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At a time when the Western church is having to come to terms--painfully and often reluctantly--with its diminished social and intellectual status in the world following the collapse of Christendom, we find ourselves, as interpreters of Paul, increasingly impressed by the need to relocate his writings in their historical context. That is not a coincidence. The Future of the People of God is an attempt to make sense of Paul's letter to the Romans at the intersection of these two developments. It puts forward the argument that we must first have the courage of our historical convictions and read the text before Christendom, from the limited, shortsighted perspective of an emerging community that dared to defy the gods of the ancient world. This act of imaginative, critical engagement with the text will challenge many of our assumptions about Paul's "gospel of God," but it will also put us in a position to reconstruct an identity and purpose for the people of God after Christendom that is both biblically and historically coherent.
In the first major analysis of Paul's understanding of Gentile salvation in several years, Bible scholar Terence Donaldson offers a creative approach to the apostle's theological convictions. According to Donaldson, Paul as a believer in Jesus Christ did not abandon his Jewish frame of reference but reconfigured it, especially by the stimulus of his mission to the Gentiles.
What would the world look like if the Old Perspective on Paul was right about justification, the New Perspective was right about Judaism, and the Radical New Perspective was right to note ongoing differences between Jewish and Gentile converts? Galatians Reconsidered is a compelling, practical study of Paul the Apostle’s writing that explores just that. Emphasising the central role played by regression in Paul’s argument on justification, Neil Martin examines the dichotomy between faith and works and how the apostle envisaged the differences in how Jews and Gentiles should interact with the Law. By re-establishing Galatians in its original Jewish and pagan context, Martin exposes the problems faced by Galatian churches and shows how they still speak to modern churches today. His insight not only helps us better appreciate Paul’s message but challenges us to put his wisdom into practice in our own church settings. Provocative and stimulating Galatians Reconsidered is a robust new look at the question of justification. It will leave you with a thorough knowledge of the merits and failings of both the old and new perspectives on Paul, as well as a broader understanding of the letter to the Galatians both in the context in which it was written and its continued relevance today.
After a survey of recent approaches to the study of Paul's use of Scripture, the four main chapters explore the use of Isa. 54:1 in Gal. 4:27, the catena of scriptural texts in 2 Cor. 6:16-18, Hos. 1:10 and 2:23 in Rom. 9:25-26 and Isa. 57:19 in Eph. 2:17. In each case, the ancienwriter seeks to place the letter in its historical context and rhetorical situation, identify the significance of any conflations or modifications that have taken place in the citation process, analyse the citation's function within its immediate context, compare its use by Paul with the various ways in which the text is interpreted and appropriated by other Second Temple writers, and evaluate the main proposals offered as explanations for the riddle posed by the citation. That done, he offers his own account of the hermeneutic at work, based on an analysis of the explicit and implicit hermeneutical pointers through which the letter guides its readers in their appropriation of Scripture. This book compares the hermeneutical approaches of the four letters and draws conclusionsconcerning the interplay of continuity and discontinuity between Scripture and gospel in Paul's letters and the relationship between grace and Gentile inclusion in his theology.
This book is a verse-by-verse expositional commentary of Romans--dispensationally considered. It approaches Scripture as the inspired, complete, and authoritative Word of God. By understanding this foundational book on Pauline doctrine, it will bring the remainder of Paul's writings into focus. After Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus, God told Ananias, "Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel" (Acts 9:15). Paul's message to the Gentiles was both separate and unique from the message preached by the Twelve. An agreement was made between the Twelve and Paul that their distinct gospels would be carried to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and the Gentiles respectively. In their meeting at Jerusalem, it was stated, "When they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; (For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:)...that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision" (Gal. 2:7-9). Here the word heathen refers to the Gentiles, and the word uncircumcised refers to Israel. Of all of Paul's writings, the book of Romans is definitive. It establishes a complete legal argument for the justification of God's wrath and His plan for redemption for those who choose to believe in the finished work of His Son on the cross. All of Paul's subsequent books are built upon the Gospel of the Grace if God which was revealed to Paul by the Resurrected Lord Himself and which Paul continually refers to as "my" gospel.