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Tolstoy wrote The Kingdom of God is Within You in the early 1890’s, after his crisis of religion and turning from the temptation of suicide. The book was banned in Russia and its first publication was in Germany in 1894. The title for the book was taken from the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Tolstoy agreed with the principle that Christians have the guiding principle of love within themselves and that it is part of their spiritual being, and the only way to live was to follow that “kingdom of God” within each person. The Kingdom of God is Within You was a follow-up to the book My Religion, which followed A Confession. In the book, Tolstoy discussed his position that the church, particularly the Russian Orthodox Church, had lost its way – the true way that was preached by the early Christians. To Tolstoy, the early church founders would not have recognized the established church that had evolved and called itself “Christian”. He rails against what society has become and does not agree that ‘this social order, with its pauperism, famines, prisons, gallows, armies and wars, is necessary to society.’ This annotated edition includes a biography and critical essay.
A Confession was written in the last decade of the 19th century and was mainly a treatise on the meaning of life. Tolstoy had by this point had a religious awakening and had wrestled for decades with the purpose of his life on Earth. Tolstoy had questioned his faith when still an adolescent. He had been raising, like the majority of Russians, in the official established church of the country – the Russian Orthodox Church. The trappings of religion, such as genuflecting, meant nothing to him and he formed the opinion that often people who proclaimed to be good religious folk were often inferior morally to those who were agnostic or atheist in their beliefs. This annotated edition includes a biography and critical essay.
Resurrection, published in 1899, was Tolstoy’s last novel. It first appeared in serialized form in the publication Niva – the sales went to help the Dukhobors, a religious group that was being persecuted by the established Russian church. The book was translated into English in 1899 by Louise and Aylmer Maude. Tolstoy himself did not hold The Resurrection in high regard, and many historians believe he finished it quickly in order to hasten its use as a money raiser for the Dukhobors, whose situation had reached a crisis point. It is thought that largely due to the efforts of Tolstoy and others the Canadian government offered land in British Columbia for the resettlement of the sect. Resurrection is a novel of conversion – that the corrupted world can be cured of its ills if only it follows the right path. The protagonist of Resurrection, Nekhlyudov, like Tolstoy, refuses to accept the corruption of the world as it is and has a black and white vision of what the world should be. This annotated edition includes a biography and critical essay.
Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina is the story of a woman, Anna, wife of Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin. She is an apparently happily married matron of the Russian upper class. The novel begins with her attempt to smooth the troubled waters of her brother’s adulterous affair. Due to circumstances surrounding this situation she ends up in an adulterous affair of her own with a wealthy army officer, Count Vronsky. The novel is about the choices people make and the consequences of their actions in a society of strict social rules, hypocrisies and prejudices. Tolstoy weaves a story of great intricacy with a myriad of characters that move the action forward. Anna’s actions as a married woman involved in an extramarital affair eventually lead her to be outcast from her own society. She goes into an emotional decline and in time, commits suicide. The novel has a subplot about a young woman named Kitty who is courted by both Count Vronsky and a landowner, Konstantin Dmitrich Levin. She prefers Vronsky, but when she finds out about his affair with Anna, she is devastated and turns to Levin for comfort, and marries him. Their situation is a positive note in the novel - they enjoy a contented marriage. This annotated edition includes a biography and critical essay.
War and Peace begins with a scene at a party in St. Petersburg in 1805. It is the Napoleonic era – the French general has conquered much of Western Europe and Russia is nervous. Russia is allied with the Austrian Empire which is resisting Napoleon’s forces along its borders. At the party the reader is introduced to the main characters including Pierre Bezukhov and Andrew Bolkonski and members of two families: Vasili, Anatole, and Helene Kuragin and Natasha, Sonya, and Nicholas Rostov. The plot is driven by the actions of the families – Andrew and Pierre join the Russian army at the Austrian Front, Nicholas almost gambles his family’s fortune away, and when Pierre returns home, he almost kills his wife’s lover. Andrew, missing in action on the Austrian Front, eventually returns home to find his wife has just died in childbirth. This annotated edition includes a biography and critical essay.
Tolstoy begins The Death of Ivan Ilyich with the protagonist’s death and moves backward from there. The novel opens with Peter Ivanovich reading about the death of his fellow judge and friend Ivan Ilyich, who has just died at the age of forty-five. Peter is with a group of legal representatives during a break in a trial as he glances through the obituaries. With the news of their colleague’s death, each man thinks about how Ivan’s passing might benefit them. None of them are looking forward to visiting the family to pay their respects. It is just a social obligation. This annotated edition includes a biography and critical essay.
Leo Tolstoy’s short story “Family Happiness” was published in 1859. The theme was the role of women in society. At the time of its creation, Tolstoy was not married, but wished to be. The letters he wrote to Valeria Arseneva, whom he was in love with at the time, reflect many of the sentiments and ideas that were expressed in the story. In his letters he spelled out in great detail what should be expected of a husband and wife in their marriage. Tolstoy is also thought to have been influenced by the works of two French writers, Proudhon and Michelet, who had recently published works on the same subject. “Family Happiness” is told in the first person by a woman (Masha) who has long been married. She relates her courtship, wedding, early happiness in her married state, estrangement from her husband, and an eventual reconciliation. The first part of the story is about her courtship by her future husband when she was only seventeen – her mother had just died and Masha becomes involved with her guardian, Sergei Mikhailych. Her account of this courtship is lyrical and romantic. Sergei tells Masha that happiness can only be found by “living for others”. He has very rigid ideas of what marriage should be, and what Masha’s role is. This annotated edition includes a biography and critical essay.
As an historical play, Henry V as a narrative is a continuation of Henry IV Part I and II, as Henry V became the English king after the death of his father Henry IV in 1413. Henry V has been regarded over the centuries as Shakespeare’s most patriotic play. The English had fought the French for many years over lost and disputed French territory – and Henry’s victory at the Battle of Agincourt against strong odds built the confidence and stirred the patriotism of the English. When the play begins, France and England are avowed enemies and Henry’s advisors are urging him to claim the throne of France for himself. Since the Norman Conquest by William I in 1066, various tracts of territory in France had passed between French and English control. Louis, the heir to the French throne, and son of King Charles, sends Henry a barrel of tennis balls; a sly reference to Henry’s youth (he was twenty-six when he became king) and Henry’s reputation of being an underachiever. Henry decides he has been insulted - he must invade France. This annotated edition includes a biography and critical essay.
The Brothers Karamazov is a novel of realism and tells a dynastic story. It explores life and what it means through the use of a dysfunctional family, the Karamazovs. The family is headed by Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov, a cruel landowner, who has neglected and emotionally abuses his three sons. The eldest son, Dmitry, is in competition with his father over the same woman, although he is engaged to another. The same son has given up his inheritance in order to have money immediately, but suspects his father is cheating him financially.
Nationally known pastor, Bill Winston brings this powerful message of God's provision, healing, and more that is already resident in the believer and available to those who will seek God's direction. If the Kingdom of God is in us, why aren't we living lives of greatness in our world? Bill Winston recognizes that there are two kingdoms at work in this world, and tragically, even within the church, the majority of people are still living under the destructive lies and patterns of Satan's rule. They don't have the power and provisions of God - wisdom, understanding, peace, joy, health, abundant material provision, life-changing ministry, and so much more - because they simply have not recognized the kingdom in them. The promises of God rarely come from some outside sovereign work of God, but from the kingdom already inside. The pastor of one of America's fastest growing churches, Winston helps believers to start walking their faith out in miraculous ways. Why? We have a power within us that is supernatural and flies in the face of the world's arrogant - but ultimately inadequate - self-reliance on human understanding and effort. With the faith of a child, even as small as a mustard seed, we unleash God's provision and power in our lives not by focusing on what we want, but by asking what the King of the Kingdom, God Almighty, wants us to accomplish. We quickly discover that our "grand dreams" and aspirations are miniscule in light of the greatness He has in store for us to do. This book is not for Christians who are complacent and desire the status quo. This is a soul-changing book that will turn the timid into the bold, and result in miracles that will build God's Kingdom right here and right now.