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The September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have stoked fears of and rekindled interest in weapons of mass destruction. Using dramatic images and vivid text, the twelve volumes in
The September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have stoked fears of and rekindled interest in weapons of mass destruction. Using dramatic images and vivid text, the twelve volumes in
This foundational primer offers a comprehensive analysis of the evolution and current status of weapons of mass destruction and seeks to inform and advance policy debate in ways that support international security, while also adding important connective tissue between analytical areas in the IR and historical domains that often remain separate.
"The Nuclear Age properly began with the discovery of the nucleus by Ernest Rutherford in 1911, but its impact on civilization began with the use of atomic bombs against Japan in WWII. The development of atomic bombs forever changed the world. From having a single bomb immediately after the Nagasaki attack, the United States would go on to build some 70,000 nuclear bombs over the course of the Cold War. The colossal brinkmanship with the Soviet Union threatened each country's people. Why were so many bombs thought to be necessary? How did the infrastructure come about to enable the delicate business of building and deploying so many bombs? This book answers these questions and more; through high quality photographs the full flowering of the warheads and delivery systems of the nuclear age are shown in chilling detail."--Book jacket.
“The greatest danger of another catastrophic attack in the United States will materialize if the world's most dangerous terrorists acquire the world's most dangerous weapons.” —The 9/11 Commission Report The bipartisan Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism was established by the U.S. Congress to build on the work of the 9/11 Commission by assessing our nation's progress in preventing weapons of mass destruction proliferation and terrorism, and providing a roadmap to greater security with concrete recommendations for improvement. The Commission has interviewed over 200 experts inside and outside of government. They have met with counterterrorism and intelligence officials here at home and abroad who are working to stop proliferation and terrorism The Commission's report examines the government's current policies and programs, identifies gaps in our government's prevention strategy and recommends ways to close them. The threat of terrorist attacks in the United States and elsewhere is still very real. The world remians at risk There is more that can and must be done. Our security depends on it.
Provides a collection of articles that offer varying viewpoints on the subject of weapons of mass destruction, covering such topics as biological terrorism, the U.S. policy towards nuclear weapons, and a missile defense system.
Presents a guide to the issues of weapons of mass destruction, including definitions, primary sources, case studies, research tools, organizations, and notable persons.
Discusses the use of treaties, inspections, sanctions, and diplomacy to control the build-up of arms.