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Robert Letham's award-winning The Holy Trinity receives a well-considered update in this revised and expanded new edition. Letham examines the doctrine of the Trinity's biblical foundations and traces its historical development through the twentieth century before engaging four critical issues: the Trinity and (1) the incarnation, (2) worship and prayer, (3) creation and missions, and (4) persons. The new edition addresses developments in Augustine studies, teaching on the Trinity and election in Barth studies, and contemporary evangelical disputes on the relation of the Son to the Father.
In this book I try to describe, as clearly and simply as possible, the Christian journey from a life lived in worldliness and defeat to a life lived in and through the grace of God. I use the Biblical story of Israel’s journey from Egypt to Canaan in an allegorical sense to show how God, through the activities and resources of the Holy Trinity, tries to bring us to that place of living in grace, and how the devil, through the unholy trinity (the world, the flesh, and demonic resistance) seeks to thwart that journey. I focus on three fronts in the battle between the two trinities. On the first front, the devil works indirectly through the world system (Egypt) to deny us our freedom that we have due to the atonement. Living under the illusion of pleasure, we end up in extreme bondage. On the second front, the devil works indirectly through our flesh (Amalek) to hinder us from following the leadership of the Holy Spirit as He attempts to guide us into God’s grace. On the third front, we can expect to experience a more direct conflict with the devil and his spiritual forces (Canaan). These demonic forces will try to oppose and negate all the benefits of God’s promised grace that comes into our lives through Christ. XXXXX
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Millions of people recognize the Holy Trinity, but few understand that the concept behind it is not limited to a single religion or belief system. What if the Trinity were an ancient code, a formula, a secret so simple yet so powerful, it could change the way we look at our relationship with the Creator and with creation? The Trinity Secret began with the simple discovery that a trinity or triune nature plays an integral role in all that ever was, is, or will be. From religion, mythology, folklore and psychology to neurophysiology, quantum physics, and even the cutting-edge world of noetics and human consciousness—the concept of a trinity is universal. The number three is a profound and sacred number that speaks of a secret older than humankind. Just a few of the famous trinities include: Father-Son-Holy Spirit Unconscious-Conscious-Superconscious Earth-Hell-Heaven Maiden-Mother-Crone Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva Birth-Life-Death Newton's Three Laws of Motion Join best-selling authors Jones and Flaxman as they embark on a fascinating journey to reveal the secret of the power of three and unlock the code behind the creative force of the universe...a force which each and every one of us has access to.
In this important book, Chung-Hyun Baik explores one of the central issues in contemporary Trinitarian theology: the relationship between the economic and immanent Trinity. Engaging a wide variety of Trinitarian theologians and contemporary philosophers, Baik offers a vital analysis of the ontological and epistemological issues that bear on a proper understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity. Noting that the meaning of mystery in the New Testament is Jesus Christ himself, Baik argues that, in order to rightly approach the question of the relationship between the immanent and the economic Trinity, it is necessary to understand the mystery of the divine being as centered in Christ himself. Moreover, Christ is not merely a device for resolving epistemological or ontological tensions, but rather the fullness of the divine mystery, and as such, must be determinative of all such theological and philosophical questions.
The triune God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the only God. But why is the Holy Trinity and the doctrine of the Trinity neglected in the life and worship of many Christians? In this book Steven Tsoukalas points to several reasons for such neglect and offers a remedy by explaining the doctrine and offering practical points for the practice of Christian life and worship.
While many of us struggle to understand it, the Trinity is one of the most important teachings of the Christian faith. It defines God's very essence and describes how he relates to us. And while it can be a difficult concept to get our heads around, it is crucial for believers to understand how God explains his triune nature in his Word. In this book, James R. White offers a concise, understandable explanation of what the Trinity is and why it matters. While refuting the distortions of God presented by various cults, Dr. White shows how understanding this teaching leads to renewed worship and a deeper understanding of what it means to be a Christian. And amid today's emphasis on the renewing work of the Holy Spirit, The Forgotten Trinity is a balanced look at all three persons of the Trinity. May this book deepen your understanding of this important doctrine while also drawing you closer to the triune God himself.
With humor and ease, Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, deftly unlocks the “one thing,” the key to the Church’s wisdom, and the greatest mystery of the Catholic faith: the Most Holy Trinity. Far from being an academic read, The ‘One Thing’ Is Three makes deep theology accessible to everyday Catholics. Further, it makes even what’s familiar or forgotten new, exciting, and relevant.