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This book deals with a well-known and widespread phenomenon in medieval Islam which has not been studied in detail. The Majlis (pl. Majalis) is a forum devoted to interreligious polemics, as well as to the discussion of a variety of other topics. The concept and practise of the Majlis are examined from different angles by ten scholars. approach (H. Kuhne).
Before opening its seasonal Art Village in the Qatari Desert, the Caravane Foundation brings the first of its eight principal structures, the Majlis, to the re-designed wild-flower garden of the Abbazia di San Giorgio Maggiore at the 2020 Venice Biennale. Inspired by nomadic architecture, the Majlis is made from the most renewable building material on earth - bamboo - and shrouded in textiles handwoven in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. Traditionally, a Majlis is the place where people come together to deepen their connection with each other. In this case, it will help to reflect on the Biennale theme: How will we live together? In recognition of its cultural significance in the Arabian Peninsula, the Majlis is inscribed on UNESCO's 'Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity'. This intervention explores the careful sourcing of materials, ethical processes of production and the legacy of the Majlis. The Foundation, with its international array of individuals and in dialogue with the Benedictine community, aims to restore a collective awareness of the sacred interconnectivity between Humans, Culture and Nature through craftsmanship, art, innovation, agriculture and education.00Exhibition: collateral event at the Venice Biennale, Italy (23.05.-29.11.2020).
This volume offers a reconstruction of the court culture of the taifa kings of al-Andalus (11th century A.D.), using both visual and textual evidence. A focus of particular attention is the court of the Banū Hūd at Zaragoza, and that dynasty's palace, the Aljafería. Principle written sources are not histories and chronicles, but the untranslated poetic anthologies of al-ḥimyarī and al-Fatḥ ibn Khāqān. The first part of the book addresses taifa visual and literary languages, with especial emphasis on connections between the literary and visual aspects of taifa aesthetics. The sections on the Aljafería's ornamental program will be of particular interest, not only to historians of Islamic art, but to students of all visual traditions with strong non-figural components. In addition, Part One also proposes that taifa court culture has been considered as a culture of "courtly love," and this argument also forms the point of departure for Part Two. The second part of the study uses luxury objects of Islamic and Limousine production as a point of departure for a detailed comparison of the thematics of taifa poetry in classical Arabic on the themes of courtly love and pleasures with those of the better-known Provençal tradition.
The Politics of State Intervention: Gender Politics in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran examines how three culturally and religiously interconnected neighboring states have sought to regulate the lives of their female populace in order to gauge how successful, or unsuccessful, these efforts have been at the grassroots level. Utilizing a historical framework, it explores the gender specific policies of these states to assess whether or not shared cultural, religious, and social characteristics translate into similar gender policies and outcomes across borders, and if not, why. Through comparison, it conclusively identifies social and political roadblocks that threaten both the long term prospects and security for all females; as well as factors that tend to somewhat ameliorate detrimental tendencies.
A country of extreme strategic importance, Iran has undergone profound, often dramatic, changes. Its geo-political importance and rich resources have always made Iran a prime target for the covetous eyes of mighty world powers. With its unique geographical position, Iran has been the main center for superpower rivalries with its rulers seeking protection from one power against the other.It also aims at providing a comprehensive and objective consideration of the major contemporary issues, examining the factors which brought down a regime which was loyal to and an ally of the United States and the clerical-led movement which toppled the pro-Western Shah`s regime.
This path-breaking work traces the history of the political exclusion of the Ahmadiyya religious minority in Pakistan by drawing on revealing new sources. This volume is the first-ever scholarly study of the declassified material of the court of inquiry that produced the Munir-Kiyani report of 1954, and the proceedings of the national assembly that declared the Ahmadis as non-Muslims through the second constitutional amendment in 1974. The book chronicles the details of anti-Ahmadi violence and the legal and administrative measures adopted against them, and also addresses wider issues of politics of Islam in postcolonial Muslim nation-states and their disputative engagements with the ideas of modernity and citizenship.
Allah created the earth and then bestowed on man His favor to extract sustenance from it. He also creates the sun moon and the stars to create a just equilibrium and harmony in the universe. The sun provides energy for the growth, sustenance and wellbeing of the humans’ plants and the animals. Gradually man began to extract more than his personal needs from the earth and the boom of economics, trade and commerce started, creating, cycle’s imbalance, disharmony, wars, poverty, and injustice throughout the globe. This disharmony caused by greed not only blemished the humans, but the animal life also suffered by disappearance of species. Pollution and contamination of the environment resulted from race to accumulate and hoard the world’s wealth in a few hands. Man, disobeyed Allah’s universal laws and Allah’s Covenant. In return for all of Allah’s favors Allah commands: Justice, Al-‘Adl. Justice, fairness honesty, integrity and even-handed dealings are a prerequisite of every Muslim’s conduct when dealing with others whether socially or in business transaction Doing what is good and that is beautiful. Al-Ihsan. This attribute includes every positive quality such as goodness, beautiful, pleasing, harmony. Human beings have an obligation to do what is wholesome and beautiful in their relationship with Allah and His creatures. Provide for those near to you, qurba and kith and kin. Help them with wealth, kindness, compassion, humanity, and sympathy. Allah forbids Al-Fahasha, all evil deeds, lies, false testimony, fornication, selfishness, ingratitude, greed, and false belief. One must fulfill the Covenant of Allah and who so ever does beautiful and righteous deeds Allah will give him or her new life and reward them with greater wages. Allah commands justice, the doing of good and liberality to kith and kin and He forbids all shameful deeds and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition. Fulfill the Covenant of Allah when ye have entered into it and break not your covenants after ye have confirmed them: indeed, ye have made Allah your surety; for Allah knows all that you do. (Qur’an 16:90-91)ô Whoever works righteousness, man or woman and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best their actions. (Qur’an16:97) Tawhid the main pillar off Islam signifies that human’s economic life depends wholly on Allah’s Laws of the universe that their relationship to those who believe is through the obedience to the Covenant of Allah. Allah maintains in the Qur’an that there is no creature on earth the responsibility of whose sustenance is not assumed by Allah. No creature crawls on earth that Allah does not nourish. He knows its essential nature and its varying forms; every detail has its place in the obvious plan. (Qur’an 11:6) How are the people in need provided for their sustenance and needs of daily lives? All wealth belongs to Allah who bestows it on some persons more than others. This wealth is given in trust, whereby the possessor is obliged to give the surplus in Allah’s cause, to his kin, to the widows and orphans and to the needy first in his community and then in the other communities around him. Wealth is to be shared so that not a single individual of the Ummah, or indeed in the world should go hungry or without education and shelter.
As Asia increases in economic and geopolitical significance, it is necessary to better understand the region’s intelligence cultures. The Handbook of Asian Intelligence Cultures explores the historical and contemporary influences that have shaped Asian intelligence cultures as well as the impact intelligence service have had on domestic and foreign affairs. In examining thirty Asian countries, it considers the roles, practices, norms and oversight of Asia’s intelligence services, including the ends to which intelligence tools are applied. The book argues that there is no archetype of Asian intelligence culture due to the diversity of history, government type and society found in Asia. Rather, it demonstrates how Asian nations’ histories, cultures and governments play vital roles in intelligence cultures. This book is a valuable study for scholars of intelligence and security services in Asia, shedding light on understudied countries and identifying opportunities for future scholarship.