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An engaging, accessible guide to personal empowerment. The phenomenal success of The Secret points to the great hunger for answers, hope, and change. But what if books like that seem a little too 'out there' for you? Enter Deanna Davis, whose down-to-earth approach stems from her own change of heart (it happened at the Olive Garden). In this fun, quirky, and decidedly straightforward guide, Deanna shares the science, strategy, and stories of how to create your ideal life using a universal key to success called the Law of Attraction, whether you seek health, wealth, happiness, success, or anything else, large or small. The book blends cutting-edge research, practical techniques, and a conversational, light, funny tone to make the information both meaningful and memorable. Like a talk by your favorite college professor, it provides brilliant concepts in a downto- earth manner-an uncommon blend of wisdom, creativity, inspiration, and practical strategies that work.
Use this key to unlock THE SECRET and live the life of your dreams... Following on from the hugely successful THE SECRET, this book is a simple 'how to' guide for using the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire. THE KEY explains not only what you need to know but what you need to do in order to attract what you want in your life. It addresses important issues of clarity, purpose and action. This thought-provoking guide will take you step-by-step through the processes of defining your dreams, goals and desires. And along the way you will gain a greater understanding of yourself - a sense of who you really are and why you are here. Your journey begins right here, right now. You can change your life, increase your awareness and empower yourself to create an amazing future - one that is filled with love, joy and abundance.
Updated for 2015. Even though my Law of Attraction journey began 6 years ago, I only really started to consistently practice it at the beginning of 2013. There were always 2 areas in my life that I was never really happy about - money and career. I decided to put what I had learned over the last 6 years to the test. I compiled a selection of practical exercises for my own personal use and have regularly used a variety of them since January 2013. What has happened in my life in that short time is nothing short of a miracle. I am now financially free and have quit my full time job. My income continues to rise and I have never been happier. Consistently focusing on these practical exercises kept my attention on the end result and that is the real to key to success. This book provides you with the practical know how to manifest whatever it is you choose in your life, whether that is financial freedom, better relationships, your dream home, better health, loving friendships, a successful business or a healthy, happy family. The power is in your hands. In this book, you now have the fuel to fire up that power.
Are you like so many people who have tried unsuccessfully to attain your goals with a vision board? Vision boards are based on the so-called, law of attraction; like always attracts like. As in the book, The Secret, if you think it and live it, the universe will deliver it to you. Unfortunately, the law of attraction does not work 99.9% of the time. In his thorough and candid analysis, Dr. Farber takes you through a fascinating history of the law of attraction as well as the good, the bad, and the ugly side of vision boards. As a certified "Advanced Law of Attraction Practitioner," Dr. Farber exposes the truth about the law of attraction. He shows how believing in this "law" may be detrimental to your health, inhibit your compassion for others, decrease your motivation, and lessen your chance of achieving goals. This is not just a book about what not to do. This book shows us how to upgrade our vision boards and boost our success by utilizing mind-brain science and positive psychology research. Dr. Farber has the solution to our goal-achieving desires. He introduces us to the "Key to Achieve Principles" and The Action Board goal-achieving system. As the inventor of The Action Board, Dr. Farber is the world's leading expert in this system!
Once you're done reading this book, the life you've been dreaming of will immediately begin. You will be equipped with the tools for success, wealth, perfect health, happiness, love--anything you can think of. Once you begin reading this book, you will be in the right mindset to start achieving. I want to help cure you of any possible illness, lack of purpose, depression, self-sabotage--anything that negatively affects you--in the same way I cured myself first. These are words I wish somebody had given me before I made all the mistakes I made, although having made those mistakes, I can help prevent you from making them and give you a shortcut to your perfect life.
The Law of Attraction, In Action is a self-help tool intended to inspire change and growth of a positive nature in any individual.
An engaging, accessible guide to personal empowerment. The phenomenal success of The Secret points to the great hunger for answers, hope, and change. But what if books like that seem a little too 'out there' for you? Enter Deanna Davis, whose down-to-earth approach stems from her own change of heart (it happened at the Olive Garden). In this fun, quirky, and decidedly straightforward guide, Deanna shares the science, strategy, and stories of how to create your ideal life using a universal key to success called the Law of Attraction, whether you seek health, wealth, happiness, success, or anything else, large or small. The book blends cutting-edge research, practical techniques, and a conversational, light, funny tone to make the information both meaningful and memorable. Like a talk by your favorite college professor, it provides brilliant concepts in a downto- earth manner-an uncommon blend of wisdom, creativity, inspiration, and practical strategies that work.
The Law Of Attraction In ActionPutting The Law Of Attraction Into ActionBenefits of Exploring the Law of Attraction 1) You can achieve anything you want!The Gem of the Law of Attraction is that you don't feel any restrictions you felt before. You can go out into the open finally feeling free to experience a side of life that you never even knew existed, all down to this amazing ancient knowledge. 2) You can make any changes in your life you've always wanted to make!Most of the time we end up stuck in our daily habits as we find it easier to go along with things that we are used to, and we are unsure about how to go about changing. Fortunately, nothing ever has to be "just the way it is". - Introduction - What Is The Law Of Attraction - 6 Common Myths Of The Law Of Attraction - Be Clear About What You Want - The 3 Steps To Clarity - Focusing On What You Want For Your Life - Acting On Your Dream - Belief Boosters - Integrating Your Belief Into Your Daily Life - Much MoreThe great Buddha himself taught these practices, he said,"What you have become is what you have thought." This is ancient wisdom that will never lose its truth as proved in the hundreds of years since it was first spoken. Now YOU can learn to use this wisdom to help you map out the rest of your life.So much can be achieved with the law of attraction, but so many people do not even acknowledge the power that they hold within! So much suffering could have been stopped if the people involved only knew the power they have hidden within!This is the truth, it's always been the truth and it will always be the truth, no matter how many people try to discourage it.The Question is, Are YOU Going To Do Something About it Now that YOU Know? Dear Fellow Knowledge Seeker, Ever imagined how amazing it would be to achieve success like other people? Ever thought to yourself, 'How come they find success so easily?' Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have the touch that turns everything into gold? Ever wished it was YOU that could achieve success as easily? If I said to you that you could achieve all of the above by using the powers that you already possess, deep within you own mind, what would you say? Would it be something along the lines of, 'Oh yea? And what crack-pot theory are you brainwashed with?' And guess what, I wouldn't blame you! If I could teach you everything you need; Overcoming your inhibitions and fears, how to use the laws of nature to achieve success by it coming to YOU, and not you running to it? What if I told you that every event that had arose in your life before this moment in time had happened as a result of your thoughts and actions, and everything that happens after reading this is totally in your hands? If I turned round to you and told you that I could teach you something amazing that has been handed down for generations by the most supreme minds since the beginning of time, and after me teaching you, you could shape your own destiny?
Even stronger than the Law of Attraction, a law governs the conscious formation of reality. It is the Law of Inspired Action. It opens a secret that is virtually not a secret. Human beings are acting at the peak point of all material things. It is the level of spirit when one uses the Law of Inspired Action. This supreme level governs all other levels. People are not trying to create anything when they use this superior law. They are rather letting the universe create things through them. Individuals are simply collaborating with God to create something new. According to the Law of Inspired Action, God is the one who is operating through men. As a result, there is nothing left for men to do but to let almighty do everything through his devotees. It does not mean. However, people should refrain from taking action; it just implies they should not do those actions that their inner self does not drive. Individuals are pushing action when they try to do things that do not have inspirational traits. Non-doing action is the path of inspired action. It is allowing oneself to do such things that one wants to do with an open mind. When people are trying to materialize things and use the energy to fuel the building process, using the law of attraction alone can be challenging. When one believes he has to attract things, he implies that they exist outside the human boundary. However, everything one desires is already within him and is only waiting to be opened. All the things people desire will appear in optimal time when the path is pursued with universal guidance. When one follows the Law of Inspired Action, he will unconsciously employ the law of attraction to pull everything needed into the self environment at all times. It's because the universe has drawn a strategy for mankind, and if they follow it, they can line their activities with the divine flow of thoughts and events. People will discover that they are doing the right thing at the right moment and the right place. It happens with all of the opportunities and resources already in place. People just walk right in.