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The Kingdom of God is from eternity past to eternity future. The Kingdom of God is embodied in Almighty God Himself. The authority of God that rules the universe has always existed beyond the realms of time and space and rules in the realm of the spirit as well as the physical universe. It is this kingdom which God chooses to establish in the hearts and lives of His people throughout the ages. Our lives are dictated by choices, which God intends to correspond to His will and His purposes for His creation. When Jesus Christ came to the earth, He introduced the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is a dispensation within the Kingdom of God, which includes the church (the building of the Body of Christ) and the millennial age (which begins at Christs return to earth). We will reign with Jesus as rulers in Gods Kingdom for all eternity. We hope that this book gives some insight into the Kingdom of God, as described in Gods Holy Word, the Bible. We hope that we gain a greater relationship with and a greater understanding of Jesus Christ as Gods appointed King. We pray that we gain a greater understanding of our spiritual authority as joint heirs with Jesus Christ in Gods Kingdom. We will use this divine authority to tear the devils kingdom down, to reclaim territory, to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God and His Christ, to heal every sickness and disease among people, and to restore the Kingdom of God back to its rightful place of highest supremacy in the earthly realm. Pray with us as we move the Kingdom of God agenda forward during this age in which we now live.
The earth is reeling under the weight of rampant sin. And yet there is the sound of a Great Awakening thundering on the horizon. The Lord Jesus Christ said "Occupy until I come." We now understand that it is a military directive from the King of Glory, the Captain of the Hosts of Heaven. The true blood-bought children of God have the profound privilege of facilitating the Great Harvest at the end of the Age! We have been called, commissioned, and empowered to do great and mighty things- and it is time we all learn to walk in our Dominion mandate. We must help rescue a suffering humanity, and bring an abundance of souls into the coming Kingdom of God before the Lord's return. The earth and all its people will witness Heaven touching earth in waves of God's Glory. But still the adversary will be wrecking havoc in the unrelenting warfare between darkness and the invincible Light , the Shekinah Presence of God. This book reveals how God the Father sees his redeemed children... as a Holy, Royal, Warrior-Priesthood. This End of Days Reigning Manual presents and carefully teaches the elementary principles of Christ, the foundation of the true biblical faith. It also unfolds the mysteries of Christ's Kingdom according to the Holy Scriptures; and it presents many Decrees from Apostolic and Prophetic leaders that ensure our ultimate victory- by the Power of the Holy Spirit. We who truly know Jesus intimately as Savior, God, and King have been brought into the Kingdom for such a time as this! With one voice in one accord- let us all proclaim "Thy Kingdom Come- Here and Now!... to the Glory of God the Father, by the Power of the Holy Spirit- in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ... Amen!
Jesus said in Matthew 6:10, in teaching His disciples how to pray, "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Thy Kingdom come - This manual will deal exclusively with the Kingdom of God. What is the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God is about making Jesus sit upon the throne of our hearts and allowing Him to rule and reign within us by His grace. It is not a bunch of rules and regulations. Rather, the Kingdom of God is when you and I live under the rulership of Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God is not a democracy, ruled by the opinions of people. It is a theocracy, ruled and reigned by God. Concerning the Kingdom of God, Jesus said in Mark 4:11, "Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God." We are supposed to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. It is not supposed to be something that we cannot attain to or understand. It has been given to us to know the mysteries of the Kingdom. To this end has this study book been written. Paul said in II Thessalonians 1:5, ..".that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God." There is an accounting worthy to enter into the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of heaven and the Kingdom of God are different in that the Kingdom of heaven deals with heaven, but the Kingdom of God deals with God's rulership in His people on the earth right now. This study book is dedicated to the glory of God and as you study the Scriptures concerning The Kingdom of God may the Holy Ghost not only enlighten your eyes to the revelation of the Kingdom of God but may you begin to walk in it as well.
The doctrine of the kingdom of God is the heart of the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus. He introduced it, emphasized it, preached and taught it, lived it and demonstrated it for all to see. He commissioned His disciples to go and preach the gospel of the kingdom. Yet the right understanding of the kingdom initially eluded the disciples. While Jesus was talking about the kingdom, the disciples were asking questions about political power. The same dilemma we see largely in the church of today. Too many church leaders are doing ministry without proper knowledge of the kingdom of God and they only understand it in the context of political power. The message and gospel of the kingdom is very scarce in our pulpits today. The more reason the church is floundering and true disciples are hard to come by in our society. Until every believer and church leader is soundly knowledgeable about the kingdom, many things will keep on going wrong in our lives and the church will become a laughing stock in our world. It is this knowledge that the author, Dr. Francis Bola Akin-John aims to disseminate to the body of Christ in this book. We must know that the kingdom has come and is still coming. Our heart cry everyday must be, LORD, let your kingdom come into our hearts, communities, nations and churches.
After receiving baptism in the Holy Spirit in l988, Ralph began to pray for patients with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. Immediate healing occurred without medical intervention including raising of a certified dead man from complete liver and kidney failure to active healthy life. As news spread in the medical community, patient referrals declined when doctors objected to not having all of their patients receive an orthodox treatment. The present book, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, is an autopsy on dying if not dead churches where the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit is not in evidence. It presents biblical steps for restoring the sovereignty, glory and manifested power of God known as the kingdom of heaven, a subject rarely if ever discussed from the pulpits of most churches.