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The International Heliospheric Study is a program sponsored by COSPAR that exploits the unique scientific opportunities presented by the continuing operation of the four Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft which are all in or beyond the outer solar system. The heliosphere is the region of space surrounding the sun which is dominated by the solar wind and from which the local interstellar plasma and magnetic field are excluded. The multispacecraft studies which form the basis of the IHS encompass the structure and dynamics of the solar wind and its interaction with the interstellar medium including those components, neutral gas and galactic cosmic rays, which are able to penetrate into the heliosphere.
Putting the “I” in IHY This book is about international cooperation. It demonstrates how the power of scienti?c imagination and investigation can bring together people form all continents in almost all countries around the globe. In presenting this impressive result, we can understand, how much unifying force the quest for understanding our universe and using outer space for that purpose have. Astronomy is far away from being a “political” area of science. But is has enormous political effects – and all of these effects are positive. This book about the international aspects and achievements of the “International Heliophysical Year (IHY) 2007” can be regarded as a compendium of the fertile impacts of conducting research in this ?eld. The main focus, as the title implicates, is the international cooperation, which has emerged from this grassroots initiative. North and South, industrialized and developing countries have been coordinating their efforts and have been learning from each other in a mutual partnership under a joint understanding of sharing the scienti?c bene?ts. Through this, trans-border networks have been created and scienti?c as well as cultural exchange took place.
This volume represents the state of the art of the science covered by the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) Division IV: Solar Wind and Interplanetary Field. It contains a collection of contributions by top experts addressing and reviewing a variety of topics included under the umbrella of the division. It covers subjects that extend from the interior of the Sun to the heliopause, and from the study of physical processes in the Sun and the solar wind plasma to space weather forecasts. The book is organized in 6 parts: the solar interior, the solar atmosphere, the heliosphere, heliophysical processes, radio emissions, and coordinated science in the Sun-Earth system. In addition, we highlight some of the results presented during the IAGA Division IV symposia in the 11th Scientific Assembly of IAGA in Sopron, Hungary, on 23-30 August 2009, which was planned simultaneously with this book.
This is the first volume in the new COSPAR Colloquia series which will provide a forum for an in-depth discussion on selective topics of importance to the international community. The International Heliospheric Study (IHS) was initially approved by COSPAR in 1982 when it was anticipated that the study would centre on the ESA/NASA Ulysses spacecraft. This mission was delayed until October 1990, but it was decided to commence the study in 1986 in order to exploit the existence of the Pioneer 10 and 11 and the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft in the outer heliosphere. The primary purpose of Physics of the Outer Heliosphere is to study the three-dimensional structure of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field carried by it, the propagation of energetic solar particles throughout the heliosphere and the modulation of galactic cosmic rays by the heliosphere. This volume provides information for scientists interested in spectroscopic studies of the local interstellar medium, galactic and solar cosmic ray populations in the outer heliosphere and also plasma and magnetic field aspects of the distant solar wind.
An outgrowth of the first Asia-Pacific Regional School on the International Heliophysical Year (IHY), this volume contains a collection of review articles describing the universal physical processes in the heliospace influenced by solar electromagnetic and mass emissions. The Sun affects the heliosphere in the short term (space weather) and in the long term (space climate) through numerous physical processes that exhibit similarities in various spatial domains of the heliosphere. The articles take into account various aspects of the Sun-heliosphere connection under a systems approach. This volume will serve as a ready reference work for research in the emerging field of heliophysics, which describes the physical processes taking place in the physical space controlled by the Sun out to the local interstellar medium.
This report is the summary of a workshop held in May 2003 by the Space Studies Board's Committee on Solar and Space Physics to synthesize understanding of the physics of the outer heliosphere and the critical role played by the local interstellar medium (LISM) and to identify directions for the further exploration of this challenging environment.
"The Heliosphere in the Local Interstellar Medium", the Proceedings of the First ISSI Workshop 6-10 November 1995, Bern, Switzerland, edited by R. von Steiger, R. Lallement, and M.A. Lee and published in 1996, was the first International Space Science Institute (ISSI) book in the Space Sciences Series. This book covers the knowledge gained in the subsequent 27 years that revolutionized our understanding of the interaction of the heliosphere with the very local interstellar medium (VLISM). Entirely new regions of space have been explored! The Voyagers both crossed the termination shock, passed through the heliosheath, crossed the heliopause, and entered the interstellar medium. New Horizons was launched with more modern instrumentation and explores low-latitude regions of the outer heliosphere. Energetic neutral atoms observed by IBEX and CASSINI allowed exploration of the heliosphere over the whole sky. The initial reconnaissance of the heliosphere and VLISM is complete with in situ measurements, observations of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), neutral VLISM H and He, UV emissions, and interstellar dust. This book is a collection reviews from experts in the many aspects of this field that describe the current state of knowledge of the heliosphere’s interaction with the interstellar medium, puzzles yet to be solved, and future plans to continue these studies.
Heliophysics is a developing scientific discipline integrating studies of the Sun's variability, the surrounding heliosphere, and climatic environments. Over the past few centuries, our understanding of how the Sun drives space weather and climate on the Earth and other planets has advanced at an ever-increasing rate. This volume, the first in this series of three heliophysics texts, integrates such diverse topics for the first time as a coherent intellectual discipline. It emphasises the physical processes coupling the Sun and Earth, allowing insights into the interaction of the solar wind and radiation with the Earth's magnetic field, atmosphere and climate system. It provides a core resource for advanced undergraduates and graduates, and also constitutes a foundational reference for researchers in heliophysics, astrophysics, plasma physics, space physics, solar physics, aeronomy, space weather, planetary science and climate science. Additional online resources, including lecture presentations and other teaching materials, are accessible at
Heliophysics is a fast-developing scientific discipline that integrates studies of the Sun's variability, the surrounding heliosphere, and the environment and climate of planets. Over the past few centuries, our understanding of how the Sun drives space weather and climate on the Earth and other planets has advanced at an ever increasing rate. This 2010 volume, the last in this series of three heliophysics texts, focuses on long-term variability from the Sun's decade-long sunspot cycle and considers the evolution of the planetary system over ten billion years from a climatological perspective. Topics covered range from the dynamo action of stars and planets to processes in the Earth's troposphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere and their effects on planetary climate and habitability. Supplemented by online teaching materials, it can be used as a textbook for courses or as a foundational reference for researchers in fields from astrophysics and plasma physics to planetary and climate science.
The Sun is an active and variable star. Instabilities and non-stationary processes connected to the solar magnetic field and its evolutionary mechanisms modify its radiative and particle output on different time scales, from seconds to the evolutionary scale of the star. The Sun's activity affects interplanetary space and planetary environments, through space weather due to short-term activity and space climate on longer timescales. Space weather processes and forecasts are therefore important for both Earth and space within the heliosphere. The multi-disciplinary IAU Symposium 335 on 'Space Weather of the Heliosphere: Processes and Forecasts' gave a balanced overview of the general advances in space weather. It linked various aspects of research in solar, heliospheric and planetary physics, emphasizing cross-disciplinary developments. These companion proceedings, covering interdisciplinary topics and attracting a wide variety of contributors, serves as a timely reference to the international space weather community.