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A complete guide to learning magic. "One of the best books on magic that has been written in the twentieth century, and one of the best introductions to magic written in any century."--Colin Wilson
The Magicians describes the experiences of the author, a sociologist-anthropologist, who spent six months as a participant observer in a black magic group. In the book, this California-based national secret magical and religious group is called the "Church of Hu", though it has become nationally known as the Temple of Set. Members of the group, mostly from the well-educated middle class, consider themselves an elect and seek to develop themselves magically to achieve power. The Magicians looks at the group's beliefs, attitudes, and values, and shows how its focus on power and magic affects the members in everyday life. The book also discusses the dynamics involved in the search for power and considers the danger to society of groups using black magic to achieve power.
David Conway's Magic: An Occult Primer is a seminal work that brought magical training to the every-magician in the early 70s. David is an articulate writer presenting the mysteries in a very workable manner for the serious student. Along with the updated texts on philosophy and practical magic is a plethora of graphics that have all been redrawn, promising to be another collector's edition published by The Witches' Almanac. The book is divided into two sections: "Magical Theory" and "Magical Practice." "Magical Theory" presents a very concise accounting of the philosophy behind magic. Conway begins with a exposé of magic within the confines of natural law, taking the time to meticulously find corollary for the basis of magic. He then takes us into an exposition of the Kabbalah and broader cosmological concerns. Conway drills down into daily practice and further explores the basic training necessary for a magician in this day and age. "Magical Practice" begins with the preparations necessary for the practice of magic. Conway begins this section with several tables of correspondences that will prove helpful to even the advanced magician. He continues with an examination of the timing of rituals as well as the place and ritual equipment necessary for rites. Conway then provides master rituals presented for both Kabbalistic and Egyptian approaches. He also presents detail on astral projection, talismanic magic, and prophecy. Magic: An Occult Primer ends with appendices that present detailed magical recipes, an examination of magical alphabets, and an extensive occult Who's Who.
Empire. Revolution. Magic. Gerrit is the son of Bourshkanya’s Supreme-General. Despite his powerful storm-affinity and the State’s best training, he can’t control his magic. To escape the brutal consequences, he flees. Celka is a travelling circus performer, hiding both her link to the underground and her storm-affinity from the prying eyes of the secret police. But Gerrit’s arrival threatens to expose everything: her magic, her family, and the people they protect. The storms have returned, and everything will change.
DEVILRY is a 600 Page Book of Secrets featuring the entire collection of independent publications from Daniel Madison, from 2000 to 2020. This final 2019 'redemption' edition of Madison's work contains 27 chapters and an astonishing 400 Deceptions, Magic Tricks and Sleight-of-Hand techniques with a deck of playing cards. This is Madison's entire lifetime body-of-work, completely updated page-by-page to include recent publications including Anglezero, Rock Bottom and 52 by MADISON. Riddled with groundbreaking, revolutionary and proven reputation-making material, including everything that has been in Madison's repertoire and everything that he devised whilst consulting for the biggest names in the world of Magic. This is Madison's Bible, this is the one and only book that Madison's students need for complete devotion and training in the Deceptive Arts from the master himself. This IS Daniel Madison, this is DEVILRY.
The market square where various streets and alleys meet: around it, shops and stalls with every variety of merchandise - silks, earthenware, spices; open-fronted workshops of tailors and shoemakers. To the right, a row of fruit stalls; flat-roofed houses of two and three stories with many balconies, some hung with carpets and others strewn with washing. To the left, on a roof a tea shop further on, children are playing; two monkeys are climbing on the cornices. Behind the houses are seen winding streets leading to the mountain houses, mosques, minarets, gardens, palaces, Christian churches, Hindu temples, and pagodas. In the distance, on the mountain is seen the tower of an old fortress. Amongst the crowd moving about the alleys and the market square, types of almost every Asiatic people are to be met with, clad in their national costumes: a Persian with dyed beard; an Afghan all in white, with proud and bold expression; a Baluchistani in a white turban with a sharp peak to it and short white sleeveless coat with a broad belt, out of which stick several knives: a half-naked Hindu Tamil, the front of his head shaved and a white and red fork, the sign of Vishnu, painted on his forehead;. a native of Khiva wearing a huge black fur cap and a thickly wadded coat: a yellow-robed Buddhist monk, his head shaved and a prayer-wheel in his hand; an Armenian in a black ‘chooka’ with a silver belt and a black Russian forage cap; a Tibetan in a costume resembling the Chinese, bordered with valuable furs; also Bokharis, Arabs, Caucasians and Turkomans. The merchants cry their wares, inviting customers; beggars with whining voices beg for alms; a sherbet-vendor amuses the crowd with a witty song. A street barber, shaving the head of a venerable old ‘hadji’ recounts the news and the gossip of the town to a tailor who dines in the adjoining eating house. A funeral procession passes through one of the alleys; in front is a ‘mullah’ and behind him the corpse is borne on a bier covered with a pall, followed by the women mourners. In another alley a fight is in progress and all the boys run there to watch. On the right, a fakir with outstretched arms, his eyes fixed on one point sits on an antelope skin. A rich and important merchant passes along ignoring the crowd, his servants follow him, carrying baskets laden with purchases. Then appear some exhausted beggars, half-naked and covered with dust, evidently just arrived from some famine area. At one shop Kashmir and other shawls and materials are brought out and shown to customers. Opposite the tea shop, a snake-charmer seats himself and is at once surrounded by a curious crowd. Donkeys pass by, laden with baskets. Women walk along, some wearing the ‘chuddar’ and others with unveiled faces. A humpbacked old woman stops near the fakir and with a devout air, puts money into the coconut almsbowl standing near him. She touches the skin on which he is seated and goes away: pressing her hands to her forehead and eyes. A wedding procession moves by: in front are gaily dressed children, behind them buffoons, musicians and drumbeaters. The towncrier passes, shouting at the top of his voice. From an alley is heard the din of the copper-smith’s hammers. Everywhere there is noise, sound, movement, laughter, scolding, prayers, bargaining - life bubbling over.