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The Lost Spellweaver begins the Elfdreams series. Set in ancient Parallan, the tale chronicles events that occurred long before the Draiths came to prominence in the World of the Three Suns. When the wandering gray sun Andreas draws near Parallan, Magick touches the dwellers of the primitive world. Only during the Approximations of Andreas are Spellweavers born to the forest dwellers, the Drelves. Generations of Drelves went about their lives, lived in harmony with the forest, and harvested the tubers of the enhancing plant, which grew only in the exotic Green Vale, the home of the Thirttene friends and one of only two green places in the mostly orange-yellow World of the Three Suns. The Drelves' enemies, gnarly goblin-like Kiennites and powerful wolf-faced Drolls, assailed the forest folk at every opportunity. After many Approximations resulted in no Spellweavers, twin Spellweavers are born and kindle the Drelves' hopes. Wisps of Magick connect other worlds to Parallan. Masters of the powerful ability Translocation, Dreamraiders use these threads of Magick to influence events in Parallan. What motivates the Dreamraiders? Can dreams come true? Should dreams come true? Deathquest to Parallan, the Orb of Chalar, The Death of Magick, The Chalice of Mystery, and The Dawn of Magick... The Donothor and Parallan series...a different kind of Sci-Fi/fantasy.
Drelvish Spellweavers are born during approximations of the Gray Sun Andreas. The gifts of Andreas to the People of the Forest, the ancient spell book, replicates at a Spellweavers birth. Rarely Grayness bequeaths Magick to a diverse lot, unwonted Spellweavers, who are not Drelvish, dwell in other realms, and connected to Drelvedom by wisps of Magick and threads of fate. Magick oft comes at high cost. Sometimes the unwonted gifts of Grayness are also unwanted. Albtrume . . .
This version is for distribution. The Spellweaver presents an alternate, skill-based magic system that transforms arcane magic into something more than just level climbing. Includes: - Instructions for integrating spellweaving into your game - Spellweaver Base Class & 4 Archetypes - 4 Prestige Classes: the Battle Weaver, Cartomancer, Fated, and Weave Dancer - 30+ new feats concerning this new magic system and notes on how existing feats relate to Spellweaving - A new race of natural spellweavers, the spider-like Ardekh - A new, Spellweaving-based goddess, a new cleric domain, new spells, and new magic items related to Spellweaving - 5 new creatures, a new hazard, the Weave creature subtype, and a new creature template - Rules for lands where the Weave acts abnormally - All PSSRD spells converted to Spellweaving DC to save you time
This version is for distribution. The Spellweaver presents an alternate, skill-based magic system that transforms arcane magic into something more than just level climbing. Includes: - Instructions for integrating spellweaving into your game - Spellweaver Base Class & 4 Archetypes - 4 Prestige Classes: the Battle Weaver, Cartomancer, Fated, and Weave Dancer - 30+ new feats concerning this new magic system and notes on how existing feats relate to Spellweaving - A new race of natural spellweavers, the spider-like Ardekh - A new, Spellweaving-based goddess, a new cleric domain, new spells, and new magic items related to Spellweaving - 5 new creatures, a new hazard, the Weave creature subtype, and a new creature template - Rules for lands where the Weave acts abnormally - All PSSRD spells converted to Spellweaving DC to save you time
The First Wandmaker continues the Elfdreams series. Buoyed by Magick, Drelves prevail against the forces of Aulgmoor and their embittered leader Saligia. War costs the Drelves dearly. Leadership of the forest people falls on the shoulders of the beautiful young Teacher and even younger Spellweaver. Conflicts embroil all peoples of Parallan, including Drelves, Drolls, Kiennites, dryads, water sprites, tree sprites, tree harders, and rare healers calledMenders. Threads of Magick connect other peoples, places, and times to Parallan. Dreamraiders use the power of Translocation, meddle in the affairs of the World of the Three Suns, and pit Drelve against Drelve, brother against brother, and Spellweaver against Spellweaver. What motivates the powerfulDream Master? What secrets do mysterious gray stones hold? What roles have the mysterious Thirttene Friends and a greenish Drelvish Menderish, Spellweaverishfellow? Escape to an elfdream! Deathquest to Parallan, the Orb of Chalar, the Death of Magick, the Chalice of Mystery, the Dawn of Magick, and The Lost Spellweaver... The Donothor and Elfdreams of Parallan series...different Sci-Fi/ Fantasy.
Emerald Islands continues the Elfdreams series and chronicles events in worlds connected by threads of Magick. The Dream Master's plans are thwarted. He sends the Dreamraider to a blue world with a single sun where she seeks lost artifacts and conscripts exceptional inhabitants. Stone circles and gifts of the mysterious Sandman facilitate travel to the World of Three Suns, where the conscripts join forces with Drelves battling overwhelming odds. The Lost Spellweaver has not returned. Can another take his place? Are the Sandman and Dream Master folloming a collision course? worlds.
The Wandmaker's Burden continues the Elfdreams series. The First Wandmaker and his followers translocate from their beloved Lost Sons, establish a new home in a great underworld cavern, and cross paths with. the mysterious Dream Raiders. The transplanted Drelves encounter Carcharians, Duoths, Shellies, Bugwullies, Pollywoddles, Boxjellies, sea lions, Mountain Giants, cave wargs, and sea elves. Yannuvia has drunk from the Cup of Dark Knowledge, sipped the Seventh Nectar, walked in the gray light, and used the Dream Master's wand. Mender's blood has touched him. 13 limbed monsters, perplexing enemies, steadfast friends, and seductive temptresses complicate the Wandmaker's life. Are Carcharians allies? Are Duoths enemies? How will the Central Sphere and its 88 satellites aid the First Wandmaker? What powers will the Omega Stones bestow? What of the mysterious graparbles and beautiful sea elf Piara? What is the cost of the Dream Raider's help? Will Yannuvia make the right choices?Can he bear the Wandmaker's burden?
The Menders Tomb continues the Elfdreams series. Steadfast friends, Magick, many wands, the Mender Fisher, and improbable allies help the first Wandmaker, Yannuvia, bear his burdens, strengthen the fledgling community Vydaelia, and battle against overwhelming odds. The Wandmakers life mate, Morganne, struggles with her pregnancy and complex relationship with Yannuvia. Beautiful sea elf Piara also bears burdens and seeks answers to her bond with an ancestor to whom she bears remarkable resemblance and from whom she gained Menderish traits. The unpredictable Good Witch, the Dreamraider Amica, stirs the pot. The Dreamraider also carries a burden. Grayness touches the Wandmakers childhood friend, Kirrie, who helps the Good Witch in more ways than one. Will Yannuvia, Piara, Kirrie, and their allies find clues to unravel the mysteries of the Menders Tomb and discover bridges between their underworld realm and the World of the Three Suns, Donothor, ancient doomed Sagain, and the pretty blue world with its stone circles? Will fire Magick serve or undo Yannuvia and Kirrie? Escape to Elfdream! Dr. Ts Rx for fantasy are the following: Deathquest to Parallan, the Orb of Chalar, the Death of Magick, the Chalice of Mystery, the Dawn of Magick, Lost Spellweaver, First Wandmaker, Wandmakers Burden, Emerald Islands, and the Menders Tomb.
When a Viking wreaks havoc on English troops, a beautiful lady is summoned to use her love-potion-gone-bad to turn him into a frog. She struggles with the choice between loyalty to her country and her strong desires for the giant warrior with a well-muscled form.
Myka's dream was to someday own his shop, making and spelling suits that were prized throughout the world. Instead, he rejected an apprenticeship with a master who proved to be reprehensible—and untouchable—and lost everything. Now, he works in a derelict shop in the wrong part of town, and it's only a matter of time before he's caught spelling without a license or thrown out by his odious landlord. The only bright part of his days are the occasional visits from his best client, Johan, a man who works in the palace and always brings the finest suits to have spelled. When he accidentally leaves behind an invitation to the royal ball, Myka takes it, determined to have one evening where he can enjoy himself—and perhaps even spend time with Johan as something other than a spell weaver.