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The man of our time does not know how to pray, writes the French theologian Jacques Ellul, "but much more than that, he has neither the desire nor the need to do so. He does not find the deep source of prayer within himself. I am acquainted with this man. I know him well. It is I, myself." Out of this common experience, the prominent social critic and former resistance leader makes a searing analysis of man's alienation from God, and traces the reasons for praying or not praying. With razor-like statements, he cuts through the weaknesses of much traditional praying and, in the end, offers a strong and positive program for praying in today's troubled times.
Scientist, inventor, philosopher and multi-talented genius Igor Sikorsky illuminates the message in the Lord’s Prayer with simplicity and insight.
The Lord's Prayer is for many people a mere collection of words that has been repeated so often that is has lost its meaning. It is in danger of becoming a repetition devoid of genuine faith. Renowned theological scholar William Barclay delineates and explicates this ancient prayer, showing us the depth of each phrase. He considers both its historical background and its application to our world today. The William Barclay Library is a collection of books addressing the great issues of the Christian faith. As one of the world's most widely read interpreters of the Bible and its meaning, William Barclay devoted his life to helping people become more faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
This revised, expanded edition of the Common Worship President’s Edition contains everything to celebrate Holy Communion Order One throughout the church year. It combines relevant material from the original President’s Edition with Eucharistic material from Times and Seasons, Festivals and Pastoral Services, and the Additional Collects.
The Image of Modern Man in T. S. Eliot's Poetry The book , presents an original understanding of The Image of Modern Man in T. S. Eliots complex and difficult poems in an easy and understandable way. Eliots vision of the Modern Man and the modern world is depicted throughout Eliots most well-known poems. Eliot was criticized by some critics for the quality of his work. The aim of this book is to show what an excellent and successful writer he is, to reveal the value and the contemporaneity of his work. His poetry is highly evaluated for its unique way of depicting the Modern humanity by realizing their problems as well as finding solutions for them. The book is a great help not only for students, but also for researchers as the writer has spent much time in reading Eliots Poems. He has also written an ample introduction about modernism, modernity, modern literature and modern poetry, which might be enough to understand the rise of modern poetry. ... All of Eliots poems especially The Waste Land has presented readers with all the aspects of the modern life. Life is depicted as a mirror, broken and shattered into pieces as it is clear in the different parts of the poem. Eliot unlike many poets did not leave the modern man lost in despair but he finds them, their peace of mind by having a true and stable faith as well as their turning to God. The only solution for the entire problems of modern man is to turn to God and neglect the world that completely occupied them spiritually. ...Modern man has lost his values especially women by only looking after children, many of them turned to prostitution because they did not have any source of income; therefore, they used that as a way to earn money to maintain life. These are the characteristics of the modern city, which are shared by all the countries, especially Europe. Eliot insists on the necessity of turning from world to God. He believed that God can solve their problems, because man or any other earthly power could not change that gloomy and aimless life, which modern man complained against.
New Community Series is a high-impact tool for experiencing the transforming power of God's Word. This cutting-edge series lets you explore life-changing topics from a biblical perspective both as an individual and as part of a community of Christ followers. Challenging questions encourage you to reflect on Scripture and its impact on your life.