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THE INNER SPIRIT & Connecting the Parts Did you ever feel uncomfortable about being in a place, meeting someone, doing something because something inside you was speaking to you, saying I don't like this, danger, stop, leave, or run? Are you unhappy with your job, marriage, or business partner, where you are living, maybe you're just not having fun at what your doing? Are you searching for something, but you do not know what it is? I have, and I spent thirty years, searching for something I did not know what it was, but then I found it twenty five years later and for the next thirty-five tears I am having fun, love life, and what I am doing. This is about my search. What I done, How it played out, Where it took me, and Why I done the things I did. I will tell you about finding my Inner Spirit, connecting all the parts with the Spirit in a way it changed my life. en connect all your parts to the Spirit.
The Spirit Within is a treasure map that will illuminate a path for the reader to travel on an inner journey of spiritual self-discovery. It is not our physical self that was created in the image and likeness of God but our Soul or Spirit Within. Learning how to connect with your Spirit Within or True Self is a treasure far beyond any riches you could ever imagine. Get quiet, focus within, and ask yourself. Is this book for me? You will know the answer from a subtle feeling or knowing within you. Whether you choose to read on or not as long as you are heeding the advice or your own Spirit Within, you can never lose your way. True intuition is a brief, consciously aware, connection with God through your Spirit Within. IT is never wrong. True Inspiration is the consciously aware ability to access and maintain this same connection at deeper levels and for longer periods of time. Great Masters of all disciplines demonstrate this connection at the highest of levels. Anyone who performs at a much higher level than their peers, have a deeper or stronger level connection Within compared to those below them. There are many levels and durations of this connection, some are stronger or deeper than others. Occasionally someone will display a once in a lifetime feat or performance never to be duplicated by them again. Everyone has this innate ability within themselves. When someone learns how to access this connection at deeper levels miracles can and DO happen. Each and every one of us can consciously learn how to develop and use this God force because we are eternally connected to IT. As an inspirational and motivational speaker, Paul Pacific relays all-true, dramatic encounters and profound moments, from tears of joy and sadness to circumstances which witnesses stated bordered on the miraculous. From a variety of personal stories, the latest scientific evidence, and a host of other well documented areas, the author explains how and why, we are Spiritual Beings choosing to have a human being experience. Paul also presents simple and practical guidelines on how to personally and consciously connect to your own Spirit Within.
Have you ever asked yourself what changed when you were "born again?" You look in the mirror and see the same reflection - your body hasn't changed. You find yourself acting the same and yielding to those same old temptations - that didn't seem to change either. So you wonder, Has anything really changed? The correct answer to that question is foundational for receiving from God. If you lack this basic understanding, you'll forever ask yourself doubt-filled questions like: "How could God love somebody like me?" and "How can I possibly expect to receive anything from the Lord? I don't deserve it, I'm not good enough!" Spirit, Soul, and Body will help you eliminate those and other doubt-filled questions that destroy your faith. If you have trouble receiving from God, this is a must-read!
Do you ever feel like there is more to life than what you’re currently living? Do you ever wonder what your true purpose is? What you’re really here on this earth for? Are you lacking peace or direction, struggling or needing change in any area of your life? Then this book is for you. I felt all of these things and asked all of these questions and I got the answers I was looking for. That’s what started me on my journey within, to my true self and connecting more with source/spirit/God/universe. This experience has changed and transformed my entire life in every area. There’s more available to you than you know. We’re all spiritual beings living a human experience, meant to be connected to our inner spirit/God/source/universe. Learning to connect opens us up to divine guidance and direction, by taking action it will lead us to the life of our dreams. We all have inside of us everything that we could possibly need to create the life of our dreams. We can access this by going inward to our own true self/spirit/God/universe within. In the stillness is where you will find the answers to life’s questions. We are all called to be receivers of the greatness for ourselves and others. In this book I will provide you with techniques, skills, and process’s that I have used and continue to utilize today and I have taught many others. These skills have helped me tremendously in my life, and you can easily do the same to create lasting change, leading you to the life of your dreams.
Our imagination to create what's fun for us is unlimited when we're children. Why stop because we're physically grown up as adults? Answering our unique inner calling and using our unique gifts and talents for the world is what ignites us and makes our spirit come alive. Ignite Your Inner Spirit, is the upcoming breakthrough book of the Ignite series. It brings together 35 authors sharing their individual stories about the courage to listen to their hearts and follow their dreams; guided only by their inner knowing and trust in their gut feelings. Their journey took them to unexpected self-discovery and created a life that brings them joy. They broke the social norms of what's success and happiness are because they decided to define it for themselves, on their own terms. These are the rebels, nonconformists, radical thinkers, creative artists, and outliers who took the road less traveled and can light the way as torchbearers for others. This book will encourage readers to follow their intuition, give the courage to leave security, that is not aligned with their spirit's calling, and honor their sense of what's their soul's purpose to contribute to others. Whether that contribution is to their children by being a stay at home dad or mom or being able to impact a billion people. These stories will awaken and inspire readers to explore how to listen to their own inner calling, how they can stay on course, and be true to themselves with their commitment by having daily habits and practices for success in whatever is their fun mission to pursue their life.
Looking In: Being an Expat Tween discusses the challenges faced by expatriate tweens ages 9 to 12 years old. It is designed as a self-help book. Each chapter discusses and expands on a topic, and provides exercises to help the tween gain a better understanding of who he is and how to deal with issues in a peaceful and empowering manner. At the back of the book is a chapter titled "Deepen Your Knowledge," which contains extra details for some of the topics discussed in various chapters. The chapter titled "How To ..." offers quick tips on dealing with stress, parents, and projects. Born in Uganda, first-time author Sainoor Premji lives in Canada. She taught for many years and now works in the alternate health care field. "When I was teaching in Tokyo, we found it very difficult to find self-help books for young adults between the ages of 9 to 12. Most books were either too young or geared toward teenagers. This got me thinking about how this age group, especially the expat children, could use a self-help book that would meet their needs." Publisher's website: http: //
ccording to Scripture, humankind was created in the image of God. Hoekema discusses the implications of this theme, devoting several chapters to the biblical teaching on God's image, the teaching of philosophers and theologians through the ages, and his own theological analysis. Suitable for seminary-level anthropology courses, yet accessible to educated laypeople. Extensive bibliography, fully indexed.
Getting Exactly What We Deserve will definitely move you to take a closer look at the true talents that we all possess as spiritual beings. This book is designed to echo, amplify, exercise, and strengthen our spiritual powers which create every one of our spiritual and worldly desires. By echoing the word of our spirit, our word travels and penetrates through any and every obstacle that dares stand in the way of the supernatural force that is our spiritual creation. The amplified is the intensity and increase of this power, broadcasting throughout the mind, the body, and the universe; which grows using the art of meditation to navigate clearly through any obstacle (negative thoughts and resistance). Constant meditation is the ultimate mental exercise that strengthens our connection to our spirit while also paving a successful path in the material world to manifest our goals. The art of repetition yields focus on the subject we continuously repeat; thus keeping our attention and heart close to our spiritual design, making life in the flesh reveal the gift its intended to be. The subject of negative emotions battling our creative force is an important topic and really dictates the importance of our relationship with spiritual guidance.
In The Anzaldúan Theory Handbook AnaLouise Keating provides a comprehensive investigation of the foundational theories, methods, and philosophies of Gloria E. Anzaldúa. Through archival research and close readings of Anzaldúa’s unpublished and published writings, Keating offers a biographical-intellectual sketch of Anzaldúa, investigates her writing process and theory-making methods, and excavates her archival manuscripts. Keating focuses on the breadth of Anzaldúa’s theoretical oeuvre, including Anzaldúa’s lesser-known concepts of autohistoria y autohistoria-teoría, nos/otras, geographies of selves, and El Mundo Zurdo. By investigating those dimensions of Anzaldúa’s theories, writings, and methods that have received less critical attention and by exploring the interconnections between these overlooked concepts and her better-known theories, Keating opens additional areas of investigation into Anzaldúa’s work and models new ways to “do” Anzaldúan theory. This book also includes extensive definitions, genealogies, and explorations of eighteen key Anzaldúan theories as well as an annotated bibliography of hundreds of Anzaldúa’s unpublished manuscripts.
Think exercise and diet are the secrets to aging well and having a meaningful life that thrives? Think again. The new science of aging is upending many of the negative stereotypes and dogmatic beliefs about aging. New research is showing that we are not doomed by our genes, and they don't control our biology or determine the person we can be. On the contrary, recent studies reveal that individual lifestyle, environment, attitude, and the friends we interact with play a far greater role than genetics in determining how well we age and who thrives in later life. This new research also confirms the power behind the mind-body-spirit connection and how a balance between the three draws on our deep, inner healing power and optimizes our well-being. Aging Well will help you understand the science behind these new ideas from an emotional, mental, and spiritual perspective. You can also explore how to increase the odds of having a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life in your later years. It's never too late to change. Whether you've hit the "Big Five-O," 60, 70, 80, or beyond, you can make a U-turn in the way you see yourself and change your attitude and approach to aging well. In Aging Well, you will find these key points: • Importance of a positive attitude in redefining and changing your narrative about aging • Effects of an unhealthy lifestyle • Importance of friendship and social interaction • Significance of play and laughter • Value of cultivating meaning and purpose in your life • Significance of caring for your mind • Benefits of creative activity and lifelong learning • Power of belief • Importance of a spiritual connection and aging= Keywords: Aging Well, Rodney A. Rhoades, Aging, Body, Fitness, Friendship, Health, Mind, Purpose, Relationships, Soul, Youth, Science, Young, Spirituality