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What does it mean to be a visual aid in worship? Moving Liturgy: Dance in Christian Worship provides readers with powerful ideas to bring prayers, parables, hymns, and scripture passages to life in the most direct way--storytelling in dance and movement through the body--the best visual aid! This book offers practical and artistic information for anyone interested in learning about, or re-affirming, the use of dance and movement in worship. Jane Wellford has worked extensively in the arts of liturgical dance and drama in collaboration with clergy, musicians, conductors, visual artists, dancers, and entire congregations. Successful ideas for worship, as well as creative possibilities, are all included in this book. I believe that worship should be made multi-sensory, exciting, and as connected to real life experiences as possible. The more senses that are involved in worship, the more likely the message will be received. When we hear the word of God shared through words or music, see it come to life through dance, drama, or other visual arts, experience it through speaking the prayers, confessions, or creeds, and sing it through hymns or chants, we are more actively engaged in the experience of worship.
The history of dancing in liturgy ... models for using dance in the eucharist ... and examples of dance consistent with the church year. How to dance. Why to dance. And how dance fits into liturgy. Kane's easy-to-follow format lets you choose the right movement for different parts of worship, much as you would choose the right music. VerEecke shares his personal account as a dancer - a theologian's conception of his art. Gagne provides a historical look at dance in worship and a chronology of the events which have shaped attitudes toward dance. Includes suggested gestures for danced prayer, step-by-step dance movements for use in your church, and many photographs. Inspiring. Informative. Easily reachable. A practical guide - with scholarship to back it up. -- from back cover.
Liturgical dance is a way to present, reflect, instruct, learn, study, and share religious beliefs with one's self, within one's worship community, and with one's God. Such a belief is confirmed and witnessed within a variety of religious settings throughout the world from the beginning of time to this present age. However, there is a vacuum of resources that connect liturgical dance within the Christian context as a tool for religious learning within the field of religious education. With the continual rise of liturgical dance as an artistic form of expression, this book proposes that liturgical dance offers unique attributes conducive to the teaching and learning of faith and to faith formation. Kathleen S. Turner shows how liturgical dance is religious education in two very important ways: first, by addressing the power and potential liturgical dance has in nourishing the faith life of Christian congregants through means that are both educative and reflective; and second, by giving examples of how liturgical dance can be implemented as a religious-education tool within the teaching life of the church.
This book tells the story of The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, presents and analyzes its main points, and describes how its agenda has fared on its sometimes tumultuous journey from the time of Vatican II up to the present. (Publisher).
REVISED EDITION:It is important that dancers begin to contend for the higher calling of God and move past the normal and the ordinary. It's time to be confident and knowledgeable so that God can use the dance minister in greater ways. My hope and prayer is that this workbook inspires and propels you into deeper levels in your dance ministry calling. What is Liturgical Dance? What is it's significance? How do we prepare for Dance Ministry? Am I called to dance? All of these questions are answered in the must-have workbook for Dance Ministers. This workbook is also PERFECT to use during your devotional time or with a group. Kimberly Brown-Phillips, Artistic Director of Christ Center for Dance has compiled her many years of teaching Liturgical Dance into this short but powerful teaching!
What does God want for your life? Christine Valters Paintner, bestselling Catholic author and online abbess for Abbey of the Arts, uses reflections, stories, guided activities, prayer experiences, and a variety of creative arts to help you patiently and attentively listen to God’s invitation. Everyone wants to understand God’s will for their lives. Christine Valters Paintner shares one of the most ancient paths to understanding from her study of monasticism and immersion into Celtic spirituality while living in Ireland. The Celtic way, which Paintner distills into twelve practices, offers discernment that focuses on the environment rather than the intellectual focus present in other forms of discernment. It allows for what Paintner calls the “soul’s slow ripening,” coming into the fullness of our own sweetness before we pluck the fruit. Each chapter begins with a story of a particular Irish saint—some well-known like Patrick or Brigid, others less so, such as Ita and Ciaran—and then introduces a helpful practice for discernment that the saint’s life illustrates. Paintner explores the call of dreams, the importance of thresholds, the practice of peregrination (wandering for the love of God), walking the rounds, learning by heart, soul friends, blessing each moment, and the wisdom of the landscape and the seasons. Readers are invited to explore these concepts through photography and writing. She invites us to contemplative walks with specific themes along with poetic writing prompts for expression. As you explore an alternate way of discerning a spiritual path—one which honors the moment-by-moment invitations and the soul’s seasonal rhythms—you will discover that this book will help you become more aligned with creativity and wholeness.
"Dance as religious studies" reveals resources for the "art of liturgical dance" in terms of both performance and scholarly interpretation. This collection of methodological essays has been arranged to suggest the wide spectrum and the underlying unity of these diverse and varied approaches to understanding dance as religious studies. Part I concentrates on the relationship between liturgical dance and the scriptural traditions of Judaism and Christianity. Part II indicates the feminist possibilities for liturgical and modern dance. Part III presents a spectrum of the contemporary theory and practice of liturgical dance. The book concludes with a bibliographic survey of sources and resources available to both liturgical dancers and students of dance as religious studies.
Cardinal Arinze, the greatly esteemed African churchman and head of the Vatican congregation for worship and sacraments, elucidates the Church's faith in the Eucharist as the high point of her public worship and the source and summit of Christian life. In Celebrating the Holy Eucharist, Cardinal Arinze emphasizes that the priest is ordained, first and foremost, to celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass and other liturgical rites. The priest "finds himself at the hightest moment of his vocation when 'in persona Christi' he celebrates the Eucharistic Sacrifice." The laity also finds in the Mass "the fount and apex of their entire Christian lives." The Eucharist gives "life, meaning and direction" to all of their works and actions. Cardinal Arinze shows how the Eucharistic celebration sends the lay faithful out into the world to spread the gospel, giving special mention to the role of the family in the work of evangelization. The Cardinal also discusses in this book the changes in the Mass and other liturgical rites that have taken place during the last forty years. The responsibilities of the diocesan Bishop, the celebrating priest, and the assisting assembly are examined in depth.