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The Long Return By Col. David O. Scheiding, USAF (RET) Upon returning to the United States after serving in Vietnam, Col. David O. Scheiding, USAF (RET) and other Vietnam vets were met with a significant amount of antiwar, anti-military sentiments by the American Society toward them. David reveals his reaction to the significant change in the general American attitude toward the Vietnam War. The Long Return shows us his experiences as an Air Force pilot and his efforts to understand the change in the American attitude by looking at history and how and why the use of the military developed into a political tool by use by politicians. This is the only way he has been able to adjust and accept the change and to finally be at peace with himself, completing his “long return” from Vietnam.
A group of easy-going friends, the encounter, the family and themystery. A story that mainly takes place in the middle of the Trentinomountains, moving from there to Padua, Reggio Calabria and Trieste. A mixtureof emotions, glances, a bit of laughter, expectations and disappointments, witha pinch of spice! A story where everything will be turned upside; everythingyou thought can no longer be take for granted and things will make sense onlyat the end, when everything will have an answer.
Koba Sharikov is a truly dauntless man, who has achieved many things in spite of the difficulties he has faced, and has made the impossible become possible. Abandoned at birth to an orphanage in the midst of World War II, Sharikov’s story reveals the true diversity of human life, from larceny to love, loss, and boatbuilding. His is a life lived to its full potential, where education—both formal and informal—became a passport to adventure. “I had a dream to live a life with no poetry unwritten, no song unsung, and no painting left unpainted, so that at the end, I could claim that all has been said and done.” These pages scratch the surface of a life lived with vigour and enthusiasm, and take the reader on a vivid and inspiring journey. Follow Sharikov’s transformation from the small boy who took sanctuary amid the roots of a tree near his orphanage to the man who moved on to provide similar roots to orphaned African children. His life’s story is truly a testimony to his motto: “more is in me.”
This book teaches object-oriented analysis and design from first principles and clearly explains C++ mechanisms that implement object-oriented concepts.
During the autumn of 1765 in London, Joshua Jones, a young working man of colour and aspiring artist, is grafting hard at his studies while earning his keep as a waiter in an exclusive St. James’ gambling club managed by his uncle. The only cloud on Joshua’s horizon is the progress of his love affair with Frank Bartlett, an older man and unofficial diplomat who met and seduced Joshua the year before. After an idyllic summer in Italy together, reality bites when they return to London, and Frank plunges into dealing with the disastrous political fallout from the proposed Stamp Act. Joshua understands his lover’s preoccupation but worries he is being pushed aside as Frank becomes so involved in diplomatic wrangling that he risks injuring his health. During tough times, Joshua is determined to stick with Frank. But will Frank take notice? And how can Joshua convince his true love that he is there for the long haul?
The use of technical market indicators has long been a controversial subject, highly regarded by some and treated with great skepticism by others. Yet, the number of indicators-and the number of individual investors and finance professionals using them-continues to grow. Now, more than ever, there is an urgent need for objective testing to determine the validity of these indicators. Technical Market Indicators is a unique study of the performance of many of the most widely used technical analysis indicators. The authors explore in an unbiased, rigorous manner whether these indicators consistently perform well or fail to do the job. They explain which indicators work best and why, providing a clear picture of what the investor is likely to experience when using technical analysis. Unlike other books on the subject, Technical Market Indicators provides a comprehensive testing of indicators that uses a large sample of stocks over a twelve-year time period, encompassing varying market conditions. Instead of using the traditional technical analysis charts, this detailed analysis takes a different approach, calculating numbers based on various relationships and letting the numbers dictate the decisions. This allows the investor to use technical methods without ever consulting a chart. From an objective standpoint, the authors address both the pro and con arguments of using technical analysis and attempt to shed additional light onto the controversy through their systematic testing. They also alert the investor to the many different issues that must be addressed when using technical indicators, including performance measurement criteria, consistency of results, combining indicators, portfolio considerations, and leveraging. This indispensable resource features: * Comprehensive testing of sixty different technical indicators, fully described, including Trading Band Crossover, Relative Strength Peaks, Random Walk Breakout, Candle Belt Hold, and Volume Trend * An explanation of the underlying concepts behind the indicators and their methods of calculation * In-depth results of tests on each individual indicator, with over 250 pages of detailed tables * An examination of trading rules that combine two or more indicators and a report of a sampling of the best combinations * An annotated bibliography. For those new to technical analysis or for the experienced analyst looking for some fresh angles on the subject, this one-of-a-kind resource is the only one you'll need to navigate the increasingly complex maze of technical market indicators. Can technical analysis be used as an effective tool to enhance investment performance? This question is currently on the minds of many investors and traders. The answer can be found in this invaluable, comprehensive resource, which provides a detailed analysis of the most commonly used indicators, explaining in detail which indicators seem to work best, why, under what conditions, and with which kinds of financial instruments. "Do technical market indicators provide useful information to the stock trader or is it impossible to beat a buy and hold strategy? Bauer and Dahlquist tackle this controversy by rigorously testing 60 indicators on 878 stocks over a 12-year period. Their explanations of the indicators, the testing process, and the results are clear and concise. The 12 major conclusions based on this extensive research will provide the reader with plenty of opportunities to follow Bauer and Dahlquist's final advice: 'Keep learning and keep thinking. '" - Tom Bierovic Manager, System Trading & Development Education Omega Research, Inc. "Who says a technician has to use charts? Here is a book that sidesteps traditional technical analysis and describes how tabular data can be more informative." - Ralph Acampora Managing Director Prudential Securities.
Bayesian Methods in Finance provides a detailed overview of the theory of Bayesian methods and explains their real-world applications to financial modeling. While the principles and concepts explained throughout the book can be used in financial modeling and decision making in general, the authors focus on portfolio management and market risk management—since these are the areas in finance where Bayesian methods have had the greatest penetration to date.
Crowood Sports Guides provide sound, practical advice that will help make you a better sportsperson whether you are learning the basic skills, discovering more advanced techniques or reviewing the fundamentals of your game. Featured in this book are: information boxes containing Top Tips and Key Points; an introduction to the rules, equipment and tournament play; colour action shots, sequence photographs of the strokes and detailed diagrams; an analysis of the skills and techniques needed by players just beginning table tennis, and by intermediate and advanced level players; helpful advice on different styles of play and tactics; practical information concerning coaching, table exercises, training and nutrition
This book provides theoretical concepts and applications of fractals and multifractals to a broad range of audiences from various scientific communities, such as petroleum, chemical, civil and environmental engineering, atmospheric research, and hydrology. In the first chapter, we introduce fractals and multifractals from physics and math viewpoints. We then discuss theory and practical applications in detail. In what follows, in chapter 2, fragmentation process is modeled using fractals. Fragmentation is the breaking of aggregates into smaller pieces or fragments, a typical phenomenon in nature. In chapter 3, the advantages and disadvantages of two- and three-phase fractal models are discussed in detail. These two kinds of approach have been widely applied in the literature to model different characteristics of natural phenomena. In chapter 4, two- and three-phase fractal techniques are used to develop capillary pressure curve models, which characterize pore-size distribution of porous media. Percolation theory provides a theoretical framework to model flow and transport in disordered networks and systems. Therefore, following chapter 4, in chapter 5 the fractal basis of percolation theory and its applications in surface and subsurface hydrology are discussed. In chapter 6, fracture networks are shown to be modeled using fractal approaches. Chapter 7 provides different applications of fractals and multifractals to petrophysics and relevant area in petroleum engineering. In chapter 8, we introduce the practical advantages of fractals and multifractals in geostatistics at large scales, which have broad applications in stochastic hydrology and hydrogeology. Multifractals have been also widely applied to model atmospheric characteristics, such as precipitation, temperature, and cloud shape. In chapter 9, these kinds of properties are addressed using multifractals. At watershed scales, river networks have been shown to follow fractal behavior. Therefore, the applications of fractals are addressed in chapter 10. Time series analysis has been under investigations for several decades in physics, hydrology, atmospheric research, civil engineering, and water resources. In chapter 11, we therefore, provide fractal, multifractal, multifractal detrended fluctuation analyses, which can be used to study temporal characterization of a phenomenon, such as flow discharge at a specific location of a river. Chapter 12 addresses signals and again time series using a novel fractal Fourier analysis. In chapter 13, we discuss constructal theory, which has a perspective opposite to fractal theories, and is based on optimizationof diffusive exchange. In the case of river drainages, for example, the constructal approach begins at the divide and generates headwater streams first, rather than starting from the fundamental drainage pattern.