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“Nauseous and queasy, my blood ran cold. I could no longer hold it back. As I further broke down in a cold sweat, tears uncontrollably rolled down my face. All I knew was pain. It didn’t stop coming; it never did anyway. Grappling with the suffocating and tormenting screams deep inside was exhausting enough. I didn’t need any more. I closed my eyes. I could no longer see a future. I saw the end. That was when I knew what Fear really was. “ For the past 18 years of her life, Emelyne had been facing multiple horrific medical diagnoses that kept surging at her one after another, nonstop. Fear, has weighed her treacherous life journey down even more over the years, forcing her to put up countless bone-crushing fights against it. As she embarks on a new journey to becoming Fearless, she continues to be struck with numerous unforgiving tragedies and tribulations that unabatingly haul her deeper into the abyss of misery, sorrow and despondency. The Journey To Becoming Fearless: A Story of Hope, Courage & Strength not only unveils to us her bravery and fortitude as she steps foot into this new journey, but also her gradual discovery of the genuine meaning of acceptance, embracement and hope.
"Fearless is the book we have all been waiting for." "Fearless may be one of the most consequential books ever written, a MUST READ!" Discover the powerful secrets to living a courageous and FEARLESS life... Have you ever wished you had more courage to deal with life's more complicated moments? Have you ever felt inadequate or undeserving? Have you struggled with understanding your purpose or direction in life? Have you lacked the confidence to go after a personal or career goal? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. Most people have. FEARLESS will challenge you to examine those areas in your life that may be holding you back from living the extraordinary life that you were destined to live. In the book we will discuss: - Finding the origins of your fears - Facing and overcoming life's obstacles - Discovering your identity and purpose - Developing a mindset of courage, happiness, and success - Making excellence your personal brand - Experiencing life's amazing journey to the fullest FEARLESS will challenge you to make the most of every moment in your life, to live by a code of excellence, to inspire others through faith, and find the courage to live life boldly with direction and purpose. Terry Beckstrom's latest book, Fearless, provides a timely antidote for the anxiety and crippling fear gripping so many today in our tumultuous world. Terry talks to us like a father, a coach, and a friend to help young and old look deep within for the causes of destructive attitudes and behaviors that keep us from achieving our life purpose and goals. He gives practical steps and real-life examples for overcoming the obstacles we will invariably face in life. Running like a golden thread throughout the book is a compelling invitation for readers to seek God: "You are created in God's image," Terry writes, "and your worth is already established as no less than anyone else on earth today. Don't allow anyone to define who you are or what you will accomplish. You can achieve anything you are willing to work for, and most limitations in life are self-imposed." Fearless is a wise and powerful book that will help you attain the life of freedom and fulfillment you long for. -Suzanne U. Rhodes, poet, and author of Flying Yellow and A Welcome Shore
Go deep into SEAL Team SIX, straight to the heart of one of its most legendary operators. When Navy SEAL Adam Brown woke up on March 17, 2010, he didn’t know he would die that night in the Hindu Kush Mountains of Afghanistan—but he was ready. In a letter to his children, not meant to be seen unless the worst happened, he wrote, “I’m not afraid of anything that might happen to me on this earth, because I know no matter what, nothing can take my spirit from me.” Fearless is the story of a man of extremes, whose courage and determination were fueled by faith, family, and the love of a woman. It’s about a man who waged a war against his own worst impulses, including drug addiction, and persevered to reach the top tier of the U.S. military. In a deeply personal and absorbing chronicle, Fearless reveals a glimpse inside the SEAL Team SIX brotherhood, and presents an indelible portrait of a highly trained warrior whose final act of bravery led to the ultimate sacrifice. Adam Brown was a devoted man who was an unlikely hero but a true warrior, described by all who knew him as…fearless. “As a rule, we don’t endorse books or movies or anything regarding the command where I work—and Adam Brown worked—but as the author writes in Fearless, ‘you have to know the rules, so you know when to bend or break them.’ This is one of those times. Read this book. Period. It succeeds where all the others have failed.” —SEAL Team SIX Operator
"Despite the serious topic of this book, it is a delight to read. Thompson tackles the natural desire to resist God’s calling with such energy that the book is hard to put down." -Elizabeth Wisz, Christian Market "Reading like a moving sermon, Thompson’s book of biblical lessons will appeal to Christians looking for spiritual encouragement." -Publisher's Weekly Go. One small word. . .so much power. When God says, “Go,” we face one of life's greatest decisions. When God says, “Go,” we must face our fears. . .our excuses. . .and our selves. When God says, “Go,” it's time to answer His call wherever it leads. When God says, “Go," what will you do? Author Elizabeth Laing Thompson invites you to walk alongside people of the Bible who were called by God to fulfill His purposes. . .people like Moses, Esther, Abigail, Jeremiah, Mary, and others. These Bible heroes responded much like we do--with a jumbled-up inner storm of excitement and fear, insecurity and hope. Their stories and struggles will provide a roadmap for your own story, helping you face your very own doubts, regrets, and worries. When God calls, it’s time to go. Maybe somewhere new, someplace you've never been. Maybe it’s time to go forward after being stuck with one foot in the past. Maybe it’s time to go deeper—in Bible study or relationships. Time to go higher—in prayer or dreams. Time to go and give—to use talents and opportunities God has given you. Or maybe it’s time to go and grow, right where you are. . .to dig into the Word, dive into your heart, and become the woman God is calling you to be. Ready or not, God is calling us all to go somewhere new in our walk with Him. So what are we waiting for? Let’s answer His call. Let’s get started!
The Buddhist practice of mindfulness caught on in the west when we began to understand the everyday, personal benefits it brought us. Now, in this extraordinary book, the highly acclaimed thought leader and longtime English translator of His Holiness the Dalai Lama shows us that compassion can bring us even more. Based on the landmark course in compassion training Jinpa helped create at Stanford Medical School, A Fearless Heart shows us that we actually fear compassion. We worry that if we are too compassionate with others we will be taken advantage of, and if we are too compassionate with ourselves we will turn into slackers. Using science, insights from both classical Buddhist and western psychology, and stories both from others and from his own extraordinary life, Jinpa shows us how to train our compassion muscle to relieve stress, fight depression, improve our health, achieve our goals, and change our world. Practical, spiritual, and immediately relevant, A Fearless Heart will speak to readers of The Art of Happiness and Wherever You Go, There You Are.
Think big, dream wild, and live fear-free! A brave life is not stumbled upon—it’s cultivated – it’s choosing to be bold and fearless when everything in you wants to cower in defeat. Tracey Mitchell offers a fresh approach to intentionally living a meaningful, courageous life. Learn how to tackle these difficult questions: Am I willing to trade my best days for fear? Will I let hurt feelings rob me of my dreams? Will I allow loss to steal my peace? Will I waste my life haunted by painful memories? Each chapter contains insightful wisdom, real-life stories, and illustrations of how to transform fear and anxiety into confidence and courage and become truly brave. With questions for reflection throughout the book, Mitchell offers women an action guide to growth. This message of courage and empowerment is ideal for fans of Lysa TerKeurst and Rachel Hollis’ Girl Wash Your Face.
The world is a scary place, so we are encouraged to fake confidence and show courage when we feel unsure or overwhelmed. Being courageous means stepping out even though we are afraid, but taking fearful action is not a sustainable long term strategy. Courage is important, but it cannot be our endgame. It is time to have a different conversation. It is time to move beyond courage and learn to live fearlessly. The Fearless Revolution is the revealing story of a confident, extroverted leader of leaders whose suffocating, hidden fears kept her on a tightrope, balancing the lies that she was too much and not enough at all times. Sandy Gledhill uncovered the secrets to becoming fearless on her personal 20-year quest to break free from the bondage of fear. No matter where you are on the fear spectrum, you are not disqualified from becoming fearless. The secrets and action steps laid out in this book will help you rediscover your true identity and embrace your God-given destiny so you can walk boldly into the freedom of fearlessness.
As a therapist, Gretchen Schmelzer has watched far too many people quit during treatment for trauma recovery. They find it too difficult or frightening, or they decide that it's just too late for them. Schmelzer wrote Journey Through Trauma specifically for survivors to help them understand the terrain of the healing process and stay on the path. She begins by laying out three important assumptions that support a survivor's healing: that it is possible, that it requires courage and that it cannot be done alone. Traumas that happen more than once - child abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, gang violence, war - are all relational traumas. They are traumas that happen inside a relationship and therefore must be healed inside a relationship, whether that relationship is with a therapist or within a group. She then guides readers through the five phases that every survivor must negotiate: Preparation, Unintegration, Identification, Integration and Consolidation. She creates a mental map of the healing process that helps survivors recognize where they are in their journey to health, see where the hard parts occur and persevere in the process of getting well. Since the cycle of healing repeated trauma is not linear, the survivor comes to understand that circling back around to a previous stage actually means progress as well as facing new challenges. Ultimately, the healing journey is one of trust, as survivors come to trust their capacity to rely on help from others and to trust themselves and the work they have done.
One woman’s memoir of getting a cancer diagnosis at age thirty-two—and how rediscovering her faith in God carried her through to a second chance at life. A breast cancer diagnosis at age thirty-two left Maimah Karmo’s world shattered. She was the survivor of civil unrest in Liberia, a college-educated corporate professional, and a dedicated mother to her daughter—breast cancer was not part of the plan. How could this happen? With the help of family and friends, Maimah uncovered her own strength, rediscovered her faith in God, and navigated a completely foreign medical world. Through this struggle to reclaim her body and her soul, she learned what was truly important in life—and she didn’t stop there. During recovery, Maimah took a leap of faith and founded the Tigerlily Foundation, an organization that supports young women before, during, and after breast cancer. She had lived through her own journey; now she wanted to help others do the same. This inspiring account covers Maimah’s journey through an exceptional childhood to her experience with cancer that would change her life forever. It is not only a story of love and determination, but also of what can happen when you are given a second chance at life. Fearless illustrates that even when a situation appears to be impossible, true faith—in yourself, in God, and in those you love—will lead you toward the life you always wanted, the life you have a reason to fight for.