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The objectives of this book are as follows: To provide robust evidence that Islam is a man-made delusional faith; To show the real picture of 'Allah', the God of Islam; To determine whether any evidence provided of Allah's existence can be held true;To reveal the truth regarding Mohamed's character; To prove that the Quran is not from a divine source but a book full of errors, myths and hijacked morals; To expose the characters of extensive Islamic brainwashing mechanisms; To demonstrate that Islam cannot be reformed as a peaceful religion to interact with non-Muslims, and to accommodate basic human rights; To provide evidence that Sharia Law is the most intrusive and restrictive legal system in the world today, especially for women; To highlight the disastrous side-effect of the Islamic doctrine throughout the last 1400 years - the immoral features of corruption, tyranny and unjustness, which have become typical of today's Arab and Muslim leaders.
The objectives of this book are as follows: To provide robust evidence that Islam is a man-made delusional faith;To show the real picture of 'Allah', the God of Islam;To determine whether any evidence provided of Allah's existence can be held true;To reveal the truth regarding Mohamed's character;To prove that the Quran is not from a divine source but a book full of errors, myths and hijacked morals;To expose the characters of extensive Islamic brainwashing mechanisms;To demonstrate that Islam cannot be reformed as a peaceful religion to interact with non-Muslims, and to accommodate basic human rights;To provide evidence that Sharia Law is the most intrusive and restrictive legal system in the world today, especially for women;To highlight the disastrous side-effect of the Islamic doctrine throughout the last 1400 years - the immoral features of corruption, tyranny and unjustness, which have become typical of today's Arab and Muslim leaders
Every new American President has a plan to bring about peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and every one fails. Every “peace process” has failed in its primary objective: to establish a stable and lasting accord between the two parties, such that they can live together side-by-side in friendship rather than enmity. But why? And what can be done instead? While this failure is a consistent pattern stretching back decades, there is virtually no public discussion or even basic understanding of the primary reason for this failure. The Palestinian Delusion is unique in situating the Israeli/Palestinian conflict within the context of the global jihad that has found renewed impetus in the latter portion of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first. Briskly recounting the tumultuous history of the “peace process,” Robert Spencer demonstrates that the determination of diplomats, policymakers, and negotiators to ignore this aspect of the conflict has led the Israelis, the Palestinians, and the world down numerous blind alleys. This has often only exacerbated, rather than healed, this conflict. The Palestinian Delusion offers a general overview of the Zionist settlement of Palestine, the establishment of the State of Israel, and the Arab Muslim reaction to these events. It explores the dramatic and little-known history of the various peace efforts—showing how and why they invariably broke down or failed to be implemented fully. The Palestinian Delusion also provides shocking evidence from the Palestinian media, as well as statements from the Palestinian leadership, showing that negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians will never work. But there is still cause for hope. Spencer delineates a realistic, viable alternative to the endless and futile “peace process,” that shows how the Jewish State and the Palestinian Arabs can truly coexist in peace—without illusions or unrealistic expectations.
Islamic faith is a blind belief in a supernatural divine power that controls human destiny. Prophet Muhammad claimed to have communicated with Allah in a prophetic trance, but in the cold-eyed view of a trained psychiatrist his religious ecstasy was very similar to an epileptic seizure and schizophrenia hallucination which manifested itself by convulsive attacks and clouding of consciousness. Hallucinatory drugs can also cause misperceptions of reality. Hence, the people who are under the influence of drugs can also claim to communicate with Allah. When Allah revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad no one shared his experience so that anyone who believed in him had to take his word. But even if a great number of people put blind trust in his claims, sharing beliefs with many people does not prove that Allah exists. The strength of a blind faith cannot materialize or give life to the creature of a fantasy. When many people shared his false beliefs about reality, it became a mass delusion - THE ALLAH DELUSION. Our commonsense says if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and swims like a duck, then certainly we are dealing with a duck. When it comes to Allah's religion however we change our perceptions. If it acts like a lunatic, if it often hallucinates like a schizophrenic and if it has all the symptoms of temporal lobe epilepsy, it must be the Holy Prophet of Allah! Scientific advance of human civilization and the theological retreat of Allah are interlocked. Even though science had not specifically disproved the existence of God, science has thrown such a flood of light upon Allah and his Qur'an that now Allah can be regarded as a paper tiger - a harmless, spineless scarecrow - a figment of Muhammad's private fantasy. Without context and chronology, the Qur'an becomes a meaningless and disjointed rant of a schizophrenic. Islam is clearly a losing cause. Though THE ALLAH DELUSION is the main theme, this book addresses another important issue - militant atheism, if emerges as a blind faith in the godlessness, is equally dangerous like Islam. Though moral values can be separated from the belief in a God and atheism does not necessarily lead to moral bankruptcy, fanatic atheists are just as capable of moral atrocities as are theists. Militant atheism is an intellectually bankrupt fallacy very similar to Islamic theocracy.
John Milors fascinating work is based on the Bible telling of a powerful deception that will overshadow the Earth, a deception so intense that only those with a genuine love relationship with God will be able to endure it. Events from the authors own life, including a series of supernatural encounters, have revealed some key components of this strong delusion, which he believes will initiate a grand display of open contact with extraterrestrials. It will also involve the global rise of Islam. Its no mistake that the faiths of four billion people (Christians and Muslims) include two versions of prophetic visions that are nearly identical, yet they represent opposite sides of a global conflict that will end in the Battle of Armageddon. This book delves into myriad topics, including: Encounters with angels, otherworldly beings, and Jesus Christ; Encounters with demons, ghosts, nephilim, jinns, and mythical creatures; The Bibles explanation of ET good guys and bad guys; The Quran and Hadiths ET connection: Was Muhammad abducted as a boy, and operated on? Was the angel that abducted Muhammad really Gabriel? Were the mysterious jinns of Islam actually surviving nephilim? Is the Quran and Hadiths ideology specifically tailored for the Antichrist? These and other topics harken to ancient times and peer into a not-too-distant future, when the author believes we will see a return to the days of Noah, as prophesied by Jesus.
Alister McGrath and Joanna Collicutt McGrath present a reliable assessment of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, famed atheist and scientist, and the many questions this book raises--including, above all, the relevance of faith and the quest for meaning.
This book will provide concrete evidence to prove that the Quran has no scientific miracles and that many of its statements contradict with science and natural laws. It will expose the Islamic brainwashing machines that have been so aggressively active throughout the past 1400 years. It will talk about the human mind and how it can be deceptive and manipulative, presenting what it imagines to be an undeniable truth. It will give a summary of Islamic World history, highlighting the chaos Islam has brought upon its followers for 14 centuries. It will provide evidence that our morals are not from a divine source and a God is not necessary for mankind to behave decently. It will highlight my verdict on Islamic doctrine and the reasons behind my judgment. It will also talk about the next step; the way forward to adopt a free mind and to embrace reason and scientific evidence.I hope the details in this volume will help millions to free themselves from the slavery of religious mind-control that has been imposed on mankind for thousands of years. It will help people to avoid blind submission to the religious pathology which has justified grotesque cruelty and violence for centuries.
The struggle between the main political parties has been reduced to an unpopularity contest, in which voters hold their noses and sigh as they trudge to the polls. Peter Hitchens explains how and why British politics has sunk to this dreary level - the takeover of the parties and the media by conventional left-wing dogmas which then call themselves 'the centre ground'. The Tory party under David Cameron has become a pale-blue twin of New Labour, offering change without alteration. Hitchens, a former Lobby reporter, examines and mocks the flock mentality of most Westminster journalists, explains how unattributable lunches guide coverage and why so many reporters - once slavish admirers of Labour - now follow the Tory line. This updated edition of Hitchens's The Broken Compass (2009) features a brand new introduction. In an excoriating analysis, Hitchens examines the Tory Party's record in government and opposition, dismissing it as a failure on all fronts but one - the ability to win office without principle. The one thing it certainly isn't is conservative.