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Are you tired of feeling invisible and alone? There are few things worse than hiding behind an invisible mask with a fake smile, feeling unnoticed, unwanted, and desperately hoping that someone would notice the real you. Most of my life I struggled to fit in and to be accepted. I felt invisible and that I didn’t have a voice. Through my journey of finding acceptance and purpose, I wrote my prayers to God in the form of poems and wrote moments that I encountered a lesson learned or a struggle. I needed an outlet, so I wrote. What I didn’t expect was by doing so, I would find healing, acceptance, and love. I came to know of a loving Father who showed me that I wasn’t invisible, but loved by Him and had a purpose. God had a purpose for my tears and put it on my heart to share my journey with others. You deserve to be noticed, cared for, and valued. You are not alone but loved. My prayer is with this book others can and will find comfort and hope as my struggles point them to a Loving God, Savior, and Friend.
Emma Trask hid behind a mask and kept the secret of a daughter that was conceived from a rape, and that she gave the baby to the man who raped her. But, after 20 years, Christy, her daughter, finds Emma. Now Emma is forced to face her past and Christy has to find a way to forgive her biological mother for giving her to a man who abused her. Only God's intervention can save the family from total destruction.
"Britanie... Britanie Buchanan," a voice from the intercom announced. "Please report to the peer counselor's office immediately."The announcement disturbed sub-consciousness as Britanie raised her head from the desk to the empty classroom. She wore an expression that stated clearly she couldn't care less."What the hell do these people want with me again," she grumbled beneath her breath, rising blandly from the seat to march firmly through the doorway. She was dying inside. Over the past four years her world had turned from white to black then gray but at the moment she had no clue what shade it took. She had wished for her last day on earth so many days with those years and today its fulfillment was her only desire.Britanie sauntered towards the door of the peer counselor's office and knocked it. Miss Wells purposefully rose from her desk and came to the door to let her in. "It's nice to see you today Britanie, have a seat," her voice was warm and graceful but Britanie became irritated the moment she saw the woman's lit face."Thank you," she responded flatly, sitting like a stone in the chair. The counselor resumed her seat."Britanie,you know why we're here, right? Your aura has been sending shockwaves to your companions and also a number of your teachers. Do you wish to confide in me today?" Miss Wells posed in her most soft appealing tone."If I can recall clearly, I've been in here last week Monday, Wednesday of that week and now today Tuesday," her irking was again blooming. "Miss Wells, I'm fine. If I had something to talk about , I would," she pasted eagerly."There're times when we have something to say but we're not sure if we should say it or even more frighteningly, who to share it with but these are the things that eat at our souls.""I said I would, if I had something to say," Britanie interjected ardently."Okay sweetie but know for sure that the doors are opened to you at any hour of the day," the counselor console amidst the surprising blurt."Thank you very much," Britanie found her composure. "I'll always keep that in mind."Britanie got up instantly from the table and hasted from the office. School was dismissed but she didn't want to go home. Sitting on an outside bench, she retrieved her cellular phone to ring her cab but instead, dialled her best friend's number.If ever she found herself disclosing her suppression, it had to be with Jessana. The phone rang without picking up, and a second time without an answer. The failure walled her eyes once more. When the burn got intense, she scooped up her belongings and treaded off to the staff's restroom.*****Jessana exited the shower and rushed towards the phone she heard ringing earlier. When she recognized the missed calls were both from Britanie, she redialled immediately. "Hi Brit..." The line was opened but there was no response as two rolls chased disobediently down Britanie's cheeks. Jessana could hear her sobbing in the background. "Britanie? Britanie! What's wrong, where are you? she stuttered."I'm here," Britanie whispered, "I'm going to kill that man, that bastard! That... son of a bitch!" she steamed. Jessana rose from the spot she was sitting on the bed and started pacing the floor with one palm wide opened."Brit please, promise me you won't do anything stupid. I'm coming over now," she hastened to say."I'm not," Britanie stumbled on the thought of finally opening up, "It's okay Jessana, I'm still at school.""No, I'm coming over as soon as you get in. Promise me you'll call your cab when you get off the phone," Jessana demanded heatedly. "We need to have a conversation in person and... word for word."It was time; full time to vomit it out. Heedlessly, Britanie promised her best friend. There and then she wished only if she would lock herself away in her cubicle forever. Like a pack of card, desires were assembled; ready to be decked out on life's table but fate wouldn't have it to be as rage gave birth to wretchedness.
When detectives respond to a crime scene in Orlando, Florida, during the "summer of hurricanes" in 2004, they find Charlie Brandt hanging from the rafters in the garage of his niece, Michelle Jones' home. Inside the house, they find a scene of horror that reminds them of other murders. In 1978, 13-year-old Carol Lynn Sullivan's head was found inside a rusty paint can in Osteen, Florida; her body was never found. Homeless transient Sherry Perisho was murdered in 1989, after moving to Florida from Illinois. Finally, in 1995, Miami prostitute Darlene Toler was deposited on the side of the road, wrapped up "like a package." Perisho and Toler had their hearts removed; all three had been decapitated; and all three are believed by investigators to have been the prior victims of Charlie Brandt. Invisible Killer is the true story of crimes committed by Brandt with insight from an FBI profiler and forensic psychologist, victim's friends and relatives, and the unique writings from victims themselves before their deaths.
A book for men and women who wish to fully understand themselves and how to deal with the fallout of a breakup. It is for those who hope to come out on top from what was a bad situation. How do you identify what is necessary to rebuild yourself from the ground up
A cultural history of the face in Western art, ranging from portraiture in painting and photography to film, theater, and mass media This fascinating book presents the first cultural history and anthropology of the face across centuries, continents, and media. Ranging from funerary masks and masks in drama to the figural work of contemporary artists including Cindy Sherman and Nam June Paik, renowned art historian Hans Belting emphasizes that while the face plays a critical role in human communication, it defies attempts at visual representation. Belting divides his book into three parts: faces as masks of the self, portraiture as a constantly evolving mask in Western culture, and the fate of the face in the age of mass media. Referencing a vast array of sources, Belting's insights draw on art history, philosophy, theories of visual culture, and cognitive science. He demonstrates that Western efforts to portray the face have repeatedly failed, even with the developments of new media such as photography and film, which promise ever-greater degrees of verisimilitude. In spite of sitting at the heart of human expression, the face resists possession, and creative endeavors to capture it inevitably result in masks—hollow signifiers of the humanity they're meant to embody. From creations by Van Eyck and August Sander to works by Francis Bacon, Ingmar Bergman, and Chuck Close, Face and Mask takes a remarkable look at how, through the centuries, the physical visage has inspired and evaded artistic interpretation.
The first all-encompassing book on coronavirus pandemic that answers all the pertinent questions nagging our perturbed minds, through well-researched and facts-laden contents. How a virus one billionth of a metre size could trigger the 21st century's second pandemic? Why the 15th largest pandemic since the 14th century is massively disruptive on all-fronts? Is the worst contagion in over a century financially debilitating? Did the world efficiently handled the socio-economic catastrophe? Can the world handle a 'biblical proportions' famine? Can the world recoup from the US$9 trillion economic impact? Is a semblance of order possible soon? Can the lost ground be regained? Were healthcare services up to the mark? Will air travel ever be vibrant again? When will airports burst at their seams again? Is COVID-19 a top priority over the 24 vaccines under development? Did technology help when the world grounded? Will the world see a New Economic Order?
In a city known as home to some of the sporting world's biggest stars, few have ever shined as brightly as the Philadelphia Flyers' Bernie Parent, and this autobiography shares how he became one of the most sensational goalies in NHL history. The catchphrase "Only the Lord saves more than Bernie Parent" became ubiquitous in Philadelphia as Parent won two Vezina Trophies as the league's top goaltender, two Conn Smythe Trophies as playoff MVP, and two Stanley Cup championships, but this work shows how his on-the-ice exploits were only a part of his amazing story. After suffering a career-ending eye injury in 1979, Parent's life took a turn for the worse, a time during which he battled alcoholism and watched his marriage end in divorce. In the end, however, facing the fears that had plagued him all his life led Parent to find solace and happiness once again. In "Unmasked," Parent traces his life and career from his days as a youngster learning to skate to his current role as a Flyers ambassador and public speaker. Featuring rare photos from his personal archive and accompanying text from legendary Philadelphia sports columnist Stan Hochman, this life story gives Parent's millions of fans a never-before-seen glimpse into the life of a hockey icon.
Heather and Hazel are both married to high-achieving Christian leaders. When they first met they recognized in each other the same symptoms: a sense of inadequacy, a spirit of fear, a need to don masks of efficiency. Responsibility terrified them. Yet both were convinced that there was more to life. Out of much study and prayer was born the conclusion that they were truly daughters of the King, and that fear and masks belonged to the past. The path they explored involved the development of a deep sense of what God wanted for them and an appreciation of their identity in Christ. This led to an openness to deeper friendships with other women; an appreciation of the importance of personal integrity, loyalty and trustworthiness; a willingness to be approachable. Today both authors lead conferences all over the world, helping Christian women to discover and develop their potential.