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Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: Today we observe a development in which the role of language is steadily decreasing whereas the impact of pictures is increasing. This goes hand in hand with a development in which information relies more and more on visual concepts. More and more language takes the part of explaining how to read the visual presentations, more and more language takes the part of providing the background information which is necessary to understand the meaning of the visual foreground. Kress and van Leeuwen (1998) argue that Today, we seem to move towards a decrease of control over language (e.g. the greater variety of accents allowed on the public media, the increasing poblems in enforcing normative spelling), and towards an increase in codification and control over the visual (e.g. the use of image banks from which ready-made images can be drawn for the constuction of visual texts, and, generally, the effect of computer imaging technology). Although we may be aware of this tendency, we have not been taught in school how to read visual concepts and so most of us share some degree of illiteracy concerning a critical reading of information presented by images. This is remarkable because we all agree about their influence on our lives but at the same time when we do not develop analytical tools for describing what kinds of strategies, what kinds of concepts are working in visual presentations of information. We tend to overlook the importance of visual concepts simply because we generally do not know enough about their code. This paper analyses photos and language which are parts of ads, which have definitely been designed for transferring messages because they have been made to advertise one specific product. Images and the text of advertisements never are casual products like family pictures. Although the photo in the family album is coded its coding is less elaborated than the coding of pictures in ads. We have to keep in mind that many people, experts in advertising, experts in public relations were involved in the process of designing an ad before we can look at the final result. This is why ads are definitely conceptually designed because they are meant to create a specific meaning in the viewer s mind. It is a truism that no visual concept, no photo of an ad was chosen by chance. Photographs and language of ads are more likely to have been carefully constructed and selected according to the meaning they are supposed to create. This is [...]
For upper-level undergraduate students and graduate students in communication and media studies
The academic resistance that cultural studies has encountered remains especially visible in Eastern and Southern European countries. One such example is Spain, where cultural studies is seen at best as an emergent research field. Hence the interest of this volume, conceived in Spain by an all-Spanish editorial team and written by a diverse range of authors who prove that, in spite of all difficulties, cultural studies continues to bloom – even in Southern and Eastern Europe. The different chapters offer interdisciplinary insights into a wide selection of cultural materials whose relevance goes well beyond purely aesthetic issues. Altogether, the volume (1) provides interesting theoretical reflections on the subtle (yet arbitrary) borders between popular and canonical culture; (2) explores how the popular culture of yesteryear has influenced and inspired later “canonical” cultural materials; and (3) studies how the reception of, and representation in, popular culture can be accounted for from the crucially relevant perspectives of gender and age. This collection of essays studies and explores the connections between a wide range of materials, including relevant examples of classic and contemporary literature, Arthuriana, pop music and videos, political and mainstream film, newspaper advertising, television, and the phenomenon of the (trans)media star.
This book is an introductory roadmap to the advertising process. Advertising is explored as a creative communication message from a brand, created by advertising agencies and distributed across different media to target the right consumers. The book provides an understanding of the benefits of advertising, its role in the economy and, even more so, acknowledges that advertisements are not only about selling but also about effectively communicating a message. The creative and conceptual approach towards the communication process is discussed, and insight is presented into the dynamics within the industry and the different stakeholders involved, while recognising how different creative elements in advertisements are consciously selected to make them appealing. Finally, it considers how to analyse and measure an advert’s effectiveness and looks ahead to future ideas and technologies arising in advertising. Effectively combining theory with practical insight, each chapter begins with learning objectives and ends with key learnings. International case studies feature throughout, including insights from British Gas, WPP, Audi and KFC, as well as other examples from smaller organisations and the non-profit sector. Taking students step by step through the advertising process, it is important reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying Advertising, Brand Management, Marketing Communications and Media Planning.
Inhaltsangabe:Zusammenfassung: Diese Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit zwei Kernthemen, einerseits geht es um die Semiotik und andererseits um Werbung, die als Massenkommunikationsmittel wesentlich zur Verbreitung von Ideologien beiträgt. Das Hauptaugenmerk der Arbeit liegt auf der kritischen Untersuchung von Werbebildern mit Bezug auf diskriminierende und stereotype Frauenbilder und auf einer detaillierten semiotischen Analyse von Werbebildern. Dem analytischen Teil dieser Diplomarbeit geht eine umfassende theoretische Einleitung, die sich aus den Hauptkapiteln 'Kommunikation und Ideologie' und 'Werbung' zusammen setzt, voraus. 'Kommunikation und Ideologie' befasst sich mit der Geschichte der Semiotik und den Theorien wesentlicher Wissenschaftler der modernen Semiotik, in weiterer Folge werden die Grundzüge von Subjektivität und ideologischen Prozessen erörtert. Das Werbekapitel setzt sich aus den Themenbereichen Geschichte der Werbung, wirtschaftliche und kommunikative Ziele des Werbemarktes, Sexismus und stereotype Darstellungen der Geschlechter zusammen. Im letzten Teil dieses Kapitels erfolgt eine Erfassung und Beschreibung bildlicher und sprachlicher Elemente mit deren Hilfe Print-Werbung semiotisch analysiert werden können. Der analytische Teil dieser Diplomarbeit setzt sich aus einer quantitativen und einer qualitativen Analyse von Werbebildern zusammen. Die quantitativen Analyse, die rund 160 Werbungen umfasst, soll einen Überblick darüber geben, wie oft Frauen, Männer und Produkte im Verhältnis zueinander abgebildet sind und die Frage klären, ob es geschlechterspezifische Produktbereiche gibt. Die qualitativen Analyse spaltet sich in zwei Bereiche auf. Im ersten Teil geht es darum, rund vierzig Werbungen gemäß ihrer frauenfeindlichen Inhalte den unterschiedlichsten Kategorien von Sexismus und Diskriminierung zuzuordnen und zu interpretieren. Der erste Teil der qualitativen Analyse wird durch eine zweite, semiotische Analyse von Bild- und Textelementen, die zehn Werbebilder umfasst, abgerundet. Am Ende der Diplomarbeit werden die gesamten Ergebnisse der Analyse nochmals zusammengefasst und außerdem wird der ideologische Einfluss den die Werbung auf die Gesellschaft hat, kritisch beleuchtet werden. Abstract: This thesis covers two main subjects by dealing with semiotics and focusing on advertising. The mass-medium advertising helps spread ideologies. One of the two main objectives of this thesis is the analysis of discriminating and [...]
This book examines new forms of communication that have emerged through the interactive capabilities of the Internet, in particular online advertising and web advertisements. It develops a new model of online communication, incorporating mass communication and interpersonal communication. Interactive mass communication redefines the roles of online communication partners who are confronted with a higher degree of complexity in terms of hypertextual information units. In web advertising, this new aspect of interactivity is linguistically reflected in different types of personal address forms, directives, and "trigger words". This study also analyzes the different strategies of persuasion with which web ads try to initiate their activation.Web Advertising provides essential information on the language of web advertisements for academics, researchers and students in the fields of hypertext-linguistics, advertising, communication and media studies.