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THE LULL-A-BABY SLEEP GUIDE: AN ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO IMPROVING A CHILD’S SLEEP QUALITY FOR BETTER GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Sleep troubles come in many forms, but the four-month sleep regression of a baby can be easily distinguished from other issues if parents know what to look for. Newborns wake only when they are done sleeping or when they have a competing need, such as hunger, discomfort, or needing a diaper change. Around the third or fourth month, everything changes, and parents may find that their babies who once spent six to nine hours asleep at night are now waking every one to two! Those deep, dark hours of the night can be very painful. However, parents should also understand how magical, beautiful, and joyful this time of their life can be, too. Table of Contents Introduction STAGES OF SLEEP AND SLEEP CYCLES SLEEP ASSOCIATIONS: THE UNDERLYING CAUSE OF FREQUENT WAKING Sleeping Conditions Fatigue and Overtiredness Rituals Association Safety Breastfeeding No-Cry Strategies Why do Children Develop Sleep Problems? What is Sleep Coaching & When Can We Start? Setting A Good Sleep Routine Relaxing Food, Products, And Music To Stimulate Sleep Additional Baby Sleeping Tips My Young Child Won’t Sleep: The Solution Solution 1: The Robotic-Return-to-Bed Method Solution 2: The Happy-Routine Method My Older Child Won’t Sleep: My Child Constantly Thinks and Worries at Night The Solution My Child Just Doesn’t Feel Sleepy at Night The Solution Conclusion
“Dr Tobin’s breakthrough discovery will revolutionize how new parents put their babies to bed! Read this book and sleep better tonight.” Michele Borba, Ed.D., author of 12 Simple Secrets Real Moms Know and Parents DO Make a Difference What if I were to tell you that I’ve uncovered a secret that enables very young babies to sleep through the night—and that with the information I’m about to divulge in this book, you can begin to reap the benefits tonight? Never again will new parents have to endure sleepless nights. Dr. Cathryn Tobin, a distinguished pediatrician, has discovered a secret that enables very young babies to sleep through the night. Discover the brand new strategy that solves all of your baby’s sleep-time difficulties before they start. The Lull-a-Baby Sleep Plan will show you how to charm your tiny baby into sleepy contentment, how to avoid the most common bedtime mistakes loving parents make, and how to use your baby’s magical window of opportunity (the “WOO”) to enjoy soothing, “feel good” bedtimes, starting right now. “Anyone who has struggled to put a baby to bed, night after night, will appreciate Dr Tobin’s honest, direct and practical approach.” Julia Rosien, Senior Editor, ePregnancy Magazine Cathryn Tobin, M.D., is a pediatrician, a trained midwife, and a member of the Canadian Paediatric Society and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. She has been speaking on parenting issues for more than twenty years. Visit her on the Web at
THE LULL-A-BABY SLEEP GUIDE Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems: Helping Your Child Develop Good Sleep Practices (Part 3) Baby sleep training is pretty much simple— it’s about getting your baby to sleep. But it does not, and will not, end there. After your baby has gone to dreamland, there are instances when he’ll wake up in the middle of the night, and then won’t go to sleep, no matter how much you beg for him to do it. Baby sleep training is getting your baby to sleep, and helping him stay asleep through the night. Whether you are pregnant, a young parent or an experienced one who wants to resemble all the peculiarities of early motherhood, anyone will benefit and find something useful for him/herself. Some babies will be able to develop a regular sleeping habit with little help. Others will have a difficult time. During those difficult times, you’ll need help. And this book will be your guidance. Don’t worry, once your baby gets used to a certain routine, he’ll be able to stick to it. It is just a matter of starting it right, When can you incorporate baby sleep training? Newborn will typically have no problems getting sleep. All they will be doing day in and day out is sleep because they are still trying to adjust to the outside world. During these times, when the baby cries, be sure to be immediately at his side. This will help him develop trust, knowing that whenever something is wrong, someone will be there to tend to him. You will find there more information about rituals, sleeping techniques, before sleeping games and a great deal of other useful secrets for young parents. The answers will be composed by me as a psychologist, not a mom, this time.
The Lull-A-Baby Sleep Guide (Part 4) Baby Personality Hacks for Better Sleep: An Essential Guide to Understanding Baby Personality and How Does It Affect Sleep Being a new parent is an exciting and joyous event. The party ends however, once you realize having a baby means long, sleepless, and frustrating nights. You will then start to long for the times when you’re overly demanding albeit cute little angel wasn't born yet. Have you run out of ways to solve this? If yes, don't fret because you are not alone. There are millions of new parents who are going through the same battle. One common mistake parents commit is believing that there is a single magic bullet which will solve this kind of problem. The truth is there is no single solution because every baby and every parent are different. That is why in this book I am not going to recommend a uniform solution to baby sleep issues. I will instead help you formulate a strategy that will best fit you and your baby's situation. Here you will find parent-approved tactics and time-tested approaches to sending your baby to slumber land. These tips will turn nightmares to sweet dreams both for you and your baby's sake.
Aren’t babies precious? So is sleep. Your baby is capable of sleeping through the night and this book will show you how. A whip smart and entertaining guide that focuses on WHY babies sleep the way they do, this book arms you with evidence-based and flexible tools that work for every unique situation so that you can teach your baby how to sleep well. This book will help you tackle the thorniest sleep snags, including: > Navigating the tricky newborn phase like a pro > Getting your child to truly sleep through the night > Weaning off the all-night buffet > Mastering the precarious tango that is healthy napping > Solving toddler and preschooler sleep struggles Sleep expert Alexis Dubief, of the wildly popular website, podcast, and group Precious Little Sleep, imparts effective, accessible, and flexible strategies based on years of research that will dramatically improve your child’s sleep. You’ll love the practical solutions and the way she presents them. And it works! Buy it now.
Sheyne Rowley became known as The Australian Baby Whisperer because of the highly successful philosophy she developed to show parents how to assist their babies to be calm, content, happy and to sleep without stress. In this concise, easy - to - read book, Sheyne outlines the skills you and your baby need for good sleep. These include: teaching your baby how to cope with being put in their cot awake; guiding your baby using confident, respectful and clear communication; and showing your baby they can cope with you leaving the room before sleep through activities that help them become comfortable and relaxed in their own space. Your child's sleep will be transformed by Sheyne's tried and tested strategies including showing how to identify your child's individual sleep needs - which might be low, average or high; and communicating respectfully and gently with your baby so you can ask them to go to sleep without tears and tantrums. This book will equip you with all the skills you need to get your baby to sleep confidently and independently, without the old fashioned one - size - fits - all routine and control - crying method. After years of working closely with thousands of families, Sheyne's first book, Dream Baby Guide, was absolutely comprehensive. This new condensed version will be a sanity saver for exhausted, time - poor parents desperate to show their baby how to sleep - and have some blissful slumber themselves.
Everything you need to know about getting your baby or toddler to sleep -- from America's foremost baby and childcare experts. Babies don't automatically know how to sleep through the night; they need to be taught. The Sears family has learned from decades of pediatric practice, bolstered by their own parenting experiences, that different babies have different nighttime temperaments -- and, of course, different families have different lifestyles. Instead of espousing the kind of "one method fits all" approach advocated in other baby sleep guides, the Sears family explains how you can create a sleep plan that suits the needs of your entire family. With a sharp focus on the practical tools and techniques, The Baby Sleep Book covers such topics as: The facts of infant sleep vs. adult sleep Figuring out where, when, and how your child sleeps best Fail-safe methods for soothing a crying infant How to make night nursing easier, and how to stop Nighttime fathering tips Whether co-sleeping makes sense for you Nap-time strategies that work Medical and physical causes of night waking Sleep habits in special situations such as traveling, teething, and illness
Just imagine... Two weeks from now your baby could be sleeping soundly at night and during naps! With this incremental method, you give your baby the gift of sleep skills a little more each night. This guide is for tired families who need a change in how days and nights feel. It is for parents who want to support and guide their baby through this exciting change without buying any new gizmos or gadgets that promise better sleep, only to disappoint. Whether you are ready for your baby to sleep through the night, you want to help your little one transition to his or her own room or crib, or you have spent months or years practicing sleep habits that are no longer sustainable and are ready for positive changes that will last, it is my hope that this gimmick-free guide, rooted in research and experience, can set your whole family on a path of life-changing sleep. What's Inside? Information about your baby's sleep, including the latest recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, sleep needs at every age and stage, optimal schedules, routine ideas, and the vast benefits of great sleep for everyone in your family. Interactive worksheets to help you individualize this program for your unique baby or child: Set goals, create the perfect sleep environment, and build routines around sleep that work for your family. THREE 2-week plans based on your baby's age and current sleep habits that coach you through each day and night. Each plan is based on an incremental and supportive method that respects your baby's development and learning abilities. No more guess work! Sleep trouble-shooting for everything from naps and sleep regressions to travel and illness so your hard work lasts for a lifetime. Plus much more! This is the guide I needed as a new mom, and now I've created it for you! All content, images, photographs, and logos copyrighted by Jenni Frizzell-Fuller and SlumberBaby Sleep Consulting, 2018.