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In the art and social change exhibit The Incredible Intensity of Just Being Human, curator and artist Kate Vrijmoet, and artists June Sekiguchi, Holly Ballard Martz, Ezra Dickinson, Ann Teplick, John William Keedy, Valaree Cox, and Lynn Schirmer; with writers David Francis, Gayle Clemans, and Grace Boey shed light on the effect mental illness has on individuals and society.Mental illness inflicts losses on society as a whole, through cultural messages that people who struggle with mental illness are not fit to contribute to the richness and depth of the social fabric.Every year one in four people suffers with mental illness. The cost of depression-related workforce absenteeism, and of lost productivity is $200 billion per year. By talking about mental illness, we reduce the shame surrounding it, creating a space where the prejudices and fears we all have can give way to our compassion and humanity.
In the art and social change exhibit The Incredible Intensity of Just Being Human, curator and artist Kate Vrijmoet, along with twenty-eight Pacific Northwest artists; with writers David Francis, Gayle Clemans, and Grace Boey shed light on the effect mental illness has on individuals and society. Mental illness inflicts losses on society as a whole, through cultural messages that people who struggle with mental illness are not fit to contribute to the richness and depth of the social fabric. Every year one in four people suffers with mental illness. The cost of depression-related workforce absenteeism, and of lost productivity is $200 billion per year. In Washington State, suicide is the second leading cause of teenage death. By talking about mental illness, we reduce the shame surrounding it, creating a space where prejudices and fears give way to compassion and humanity.
Anthropology is the study of all humans in all times in all places. But it is so much more than that. "Anthropology requires strength, valor, and courage," Nancy Scheper-Hughes noted. "Pierre Bourdieu called anthropology a combat sport, an extreme sport as well as a tough and rigorous discipline. ... It teaches students not to be afraid of getting one's hands dirty, to get down in the dirt, and to commit yourself, body and mind. Susan Sontag called anthropology a "heroic" profession." What is the payoff for this heroic journey? You will find ideas that can carry you across rivers of doubt and over mountains of fear to find the the light and life of places forgotten. Real anthropology cannot be contained in a book. You have to go out and feel the world's jagged edges, wipe its dust from your brow, and at times, leave your blood in its soil. In this unique book, Dr. Michael Wesch shares many of his own adventures of being an anthropologist and what the science of human beings can tell us about the art of being human. This special first draft edition is a loose framework for more and more complete future chapters and writings. It serves as a companion to, a free and open resource for instructors of cultural anthropology. This 2018 text is a revision of the "first draft edition" from 2017 and includes 7 new chapters.
Once all the right switches get flipped, there may just be peace and harmony on planet Earth. Sound absurd? It's not. Absurd is expecting the world to stay in conflict just because it always has been. We're evolving. Why should we expect the future to mimic the past forever? Peace and harmony are within reach. The way we get there is, in part, by diving into other people's perspectives and learning that they often use very different words than we do to describe experiences we are actually all quite familiar with. In our unique connotations of words, we have often failed to see the similarities between other people's stories and our own. But we can break through and see the sameness. We may all live out different lives, but the significance of our experiences as individuals is of equal value. If we can see past the differences of perception and find the inherent equal significance through understanding, we'll all be onto something massive and golden. Swim around in my words like an Olympic swimmer, or play like a baby in a wading pool. Challenge my assumptions, disassemble my logic, find my faults. There are lots. Since these writings were produced over a period of years, you may find contradictions and discrepancies. Use them against me accordingly. But my faults, just like yours, are perfect just the way they are. I don't know if you believe me or not that all our flaws are perfect. Doesn't matter. What matters is that we master the art of being human before it's too late and we all explode.
Becoming Human is the story of a human-like artificial brain created by a team of scientists in a neurology laboratory. As Oscars intellectual capacity increases with the daily addition of hundreds of neurons, he becomes more and more human, eventually becoming deeply involved in the lives of his creators. All of this raises questions about the meaning of being human, of the soul, and of existence itself. Ultimately, however, Oscar must be dismantled and moved to a new laboratory, with surprising and unforeseen results.
Every individual is a unique being and cover the years, it has been difficult to predict human behaviour. With decades of research in human behaviour and more clarification has now been ascertained. Ever since, it is now easy to predict how individuals are liable to behave simply by getting a few data from the person; the person’s birthday. It may seem very easy the way it sounds. As soon as you grab a copy, check on your main trait; you would see the potency of power in the information inscribed in this book. As you surface this book, you will be exposed to this mysteries and its application is applicable to all individual. With god on our side, it will help solve the problem of society vices which includes; domestic violence, grudge, divorce and so on. Hurry up!!! Read up!!! And don’t forget to get the Vol. 2 along
Prisoner of Infinity examines modern-day accounts of UFOs, alien abductions, and psychism to uncover a century-long program of psychological fragmentation, collective indoctrination, and covert cultural, social, and mythic engineering.Whether it is the forces of God, government, aliens from outer (or inner) space, or the incalculable effects of childhood sexual trauma on the human psyche, premature contact with these forces compels us to create "crucial fictions." Such semi-coherent mythic narratives make partial sense out of our experience, but in the process turn us into the unreliable narrators of our own lives.Taking UFOS and the work of "experiencer" Whitley Strieber as its departure point, Prisoner of Infinity explores how beliefs are created and perceptions are managed in the face of the inexplicably complex forces of our existence. While keeping the question of a non-human and/or paranormal element open, the book maps how all-too-human agendas (such as the CIA's MK Ultra program) have co-opted the ancient psychological process of myth-making, giving rise to dissociative, dumbed-down Hollywood versions of reality. The New Age movement, UFOs, alien abductions, psychism, psychedelic mind expansion, Transhumanism, the Space Program - what if they are all productions devised by committee in dark rooms to serve social, political, and economic goals that are largely devoid of true substance or meaning? Through an exacting and enlivening process of social, cultural and psychological examination and excavation, Prisoner of Infinity uncovers the most deeply buried treasure of all. The original, uncredited author of all mystery and meaning: the human soul.
When did the first humans begin to inhabit the Earth? How did they get here? Why and for what purpose were they put here? How did they evolve from the first humans who looked like a Botticelli painting, to “ape-like” humans, to modern day humans? You will also read about Lamuria and Atlantis ,and without spirituality how Atlanteans destroyed themselves and their continent. Dr. Modi explains all this and more in her remarkable work about the astounding past and future of mankind. In doing this, she describes how spirituality is the key to successfully fulfilling mankind’s desire to become one with God. According to Dr. Modi, human beings have the unique potential to create a heaven-like society on Earth by spreading the spirituality on Earth that will eventually spread to neighboring planets, galaxies, and the entire universe through the continued development and enhancement of spirituality. From what was, to what is, could well include a future with the entire universe “going home to God.” The book takes you on what can only be described as An Amazing Human Journey.
Across Black Spaces gathers and builds on a diverse array of essays and interviews by American philosopher and leading public intellectual George Yancy. Within this multidisciplinary framework are works from The New York Times, The Guardian, and other major media outletswhich have drawn international acclaim for their spotlight on vicious racial tensions in American academia and society at large. With this collection of revised and updated works, Yancy engages a vast scope of social, political, historical, linguistic, and philosophical themes that together illustrate what it means to be Black in America. Four sections of the book engage, first, moral outrage at contemporary ethical crises; second, the search for identity and value of vulnerability; third, the history and present values of Black and Africana philosophy; and fourth, the essential role of African American language in understanding Black lived experience. Representing twenty years of persistent inquiry and advocacy, Across Black Spaces celebrates Yancy’s undeniable importance in American intellectual progress and essential social change.
At a time unparalleled in history, humanity faces a threat of universal nuclear doomsday with an end result of total annihilation of life on earth. Being an enthusiast for global peace, with an extensive research background, Yousuf Gabriel explores the root cause of the nuclear problem. Probing deep into the realms of theology, philosophy, atomism, nuclear science, literature, and history, amid a mist of mystification regarding universal nuclear dilemma, Gabriel has tried to resolve the issue in the light of the Scriptures. He is a philanthropist who warns humanity about nuclear hell and wants to shun the two-edged sword of nuclear energy, either for war or so-called peaceful purpose. Gabriels Extinguishing the Atomic Hell Series serves as the key to the future destiny of this now-doomed humankind. It is a case of dwindled religion and diminished faith versus science. It is based on a miraculous prophecy, rather a warning about nuclear hell given by the Quran more than fourteen centuries ago. The prophecy has described the characteristics of the age in which atomism was supposed to appear, as well as of the people who would become the victims of nuclear fire. It has also given the remedial measures and solutions to avoid this nuclear doomsday. The whole nuclear phenomena, with all its characteristic scientific features, is described in its entirety by this prophecy of the Holy Quran. The major focus of criticism is the philosophy of Francis Bacon, who preferred natural philosophy over moral philosophy for mans right of dominion over nature for the material utility. Educate yourself about the dreadful outcome of adopting nuclear energy, whether for war or peaceful purposes. Learn how, after a prolonged use of nuclear energy, human and animal species may be converted to abhorrent monsters and chimeras. Enlighten yourself in the light of Scriptures how humanity can avoid this shameful and dreadful end. KHALID MALIK