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Researching Jerusalem's first mention in ancient history along with current events, one can easily interpret todays news stories. The fact that a nation has regained her homeland after thousands of years in exile is intriguing. But add to the fact that this has never been done for any other nation. America as the leader of the free world is at a crossroads as to whether or not she retains her position. Gaining a historical background as well as certain critical divine directives give this book a credible must read status. Secure your copy today and interpret news stories with much greater ease and understanding.
[This] is the most important question regarding the claims of the Christian faith. Certainly no question in modern religious history demands more attention or interest, as witnessed by the vast body of literature dealing with the Resurrection. James I. Packer says it well in his response to this debate: 'When Christians are asked to make good their claim that this scheme is truth, they point to Jesus' resurrection. The Easter event, so they affirm, demonstrated Jesus' deity; validated his teaching; attested to the completion of his work of atonement for sin; confirms his present cosmic dominion and coming reappearance as Judge; assures us that his personal pardon, presence, and power in people's lives today is fact; and guarantees each believer's own reembodiment by Resurrection in the world to come.' The Apostle Paul considered the Resurrection to be the cornerstone of the Christian faith. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, the whole structure, Christianity, collapses. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:14-17, 'And if Christ has not been raised, 'our preaching is useless and so is you faith.' More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God. . . . And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile [emphasis added].' The Christian faith-and its claim to be Truth-exists only if Jesus rose from the dead. The heart of Christianity is a living Christ.
"The book of Acts tells how the first Christians spread the Gospel efficiently for 200 years without possessing a single building. Our choice? To use their methods or ours. Read this book!"
Who Do You say that I am? was the question Jesus asked the disciples. This book looks at some contemporary Jewish answers to that question (and answers to those answers). It also examines the history of anti-Semitism and how that has influenced people in our modern era. Whether Jewish or non-Jewish, The Messiah Factor brings many vital issues to the table challenging us all to answer that question, Who do you say that I am? Issues raised include: Why has the professing church often persecuted Jewish People? Where was God when the six million perished? If Jesus is the Messiah, why is there no peace in the world? Do events in the Middle East today tie in with the prophecies of the Bible, and if so, how will they end? What clues do the Hebrew Prophets give to Messiah s identity?
Now you can have the best Sperry Symposium articles about the New Testament gathered in one outstanding volume! Containing many of the most instructive and inspirational commentaries ever written on the subject, this book features such authors as President James E. Faust, Elders Jay E. Jensen, L. Aldin Porter, Gerald N. Lund, and many others. The fourth and final volume in the Sperry Symposium Classics series, this collection is sure to serve as a precious resource as we focus on the New Testament in the coming year. Topics include Christs ministry, atonement, and resurrection as well as chapters on the apostles writings and on vital doctrines taught in this standard work.Additional contributors include Elder John K. Carmack, Dennis Largey, Andrew Skinner, Robert Matthews, Richard Anderson, Wilfred Griggs, Richard Holzapfel, Monte Nyman, Catherine Thomas, Robert Millet, Matthew Richardson, Richard Draper, Gaye Strathearn, Kent Brown, and others.