, and power. But today God is bringing these truths back to women. He is setting His daughters free and showing them their value in His Kingdom.