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THE STORY: Yes, we love the cinema for its great auteurs, its glorious faces and its daring images. But in this tabloid age where big stars go on Oprah and jump around like heartsick schoolboys, what we really love is all that dish! The play
The biggest secret in the Wellington house is not that they are a very wealthy family of vampires. The biggest secret is what is hiding upstairs...a fresh blood source always ready to be drained. Before Felicity married Conrad Wellington she was a struggling teenage mother, and when the family takes her in, she knows they would never do so if they knew of the irresponsible decision she had made. She hides her son Isaac away until she can think of a better solution...until she discovers that Isaac has a rare blood type that the family craves and can never find. Isaac is AB Negative, and that blood is the most delicious and nutritious of all. She makes the decision to keep Isaac hidden and raise him as a personal blood donor, collecting his blood and putting him on the best kind of diet to make sure he always provides what is good and tasteful. Yet, there are things brewing inside Isaac that might not be so good. His own poison spreads faster than anyone could see coming, developing its own taste for destruction to everyone and everything that comes in contact with him. And it feeds a part of him that enjoys it more than anyone else could.Sometimes good blood can go bad. The more Isaac grows the more this dangerous side does, and it does not want to remain locked up for long.
A collection of nursery rhymes, including "Ride a Cock Horse," "Jack and Jill, " "Old King Cole, " and "Wee Willie Winkie."
In the final years of his life, Chekhov had reached the height of his powers as a dramatist, and also produced some of the stories that rank among his masterpieces. The poignant 'The Lady with the Little Dog' and 'About Love' examine the nature of love outside of marriage - its romantic idealism and the fear of disillusionment. And in stories such as 'Peasants', 'The House with the Mezzanine' and 'My Life' Chekhov paints a vivid picture of the conditions of the poor and of their powerlessness in the face of exploitation and hardship. With the works collected here, Chekhov moved away from the realism of his earlier tales - developing a broader range of characters and subject matter, while forging the spare minimalist style that would inspire such modern short-story writers as Hemingway and Faulkner.
While investigating a suicide, Dave Brandstetter discovers a dead reporter's final scoop. Journalist Adam Streeter covered some of the most dangerous stories of the last quarter century, ranging from Cambodia to Siberia and anywhere troubled in between. Fearless, dashing, and more than a little resourceful, Streeter was renowned as much for his virtuosic writing as the shocking reality of what he uncovered along the way. Why would someone who lived so purposefully and with such demonstrable bravery turn a pistol on himself? Insurance investigator Dave Brandstetter has seen enough suicides to know this isn’t one. Suspecting treachery, he digs into Adam's last story — an unpublished investigation into the whereabouts of a vanished South American strongman, called El Carnicero, the Butcher — and finds that Adam's death shows every hallmark of his bloody style. Dave quickly realized that some very powerful people would like him to drop the case. Dave’s own lover, Cecil, would like to see him take it easy for once. But Cecil knows Brandstetter is not so unlike the man whose death he’s investigating. The truth, to someone like Brandstetter or Streeter, is worth the ultimate price. As he attempts to finish Adam’s story and get to the bottom of the journalist’s death, Dave will find more than a few people willing to make him pay it.
It’s May 1973 when a young man wanders into a dilapidated community theater in Reading, PA. The company members welcome him—well, only because they need a set painter that day. The young man then proceeds to soak up all the idealism and the craziness that comes with being part of a struggling theater company with big dreams. When a playwright looks back at his beginnings in the theater and decides to chronicle those experiences in a play, all sorts of things can happen. If you’re Douglas Carter Beane, who grew out of his Reading, PA, community theater days to become one of the stage’s master writers, it’s bound to bring a measure of gimlet-eyed reflection, a large dollop of self-deprecation, and a heaping dose of hilarity.
Kids will love this cumulative and hysterical read-aloud that features a free downloadable song "I was walking down the road and I saw... a donkey, Hee Haw And he only had three legs He was a wonky donkey." Children will be in fits of laughter with this perfect read-aloud tale of an endearing donkey. By the book's final page, readers end up with a spunky hanky-panky cranky stinky-dinky lanky honky-tonky winky wonky donkey Download the free song at