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This special report examines the management practices and business decisions of special collections libraries with a focus on rare books, manuscripts, maps, and other historical documents. The report profiles the John J. Burns Library of Rare Books and Special Collections at Boston College, the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, the L. Tom Perry Special Collections at Brigham Young University-Provo, the Huntington Library, the Newberry Library, the San Antonio Public Library, the Watkinson Library at Trinity College, the Special Collections Research Center at the University of Southern Illinois-Carbondale, and the Bancroft Library at the University of California-Berkeley. Interviews were conducted in November and December of 2007. Additional information through an online form was provided by San Jose State University Kent State University Map Library AGS Libraries, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and California State University-Chico.
The Survey of Academic & Research Library Journal Purchasing Practices presents data about the journals acquisitions and management practices of an international sample of academic and research libraries. The study reports on a broad range of issues, including: spending trends, use of print vs. electronic access, purchases in ¿bundles¿, purchases through consortia, the role of subscription agents, use and plans for use of open access, attitudes towards the pricing practices of a range of major journal publishers, sources of funding for journal purchases and relations with academic and administrative departments of library parent organizations, and the practical management of the journal acquisition process, among other issues.
This special report looks at the management and development of America[alpha]s thriving special collections in .lm and photography. The report pro.les the following collections: The University of Louisville, the Photographic Archives; the University of Utah[alpha]s Multimedia Collection; The American Institute of Physics[alpha] Emilio Segre Visual Archives; The News.lm Library at the University of South Carolina; The University of California, Berkeley Paci.c Film Archive; the UCLA Film and Television Archive, the Vanderbilt University Television News Archive; The National Archives and Records Administration[alpha]s Special Media Preservation Laboratory; the University of Washington[alpha]s Digital Initiatives. The report covers digitization of photographs and .lm, special collection marketing, collection procurement, funding and .nancing, approaches for optimizing both sales revenues and educational uses, development of web-based sale and distribution systems for photography and .lm, systems to assure copyright compliance, the development of online searchable databases, and many other aspects of .lm and photography special collection management.
This newly revised and updated edition of the classic resource on museum marketing and strategy provides a proven framework for examining marketing and strategic goals in relation to a museum's mission, resources, opportunities, and challenges. Museum Marketing and Strategy examines the full range of marketing techniques and includes the most current information on positioning, branding, and e-marketing. The book addresses the issues of most importance to the museum community and shows how to Define the exchange process between a museum's offerings and consumer value Differentiate a museum and communicate its unique value in a competitive marketplace Find, create, and retain consumers and convert visitors to members and members to volunteers and donors Plan strategically and maximize marketing's value Achieve financial stability Develop a consumer-centered museum
This report presents approximately 70 tables of data exploring how full time college students in the United States view and use their college library¿s e-book collection. The data in the report is based on a representative sample of more than 400 full time college students in the United States. Data is broken out by 16 criteria including gender, grade point average, major field of study, income level of students and type, size of college, and mean SAT acceptance score of colleges, among other variables. The report is designed to give college librarians, educational researchers, publishers and others critical demographic information on the student use of college library e-book collections. Just a few of the report¿s many findings are that:¿30.42% of the students in the sample say that they have received any form of in or out of class training from a college librarian in how to use the library¿s e-book collection. ¿Only a sixth of students in colleges with a mean SAT score greater than 1950 say that they have received e-book collection training from college librarians. ¿Less than 17% of community college students found library e-book collections useful or very useful.
The name “Historical Society” or “Historic House” has a bad rap. Before potential visitors even know your museum, they may assume it’s not for them, even if you lead progressive, inclusive tours and host innovative programs. If you’re part of the leadership team of a historic house museum or historical society, you may have considered rebranding -- either renaming your organization or developing a new look – to be more appealing to a younger, more diverse audience or to reflect changes to your mission, interpretation, site, etc. Using examples from museums of all sizes across the country, this book helps you decide whether to move forward with a rebranding effort and give you a concrete outline to work from. The book will help you: Decide if you should rebrand (and that you’re not just putting lipstick on a pig) Nitty-gritty details about how to go about it How to react when someone says you’re making a huge mistake How much it will cost and where you can cut corners How to evaluate what you’ve done. Rebranding: A Guide forHistoric Houses, Museums, Sites and Organizations is a step-by-step guide that helps Executive Directors, Board members, and staff at history organizations decide if it’s time to rebrand and, if so, how to go about it. The book will guide readers through the process of deciding if a rebranding is in order, testing ideas, developing a plan and budget, implementing the launch, and even handling naysayers. It’s an essential guide for anyone rebranding a history organization.
Data in the report is based on a survey of 75 academic, public and special libraries. Librarians detail their plans on how they plan to develop their e-book collections, what they think of e-book readers and software, and which e-book aggregators and publishers appeal to them most and why. Other issues covered include: library production of e-books and collection digitization, e-book collection information literacy efforts, use of e-books in course reserves and inter-library loan, e-book pricing and inflation issues, acquisition sources and strategies for e-books and other issues of concern to libraries and book publishers.
Of main findings -- Departmental assessment -- Standardized testing -- Assessment office -- Student assessment of instuctors -- Evaluation of adjunct faculty -- Faculty involvement in assessment -- Tutoring -- Assessing student services -- Assessment environment -- Curriculum changes -- Use of benchmarking data -- Use of consultants and services -- Post graduation assessment -- Assessing assessment.
Of key findings. Description of university, library, and staffing -- Cataloging productivity -- New technologies, enhancement of online catalogs -- Transition to metadata standards -- Cataloging of web sites and digital, special collections -- Library catalog/ metadata training and presentation -- Database maintenance, holdings, and physical processing -- Relationship with acquisitions departments -- Staff education -- Other issues facing library cataloging staff -- Curry College -- The University of North Dakota -- Haverford College -- University of Washington -- Yale University -- Brigham Young University -- Illinois State University -- Louisiana State University -- Pennsylvania State University.