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Dien Bien Phu. Saigon. Hanoi. In 1954, they were only exotic names from a French campaign halfway around the world. But now American fighting men--proven on the bloody beaches of Normandy and in the minefields of Korea--are summoned to help beat back the guerilla forces of Ho Chi Minh. To some, the "secret" war in Indochina was the depth of folly. To others, like the Majors, it pointed to the heights of glory...
In this in-depth look at major league sports, Eric Leifer traces the growth and development of major leagues in baseball, football, basketball, and hockey, and predicts fundamental changes as the majors pursue international expansion. He shows how every past expansion of sports publics has been accompanied by significant changes in the way sporting competition is organized. With each reorganization, the majors have created teams closer in ability, bringing repetition to competition across time, only to expand and energize the public's search for differences between teams and for events that disrupt the repetitive flow. The phenomenal success of league sports, Leifer writes, rests on their ability to manufacture inequalities for fans to latch on to without jeopardizing the equalities that draw fans in. Leifer supports his theory with historical detail and statistical analysis. He examines the special concerns of league organizers in pursuing competitive balance and presents a detailed analysis of how large-city domination has been undermined in the modern era of Major League Baseball. Using games from the four major league sports, he then shows how fans can themselves affect the course of competition. In NFL football, for example, fans account for nearly all of the persisting inequality in team performance. The possibility of sustaining inequality among equals emerges from the cross-pressures that fans and leagues place on competition. With substantial data in hand, Leifer asks the essential question facing the leagues today: how can they sustain a situation that depends entirely on simultaneous equality and contention, one in which fan involvement may evaporate as soon as one team dominates? His answer has significant implications for the future of major league sports, both nationally and internationally.
Major Mark Patterson (retired USMC) is a simple man with a great love for family, friends, and most of all, his country! He has faced many enemies of the latter. This time, he is involved in the taking down of a man who is trying to ruin his loves! Jose Chicaro is just this kind of man he despises! Mark takes this personally, and he goes after Chicaro with a vengeance! He has just a few friends to help him on this quest to stop the drug cartel, one of them being Colonel John Stork (Jon)--his old and dear friend! Together they go after Chicaro to try and stop this threat to all our freedoms!
This book explores the unique relationships between professional baseball teams and the unique ways professional baseball leagues are organized in North America with a primary focus on how proximity can and does impact consumer demand. Perhaps more than any other matter that arises in the business of baseball, proximity to other professional baseball teams is a concern that has uniquely shaped professional baseball leagues in North America. It is this particular component in how professional baseball leagues are organized that suggests building a proximity-based approach to studying the economics of minor league baseball. This book opens up new ways to study minor league baseball, specifically, and sports leagues more generally. So even as advanced technology has eliminated some of the need for fans to be in close proximity to the teams they love to follow, there is still a need to understand more completely how proximity matters can impact the way professional baseball leagues are structured and how that structure can ultimately impact the quality of the games that entertain sports fans everywhere. This book will be of interest to both sports economists and practitioners.
This reference work is a complete source for the results of each of golf's major tournaments (the Master's Tournament, U.S. Open, British Open Championship, and PGA Championship). Information includes the final position, round-by-round score, and complete major tournament record of every golfer, including those that didn't finish, to have participated in a major. Appendices list all players with possible name variations or for whom there is conflicting data.
An in-depth look at the top 200 college majors and a guide to 3600 colleges offering any or all of these programs.
The only book that describes majors in depth and lists the colleges that offer them.