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The Lord is My Shepherd; A 12 Step Journey through Psalm 23 is a recovery workbook and bible study. David's personal pronouns in Psalm 23 draws us in to experience God's loving care as our Good Shepherd. We fall in love with Jesus as we come to see ourselves as his beloved sheep. Within the safety of this intimate relationship we take an honest look at ourselves, our thoughts, our behaviors, our feelings, and our problems. The 12 Steps and Pslam 23 when studied together provide the perfect material for this comprehensive recovery process. Whether it's recovery from alcohol and other drug use/abuse, codependency, mental health disorders, process addictions, trauma, or pain from your past, the material is appropriate and designed to heal. Each week includes a wellness recovery action plan and relapse prevention material. It's as if Psalm 23 and The 12 Steps were meant to be studied together. Every line in David's poem is studied for 4 weeks along with one of the 12 Steps. Because there are 12 lines in Psalm 23 and 12 Steps, the material takes us through a 12 month journey. There's no better way to work the 12 Steps than to be guided, comforted, and restored by the Lord as your Shepherd. It's a beautiful recovery journey that will pleasantly surprise you at every turn. As a Licensed Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor with over 20 years experience I can attest to the positive value of this material. Churches, homeless shelters, sober living recovery homes, counseling centers, therapists and individuals use this recovery workbook and bible study resulting in the life-changing knowledge that "He restores my soul."
Explains the Psalm verse by verse, providing stories of men and women who have used it to deal with life's difficulties.
With over 2 million copies sold, Phillip Keller's beloved contemporary classic spans the decades with its uplifting insights on Psalm 23. Pairing Keller's sublime reflections with the King James Version, this edition sheds light for a new generation of readers on the nature and ways of sheep---and of the Good Shepherd who cares for them.
There are many good books written about Psalms 23, so why another one? I answer, why not. I believe you cannot have enough of a good thing. This Psalm appears the favorite of many Psalm lovers and seeing it has blessed so many why not add one more blessing. @page { margin: 0.79in } h1 { margin-bottom: 0.08in } h1.western { font-family: "Liberation Serif", serif } h1.cjk { font-family: "Noto Sans CJK SC Regular"; font-size: 24pt } h1.ctl { font-family: "FreeSans"; font-size: 24pt } p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120% } a:link { so-language: zxx } There is a bulletin board in a park where people post different things like upcoming events, and things people are trying to sell, or places for rent. Well, one day someone wrote in big letters, "HELP." Maybe it was just a joke, but again maybe it was a cry for help. I guess if there is a reason for me writing this book, it would be in case someone is in need of Help. Aid in understanding this Psalm, or encouragement in their walk with the Lord. Help in understanding what God wants for their life. Whatever be the case I hope this writing helps you where you need help. Let me just set the stage to Psalms 23 before even introducing you to this book. The Bible says about King David; the author of this Psalm, that he was a man after God's own heart. With that thought in mind, I want you to imagine this great man and king of Israel, one night going into his bedchamber, maybe even after a great battle, and even after a tiring day. Before resting his head on the pillow, his thoughts are with God, the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity. The one who has so many times delivered him from the hands of his enemy. The candles are lit the quill is in his hand as he writes the first thoughts on his mind. "The Lord is my Shepherd." And yes, David knew what a shepherd was because as a youth he learns the trade well. Defending the flock against all the perils, delivering them out of the clutch of the lion and bear. All this might have been on his mind as he compared His God with the care of a quiet, unseen shepherd guarding his flock, and maybe looking over him as one cares for a sheep. I thought this might be the best way to start with these thoughts. If our hearts are like David's heart and it seeks after God, I ask you to take a fresh look at what this Psalm is all about. Introduction It was in 2002 and 2003 when we had an in-depth study in Psalms 23 given by Jerry McMillin at the small chapel I attend. This Psalm has only six short verses so that I will cover them in 6 chapters. Out of all the Psalms, I believe this one is the best known. We hear it at many funerals. Many have memorized this one including myself. The thought might be on your mind, how can you get so much out of something so small? A chapter for each verse. I can answer that by saying that God's Word goes deep and sometimes you have to dig deep to find the precious Gems that the Spirit of God buried deep from those that just look on the surface and pass right by them. This book is not replacing this Psalm, but It will help you in understanding it. Think of it as a flashlight as you go into an underground mine filled with treasures that you might overlook. With flashlight in hand let us go in search of these treasures. When writing about spiritual things it takes much meditation because it is hard to write about things you can see, feel, touch, smell, hear, or taste but by comparing all the physical things to spiritual we can start to understand things we cannot see. We live in two parallel worlds, the physical and spiritual. The seen and the unseen. We are walking in both simultaneously, but sometimes we don't even realize it.
There are many good books written about Psalms 23, so why another one? I answer, why not. I believe you cannot have enough of a good thing. This Psalm appears the favorite of many Psalm lovers and seeing it has blessed so many why not add one more blessing.There is a bulletin board in a park where people post different things like upcoming events, and things people are trying to sell, or places for rent. Well, one day someone wrote in big letters, "HELP." Maybe it was just a joke, but again maybe it was a cry for help. I guess if there is a reason for me writing this book, it would be in case someone is in need of Help. Aid in understanding this Psalm, or encouragement in their walk with the Lord. Help in understanding what God wants for their life. Whatever be the case I hope this writing helps you where you need help.Let me just set the stage to Psalms 23 before even introducing you to this book. The Bible says about King David; the author of this Psalm, that he was a man after God's own heart. With that thought in mind, I want you to imagine this great man and king of Israel, one night going into his bedchamber, maybe even after a great battle, and even after a tiring day. Before resting his head on the pillow, his thoughts are with God, the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity. The one who has so many times delivered him from the hands of his enemy.The candles are lit the quill is in his hand as he writes the first thoughts on his mind. "The Lord is my Shepherd." And yes, David knew what a shepherd was because as a youth he learns the trade well. Defending the flock against all the perils, delivering them out of the clutch of the lion and bear. All this might have been on his mind as he compared His God with the care of a quiet, unseen shepherd guarding his flock, and maybe looking over him as one cares for a sheep.I thought this might be the best way to start with these thoughts. If our hearts are like David's heart and it seeks after God, I ask you to take a fresh look at what this Psalm is all about.IntroductionIt was in 2002 and 2003 when we had an in-depth study in Psalms 23 given by Jerry McMillin at the small chapel I attend. This Psalm has only six short verses so that I will cover them in 6 chapters. Out of all the Psalms, I believe this one is the best known. We hear it at many funerals. Many have memorized this one including myself. The thought might be on your mind, how can you get so much out of something so small? A chapter for each verse. I can answer that by saying that God's Word goes deep and sometimes you have to dig deep to find the precious Gems that the Spirit of God buried deep from those that just look on the surface and pass right by them. This book is not replacing this Psalm, but It will help you in understanding it. Think of it as a flashlight as you go into an underground mine filled with treasures that you might overlook. With flashlight in hand let us go in search of these treasures.When writing about spiritual things it takes much meditation because it is hard to write about things you can see, feel, touch, smell, hear, or taste but by comparing all the physical things to spiritual we can start to understand things we cannot see. We live in two parallel worlds, the physical and spiritual. The seen and the unseen. We are walking in both simultaneously, but sometimes we don't even realize it.
King David sinned. He stepped away from God. He hung out in the palace when kings go to battle. With idleness as his companion, his eyes wander and fixate on a beautiful woman. Lust takes over and he must have her as his own--the wife of another. Then after his folly, she announces her pregnancy to David. Sexual sin grows into schemes of murder. He places Uriah, Bathsheba's husband, in a battlefront position so he is killed. How could this happen? How could this same king write the Shepherd Psalm? He knew God intimately in his younger years as he tended sheep and followed God's voice to safe harbors. But, in a moment of passion, he exchanged spiritual training for fleeting moments of pleasure. Has that happened to you? Does Psalm 23 remind you of times when God lovingly nudged you closer to him? Do you long for more contentment but take detours away from God? Are there muddy streams and broken cisterns you need to sidestep? Do you veer from paths of righteousness and long for mountaintop experiences when stationed in life's dales and basins? How do you run to God for a reapplication of His soothing presence? Psalm 23 Bible Study, The Lord As My Shepherd, answers these questions. You'll discover how to stay clear of danger by remaining in your Shepherd's embrace. Author Betsy Wise focuses on Psalm 23's message line by line to reveal its meaning. To be precise, that the Shepherd/sheep connection is one continuous path of assurance--a path God wants to shepherd.
Finding your way through life can be easier when you have the right One leading the way. In this excerpt of Every Day is a New Shade of Blue: Comfort for Dark Days from Psalm 23, author David Roper takes a closer look at the relationship between the Shepherd and the sheep expressed throughout Scripture. Gain insight from the lives of David, Isaiah, and others who found hope, encouragement, and rest under the watchful care of God.
"The Lord is My Shepherd" is compilation of short story testimonies of how Psalm 23 comes alive in the personal life of the writer, Carolyn Booker-Pierce. These are real life incidents that confirm Christ Jesus as a being a good Shepherd who cares for his sheep, God's people. She tells of the incredible moment when she needed immediate help, and the Lord, her Shepherd, shows up and takes amazing care of her. Sometimes it seems like no one was there, but the Shepherd was always there. He was there to make sure there was a place to live, a job to go to, and healing when sickness or death threatens to take her life. When things seemed impossible, the Shepherd proved he knew how to take care of his sheep. Because the Lord is our Shepherd, Psalm 23 has personal meaning to a person in need, that is me.
Juanita Ryan shows you how this picture of life lived in God's care can touch your deepest longings and speak directly to your darkest fears, which may be why we return to this psalm so often. Yet frequent exposure to it may result in overfamiliarity. These nine session LifeGuideĀ® Bible Study studies help us discover its wisdom by pulling in other texts that show the same attributes of God--who guides us, protects us, feeds us and much more.