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The Father is about to send the wind of the Spirit to ignite the fire of God in the heart of every believer, even those with smoldering wicks (Matt. 12:20). The fire will be so intense that believers will be radiant with the glory of God. Every born-again believer will shine with this light by the time Jesus comes for His bride, the church, if they will just let him. It will be like a flash of lightning (Luke 9:29). God has told many that there will be a few that will be clothed in this light first. They will then go forth and see multitudes clothed in this magnificent light of God’s glory. Prophets say that the world will be so amazed at the light that they will actually think we are wearing some technological device, like fiber optics, in our clothing! This book is designed to bring you to that place in the last great awakening where you will explode with His power. Are you ready for the supernatural like you’ve never seen before? Are you ready to see the millions coming to Christ? Everything that Lord has ever done before, He will do again in this last Kingdom revival!
Beautiful, touching and surprising, The Kingdom Revealed is about appreciating the everyday and learning what matters most. This is a story about a young boy who doesn’t want to be King. What he wants, more than anything, is to be normal. So one night, he runs away from the palace. He climbs out of his four-poster bed, disappears through a hidden door in the ceiling, creeps down a long-forgotten passageway, opens a small window and leaves behind everything he’s ever known. At first, the world outside the palace seems a magical place that the King delights in exploring. But with no friends to call on, no money in his pocket, in fact nothing apart from the clothes he is wearing, it isn’t long before the young King realizes that life on his own is going to be full of challenges Meanwhile, Lord Von Dronus, the most senior of all the King’s courtiers, is determined to find the young King before anyone realizes he's disappeared.
Every Christian needs to have a clear understanding of the work of Satan and demons, and their legal defeat at Calvary. We will never be able to walk in our God given authority until and unless we know who the enemy is, and how he has been defeated. We trust this book will be an encouragement and a source of inspiration to you. Colossian 2:15 (NIV) “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross”. To know more about Adonai Ministries and the various conferences/seminars that are conducted throughout the year, kindly visit us on our web site (see inside the book)
Throughout history, since the beginning of time, there have been
Saudi Arabia: land of oil, terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism, and a crucial American ally. As the only Western journalist to have extensively worked in the Saudi Kingdom, John R. Bradley is uniquely able to expose the turmoil that is shaking the House of Saud to its foundations. From the heart of the secretive Islamic kingdom's urban centers to its most remote mountainous terrain, from the homes of royalty to the slums of its poorest inhabitants, he provides intimate details and reveals underlying regional, religious, and tribal rivalries. Bradley highlights tensions generated by social change, focuses on the educational system, the increasing restlessness of Saudi youth faced with limited opportunities for cultural and political expression, and the predicament of Saudi women seeking opportunities but facing constraints. What are the implications for the Sauds and the West? This book offers a startling look at the present predicament and a troubling view of the future.
The death of Samantha Grey’s mother and imprisonment of her father made her shut everyone out of her life. Including him. Ten years later, the murder of her father brings them back together and now Detective Nate Evans has two mysteries on his hands: a murder to solve and a past of questions that still gnaw at the surface to face. A past he’s tried hard to bury. One that includes her. As Nate and Samantha are forced to work together to bring justice for the dead, it is clear the case is not the only mystery being unearthed between them. They are led down dark, township alleyways, towards drug-dealer territory, and into the box of a decade old cold case… but how long will they take to realize how deep the roots of this case go? Neither of them are prepared for the trials they face as they start digging through Samantha’s twisted family history and exposing the cost of hidden truths. Will the collision of the past and present destroy what little faith they have in finding healing, or will it be the key to solving the decade old mysteries between them and finding redemption in the chaos? Emily Hart is a young South African author. She’s been involved in humanitarian work in the Middle East and half a dozen African countries, meeting people and seeing places that inspire her writing. Emily lives in Stellenbosch with her family and five chickens.
Every Christian needs to have a clear understanding of the work of Satan and demons, and their legal defeat at Calvary. We will never be able to walk in our God given authority until and unless we know who the enemy is, and how he has been defeated. We trust this book will be an encouragement and a source of inspiration to you. Colossian 2:15 (NIV) "And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross". To know more about Adonai Ministries and the various conferences/seminars that are conducted throughout the year, kindly visit us on our web site (see inside the book)
Satan and his fallen angels - principalities and demons - are well and alive on the earth. They are not figments of peoples' imaginations but malevolent spirits fighting the Lord God Almighty, born-again Christians and the entire human race (Ephesians 6: 12). The Kingdom of Satan Exposed! is about their modus operandi and artifices in the world. The book exposed the organogram of the satanic world and the spread of false religions to lure the unwary and the ignorant into hell.
In this biblically based book, Fay Julius-Williams shares who the enemy is and how he works against the Kingdom of God. The enemy's tactics, deception and his kingdom is exposed and practical solutions are given on how to deal with him. If you or someone you know is struggling with a problem that never seems to go away, demons may be at work in that person's life and that person could or my need deliverance. Jesus has commissioned the church to take care of demons the same way He did, by casting them out. Fay encourages everyone to run the rack that is set before them with the help and support of others in the Body of Christ. LET THE WILL OF GOD BE DONE AND HIS KINGDOM COME!!