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From the #1 "New York Times"-bestselling author of "Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth" comes this insider's view into how today's investment practices have become so misleading and manipulative that investors must take charge of their own finances.
An entertaining, deeply informative explanation of how high-level financial crimes work, written by an industry insider who’s an expert in the field. The way most white-collar crime works is by manipulating institutional psychology. That means creating something that looks as much as possible like a normal set of transactions. The drama comes later, when it all unwinds. Financial crime seems horribly complicated, but there are only so many ways you can con someone out of what’s theirs. In Lying for Money, veteran regulatory economist and market analyst Dan Davies tells the story of fraud through a genealogy of financial malfeasance, including: the Great Salad Oil swindle, the Pigeon King International fraud, the fictional British colony of Poyais in South America, the Boston Ladies’ Deposit Company, the Portuguese Banknote Affair, Theranos, and the Bre-X scam. Davies brings new insights into these schemes and shows how all frauds, current and historical, belong to one of four categories (“long firm,” counterfeiting, control fraud, and market crimes) and operate on the same basic principles. The only elements that change are the victims, the scammers, and the terminology. Davies has years of experience picking the bones out of some of the most famous frauds of the modern age. Now he reveals the big picture that emerges from their labyrinths of deceit and explains how fraud has shaped the entire development of the modern world economy.
The Lies of Money: Who are you Being is dedicated to all of you out there struggling with money. To all of you feeling like the debt or financial worry you are in is a big black hole that you will never climb out of or get beyond. You can have the living you desire. You can create the money, cash, currencies, investments, and vacations you like. Choose You Commit to You
When readers want financial advice (and who doesn’t these days?), they turn to experts such as Russ Crosson, CEO of Ron Blue & Co., the highly successful Christian-based financial planning advisory firm. In this important book, Russ teams up with gifted communicator Kelly Talamo to offer readers the truth about popular money lies that influence the spending decisions of millions of Americans. Through the use of everyday stories about men and women who wrestle with spending decisions everyone faces, the authors expose the lies involved and give truth principles based on the Bible to refute the lies. Common lies include: 10 percent is God’s, 90 percent is mine I can’t afford to give My security is in my investments My talents and abilities produce my wealth The harder I work, the more money I make Readers will be better equipped to manage money, make informed financial decisions, and use their money wisely as they replace the common money lies they’ve been taught with the truth of the Bible.
Explaining difficult concepts in plain English with a breezy style, this third edition has new material covering new tax laws, retirement savings strategies, a chapter on identity theft, and question-and-answer sidebars.
How did a secretary, a firefighter, a retired naval officer, a housewife, a construction worker, a schoolteacher, and a pharmacist become wealthy? Bestselling author Ric Edelman has studied the wealth-making habits of these and 5,000 other ordinary Americans.What he found is revealed for the first time in this book: the eight great secrets to attaining wealth. This extraordinary book is filled with the advice of everyday people—people like your own friends and neighbors—who entered the world of personal finance, often with no real plan at the start, but who found ways to accumulate astonishing amounts of money. A rich, irreplaceable lifetime of wealthbuilding experience is now at your fingertips.Here you will learn to arrange your finances and make your investment decisions so you can reach your goals and achieve financial security. Including: How to turn your mortgage into a wealth-enhancing tool; Why small investments work better than big ones; How to max out on your employer-sponsored retirement plan; Your investments: when to hold them and when to fold them; Financial news: when to pay attention and when to turn it off; Plus, of course, much, much more. Let your neighbors lend you a hand and let Ric Edelman guide you through their lessons. So come along for an eye-opening journey with thousands of ordinary folks who found their way to extraordinary wealth. Five thousand of your neighbors found hard-won financial success using the same eight secrets to attaining wealth. The lessons they learned through many years of life experience, and lots of trial and error, can now be yours! After studying the habits of thousands of financially successful people, bestselling author Ric Edelman found that they shared eight fundamental methods for attaining wealth. Now you can adopt these same eight strategies yourself. Let the extraordinary experience of ordinary investors—along with Ric Edelman's expert analysis—help you create your own financial success story.
The Lies of Money: Who are you Being is dedicated to all of you out there struggling with money. To all of you feeling like the debt or financial worry you are in is a big black hole that you will never climb out of or get beyond. You can have the living you desire. You can create the money, cash, currencies, investments, and vacations you like. Choose You Commit to You
Doing well with money isn’t necessarily about what you know. It’s about how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people. Money—investing, personal finance, and business decisions—is typically taught as a math-based field, where data and formulas tell us exactly what to do. But in the real world people don’t make financial decisions on a spreadsheet. They make them at the dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, your own unique view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled together. In The Psychology of Money, award-winning author Morgan Housel shares 19 short stories exploring the strange ways people think about money and teaches you how to make better sense of one of life’s most important topics.
What you don't understand about interest rates probably IS hurting you... financially Typical financial wisdom and advice is sometimes lacking, and at other times, altogether wrong. This book fills in important gaps about essential but little-understood financial topics you won't hear about from most financial advisors. "Busting the Interest Rate Lies" corrects common financial myths such as: Purchasing a car with 0% dealer financing is the best way to buy a car; You always save money by paying cash for major purchases; A 15-year mortgage is more efficient than a 30-year mortgage; Earning a higher rate of interest on your investments is the key to amassing a small fortune over time. Additionally, you'll discover rarely-discussed facts about: What student loan debt costs the average college graduate; What the banks don't want you to know about credit cards; Insider information on how to get the best deal on a car; Finally An accurate comparison of buying vs. renting; Why "average" investment rates of return don't equal "actual" rates of return; And an analysis of Life Settlements-the best investment you may have never heard of Whether you are just learning to manage your money or whether you are an experienced investor, "Busting the Interest Rate Lies" offers information to help you avoid common financial mistakes and put MANY thousands of dollars into your pocket "