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THE LOST ART OF DOS COMANDS Short for Microsoft Disk Operating System, MS-DOS, is a non-graphical command line system derived from the 86-DOS which was originally created for IBM compatible computers. MS-DOS was originally written by Tim Paterson, and was introduced to the world by Microsoft; When IBM first launched its revolutionary personal computer, the IBM PC, in August of 1981. It came with a 16-bit operating system from Microsoft, MS-DOS 1-0. This was Microsoft's first operating system, and it also became the first widely used operating system for the IBM PC and its clones. Believe it or not MS-DOS 1_0 was merely a renamed version of what was known as QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System), which Microsoft ended up buying from a company in Seattle. The Lost Art of DOS Commands shows you how to up your game, or DOS-Fu if you will, and really drives home that DOS is one art form that should never be lost!
This book, with more than 200,000 copies in print, has been completely updated to DOS Version 4 with a new section devoted to the DOS shell. Includes explanations of all the DOS, batch, configuration, and Edlin commands. Alphabetized, with numerous examples.
"Covers all versions, including Windows RT"--Cover.
This book investigates the syntax of Romanian ditransitives building on new experimental data with a view to enable a more accurate understanding of these constructions regarding their underlying configuration(s), the structural import of Differential Object Marking or Clitic Doubling among others. One first attempt is to explain the (relatively) free word-order manifested by the two internal arguments, and their symmetrical potential for anaphor and possessor binding. Evidence is provided as to the relative hierarchical order of the two object DPs, with the direct object as the lower one. The featural make-up of the two objects also proves crucial in disentangling the various experimentally uncovered aspects regarding their interaction e.g., differentially marked direct objects bear a [Person] feature and compete with the indirect object in valuing the person feature of the applicative. The feature specification is further refined function of the presence of clitic doubling or the lack thereof. The experimental insights we gain into the syntax of Romanian ditransitives help us integrate them with their counterparts in Romance thereby contributing to a better cross-linguistic understanding of these constructions.
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