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This is a comprehensive work summarizing the current state of knowledge of the biology of the hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho and Maputo Province, Mozambique). It provides an overview of the history of tick research in Southern Africa and the evolution of our knowledge of the ticks’ distribution and biology, as well as the methods used to determine tick distribution, abundance and host preference. The morphologies of most of the tick species known to occur in Southern Africa are described and illustrated, and their distributions are described and mapped in relation to the biomes of the region. The known hosts for each tick species are listed, and the tick’s host preferences are discussed. Information on most species life cycle in the laboratory and the field, and their seasonal occurrence, is summarized. The diseases of animals and humans transmitted or caused by each tick species are summarized in relation to tick ecology. Aspects of the biology of the major hosts relevant to tick infestations are described, and extensive tick/host and host/tick lists are provided for each country
This book has been designed to summarize current, essential information for every one of the world’s 700+ hard tick species. Under each species name, we will cite the original description, followed by information on type depositories, known stages, distribution (by zoogeographic region and ecoregion), hosts, and human infestation (if any). Each species account will also include a list of salient references and, where necessary, remarks on systematic status. We envision eight chapters: six devoted to the major ixodid tick genera (Amblyomma, Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis, Hyalomma, Ixodes, Rhipicephalus), one covering eight minor genera (including two that are fossil), and a concluding summary chapter. There will be two tables on host associations and zoogeography in each major genus chapter, as well as five tables in the summary chapter, for a total of 17 tables. No similar synopsis of the world’s hard tick species exists in any language.​
This is a comprehensive work summarizing the current state of knowledge of the biology of the hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho and Maputo Province, Mozambique). It provides an overview of the history of tick research in Southern Africa and the evolution of our knowledge of the ticks' distribution and biology, as well as the methods used to determine tick distribution, abundance and host preference. The morphologies of most of the tick species known to occur in Southern Africa are described and illustrated, and their distributions are described and mapped in relation to the biomes of the region. The known hosts for each tick species are listed, and the tick's host preferences are discussed. Information on most species life cycle in the laboratory and the field, and their seasonal occurrence, is summarized. The diseases of animals and humans transmitted or caused by each tick species are summarized in relation to tick ecology. Aspects of the biology of the major hosts relevant to tick infestations are described, and extensive tick/host and host/tick lists are provided for each country.
Ticks in the genus Rhipicephalus include many important vectors of animal and human pathogens, but many species are notoriously difficult to identify, particularly as immature stages. This reference volume provides identification keys for adult ticks from the Afrotropical regions and elsewhere. For the nymphs and larvae, unique plates have been compiled in which line drawings of the capitula of similar species are grouped together to facilitate identification. Brief well-illustrated descriptions of the known stages of every species are given, plus information on their hosts, distribution, and disease relationships. Tables providing data on host/parasite relationships and disease transmission are also included, making this the definitive reference source on this group for all those interested in acarology, veterinary or medical parasitology and entomology for many years to come.
Ticks of the family Ixodidae, commonly known as hard ticks, occur worldwide and are second only to mosquitoes as vectors of agents pathogenic to humans. Of the 729 currently recognized hard tick species, 283 (39%) have been implicated as human parasites, but the literature on these species is both immense and scattered, with the result that health professionals are often unable to determine whether a particular tick specimen, once identified, represents a species that is an actual or potential threat to its human host. In this book, two leading tick specialists provide a list of the species of Ixodidae that have been reported to feed on humans, with emphasis on their geographical distribution, principal hosts, and the tick life history stages associated with human parasitism. Also included is a discussion of 21 ixodid species that, while having been found on humans, are either not known to have actually fed or may have been misidentified. Additionally, 107 tick names that have appeared in papers on tick parasitism of humans, and that might easily confuse non-taxonomists, are shown to be invalid under the rules of zoological nomenclature. Although the species of ticks that attack humans have long attracted the attention of researchers, few comprehensive studies of these species have been attempted. By gleaning and analyzing the results of over 1,100 scientific papers published worldwide, the authors have provided an invaluable survey of hard tick parasitism that is unprecedented in its scope and detail.
This book includes descriptive keys for identifying every stage of all the species of ticks reported in Europe and northern Africa. It includes descriptive texts on the ecology and prominent features of each species, together with ink illustrations and distribution maps of more than 60 species of hard and soft ticks. The text for each species was prepared by specialists, the illustrations were made especially for this book and the maps were compiled on the basis of more than 40 years of records. This book is the first to offer keys for more than 60 species of ticks (both immature and adult) in the target territory. It also includes supplementary information with bibliographical details for each species. This book is based upon work from COST Action TD1303, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)