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This is a must have for every serious student of the Old Testament. Dr. Block has written the best work yet on the book of Ezekiel. He combines solid Biblical exegesis with practical devotional application.
Ezekiel’s Temple liturgy, Ezekiel 40–48, is God’s revelation. Its use is future, when Messiah is king on David’s throne. Mystery surrounds it—no high priest, altered festivals, changes to Mosaic Law, and a return to animal sacrifice? Solving the mystery, this book shakes up our theology! This book first demonstrates the future necessity for Ezekiel’s Temple and liturgy. Then we analyze the details of each component in the Tabernacle and Ezekiel’s Temple. Details include priesthood, consecrations, Tabernacle articles, sacrifices, and festivals. It is boring, but this foundation must be laid. It allows us to identify similarities and differences. Similarities indicate continuation of Tabernacle ritual. Differences indicate changes for a new era. Sacrifices that cease are of special interest. These spotlight what Mosaic shadows have found their reality. This defines what Messiah has done as God’s suffering servant. Christ’s death made atonement for sin and therefore the Day of Atonement festival ceases. As the mystery of Ezekiel’s Temple unfolds, we make sense of God’s revelation to Ezekiel. But in doing so, it radically alters our theology. Current thinking is that the cross fulfils all functions of the court altar. But if that were true, there would be no court altar sacrifices in the future! In Ezekiel, the evening burnt offering stops, and all other sacrifices continue! The cross only fulfills one of the functions of the altar outside the camp. Theological adjustment is needed on the cross and atonement to understand Messiah’s resumption of Tabernacle ways. For Roman Catholics, Tabernacle typology proves no one eats the sacrifice where blood enters the Tabernacle. Jews hold to the eternality of God’s Word, but they cannot hold to the shadows and miss the reality. Ezekiel’s ritual changes Mosaic Law. It also forces them to find God’s suffering servant during the existence of the second temple!
Writing from the perspective that the coming of God's kingdom is both present and future, Hoekema covers the full range of eschatological topics in this comprehensive biblical exposition. The two major sections of the book deal with inaugurated eschatology (the "already") and future eschatology (the "not yet"). Detailed appendix, bibliography, and indexes.
The temple vision of Ezekiel, written down for us in Ezekiel 40-48, is perhaps one of the least accessible portions of the Bible. Jannie Wiskerke - van Dooren has studied this section of Scripture and has written down her thoughts. Characteristic of her discussion of Ezekiel's temple vision is her reverence for the text and the attention she pays to the contextual lines found throughout the Bible. In this respect she walks in the footsteps of the exposition that became established in the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands during the 1930s. Since that time this method of exposition has been practised by the pastors particularly in the Liberated Churches. In this booklet the author specifically targets the members of the Bible-study societies. It may be worthwhile for them to study an unknown Bible section such as Ezekiel 40-48. In this study this booklet will certainly prove to be a reliable guide. This booklet may also stimulate others to immerse themselves in the meaning and significance of this portion of Scripture as a most necessary part of God's revelation of His plans for His people.
In der Reihe Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZAW) erscheinen Arbeiten zu sämtlichen Gebieten der alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft. Im Zentrum steht die Hebräische Bibel, ihr Vor- und Nachleben im antiken Judentum sowie ihre vielfache Verzweigung in die benachbarten Kulturen der altorientalischen und hellenistisch-römischen Welt. Die BZAW akzeptiert Manuskriptvorschläge, die einen innovativen und signifikanten Beitrag zu Erforschung des Alten Testaments und seiner Umwelt leisten, sich intensiv mit der bestehenden Forschungsliteratur auseinandersetzen, stringent aufgebaut und flüssig geschrieben sind.
The first twenty-four chapters of the book of Ezekiel are characterised by vehement declarations of judgement. This observation leaves the impression that Ezekiel 1–7 is devoid of references to hope and restoration. However, there is a redactional stratum in this section that supplemented the texts with material that conveys restoration and hope for the future. In Ezekiel 1–7, many of these additions focus on priestly topics. The motif of restoration in the redactional material of Ezekiel 3–5 is expressed by the reinstatement of Ezekiel in his priestly role. This editorial emphasis on Ezekiel as priest in the redactional material suggests that the redaction was influenced by Zechariah 3, a text that depicts the reinstitution of the exiled Zadokite priesthood. Moreover, the redactional material of Ezekiel 6-7 drew inspiration from the Law of the Temple in Ezekiel 43-46, as the redactors sought to enhance Ezekiel’s priestly role. The study provides new insights into how redactors, who may have been associated with the Zadokite priesthood, inserted the message of hope and restoration into the literary unit Ezekiel 1-7 during the post-exilic period.
Ezekiel is a transitional character writing in times of dramatic change. A priest without a temple, called to the prophetic office; an exile without a country, writing to his fellow exiles; a public figure for a while without a voice, Ezekiel composes a magnum opus that touched the hearts and minds of his generation and a work that continues to speak of the power and love of God more than two thousand years later. Steven Tuell has captured the breadth and depth of the man and his profound recognition of the power and grace of God for a disenfranchised community. He has provided clear understanding of a complex book of the Bible that many in the past have found confusing and murky. He clarifies the theological underpinnings of the text and brings the brilliance of this book into the light. His explanation of the visionary closing chapters of the book that center on a new nation and a new center of worship is cogent and clear. The New International Biblical Commentary offers the best of contemporary scholarship in a format that both general readers and serious students can use with profit. Based on the widely used New International Version translation, the NIBC presents careful section-by-section exposition with key terms and phrases highlighted and all Hebrew transliterated. A separate section of notes at the close of each chapter provides additional textual and technical comments. Each commentary also includes a selected bibliography as well as Scripture and subject indexes.
"The most sweeping and comprehensive book on eschatology that I've ever encountered. The scope of this book is simply breathtaking." -Dr. Sam Storms For the last 150 years the evangelical world has been embroiled in a Great Debate about eschatology, about the true biblical picture of God's ultimate purpose for the universe, life, and man. Much of the debate swirls around the Kingdom of God: What is its exact nature? In how many stages does it enter history? How shall we interpret the Old Testament prophecies of the Kingdom--literally (in terms of Israel) or figuratively (in terms of the Church)? There is also controversy about the Consummation: Prior to the Lord's return, will our world get better and better, or worse and worse? Will he return once, twice, or even three times? When He comes again, will it be before the Millennium or after? How many resurrections should we expect? How many judgments? What will the universe be like when God finally creates the new heavens and the new earth? This book was written in the conviction that the High King of heaven has given his people certain master keys by which they may know the answers to all these questions, and therefore be fully prepared for the awesome consummation of all things. In it, pastor and author Dean Davis seeks to place those keys in our hands, so that we may behold afresh the simplicity and glory of our Blessed Hope, and thereby resolve, once and for all, the Great End Time Debate.