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OUR DEAR YOUNG MEN AND YOUNG WOMEN, we have great confidence in you. You are beloved sons and daughters of God and He is mindful of you. You have come to earth at a time of great opportunities and also of great challenges. The standards in this booklet will help you with the important choices you are making now and will yet make in the future. We promise that as you keep the covenants you have made and these standards, you will be blessed with the companionship of the Holy Ghost, your faith and testimony will grow stronger, and you will enjoy increasing happiness.
'Man and Woman in Biblical Perspective' received the Gold Medallion award as the Evangelical Book of the Year and has become the touchstone volume regarding role relationships for men and women in the church.
From USCCB Publishing, this revision of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) seeks to promote more conscious, active, and full participation of the faithful in the mystery of the Eucharist. While the Missale Romanum contains the rite and prayers for Mass, the GIRM provides specific detail about each element of the Order of Mass as well as other information related to the Mass.
Clothing the New World Church makes a significant contribution to the fields of textile studies, art history, Church history, and Latin American studies, and to interdisciplinary scholarship on material culture and indigenous agency in the New World.
Newspapers are filled with stories about poorly educated children, ineffective teachers, and cash-strapped school districts. In this greatly expanded treatment of a topic he first dealt with in Rediscovering the Lost Tools of Learning, Douglas Wilson proposes an alternative to government-operated school by advocating a return to classical Christian education with its discipline, hard work, and learning geared to child development stages. As an educator, Wilson is well-equipped to diagnose the cause of America's deteriorating school system and to propose remedies for those committed to their children's best interests in education. He maintains that education is essentially religious because it deals with the basic questions about life that require spiritual answers-reading and writing are simply the tools. Offering a review of classical education and the history of this movement, Wilson also reflects on his own involvement in the process of creating educational institutions that embrace that style of learning. He details elements needed in a useful curriculum, including a list of literary classics. Readers will see that classical education offers the best opportunity for academic achievement, character growth, and spiritual education, and that such quality cannot be duplicated in a religiously-neutral environment.
Award-winning author Mary Kassian provides readers a biblical guide to becoming the strong, resilient, capable women God created them to be. Our culture teaches us that it's important for women to be strong. The Bible agrees. Unfortunately, culture's idea of what makes a woman strong doesn't always align with the Bible's. As a result, Christians often have a skewed view of what constitutes strength. In The Right Kind of Strong, Mary Kassian delves into Paul's exhortation in 2 Timothy about the women of the church in Ephesus and uncovers warnings and truths about seven habits that can sap women's strength. She helps readers avoid these pitfalls by carefully considering the people they allow into their lives, taking control of their minds by taking every thought captive, quickly and regularly confessing sin, intentionally engaging their emotions, living out what they’re learning, developing confident convictions, and embracing their human weakness and leaning on the Lord. She reveals how, by implementing these seven habits, Christian women can walk in freedom and grow to be strong God's way.
The apostle James addressed his readers directly and pointedly, using vivid images from ordinary life and attention-gripping statements. In this revised BST volume, J. Alec Motyer's rich exposition brings James's letter to life for today's readers, drawing out memorable themes such as the link between enduring trials and maturity, the implications of careless and evil words, the need for purity, and more.
The book provides the first broad survey of church textiles of Spanish America and demonstrates that, while overlooked, textiles were a vital part of visual culture in the Catholic Church. When Catholic churches were built in the New World in the sixteenth century, they were furnished with rich textiles known in Spanish as “church clothing.” These textile ornaments covered churches’ altars, stairs, floors, and walls. Vestments clothed priests and church attendants, and garments clothed statues of saints. The value attached to these textiles, their constant use, and their stunning visual qualities suggest that they played a much greater role in the creation of the Latin American Church than has been previously recognized. In Clothing the New World Church, Maya Stanfield-Mazzi provides the first comprehensive survey of church adornment with textiles, addressing how these works helped establish Christianity in Spanish America and expand it over four centuries. Including more than 180 photos, this book examines both imported and indigenous textiles used in the church, compiling works that are now scattered around the world and reconstructing their original contexts. Stanfield-Mazzi delves into the hybrid or mestizo qualities of these cloths and argues that when local weavers or embroiderers in the Americas created church textiles they did so consciously, with the understanding that they were creating a new church through their work. The chapters are divided by textile type, including embroidery, featherwork, tapestry, painted cotton, and cotton lace. In the first chapter, on woven silk, we see how a “silk standard” was established on the basis of priestly preferences for this imported cloth. The second chapter explains how Spanish-style embroidery was introduced in the New World and mastered by local artisans. The following chapters show that, in select times and places, spectacular local textile types were adapted for the church, reflecting ancestral aesthetic and ideological patterns. Clothing the New World Church makes a significant contribution to the fields of textile studies, art history, Church history, and Latin American studies, and to interdisciplinary scholarship on material culture and indigenous agency in the New World.
The importance of dressing in the proper uniform for the clergy cannot be minimized. The dress of the clergy indicates their authority in the Mystical Body of Christ and should not be cast aside lightly. Such a manual seems almost a necessity when we remember that tailors, in making ecclesiastical costumes, very often follow their own tastes, fancies, or designs instead of the very clear and precise rules of ecclesiastical etiquette. With this manual in hand, they would have no longer an excuse for the mistakes they make. Even our good Sisters and pious ladies, who so kindly and generously shower Christmas presents on the Clergy, in the shape of birettas, " rabbis ", surplices, cottas, and other articles of clerical dress, need to be informed that the material, color, shape, trimmings, etc., of these objects are regulated not by the rich taste, generous liberality or devotion of the giver, but by ordinances of the Church. May I not hope, then, that this little book, in spite of its shortcomings and imperfections, will prove useful to those interested, and be a guide where needed in the making up of ecclesiastical costumes? With regard to the various costumes worn by Prelates, the will of the Church has been that modifications. however excellent and. in some way. justifiable. should not be left to private fancy; for she clearly foresaw that. after a short lapse of years. such toleration would practically do away with a unity at once beautiful and instructive. Therefore has she laid down for all these costumes precise regulations that should not be lightly put aside. Two Roman Congregations, the Congregation of Rites and the Congregation of the Ceremonial, are especially commissioned to watch over the exact observance of these rules and to secure their preservation. It is to the decrees of these two Congregations that I have chiefly had recourse in compiling this manual. The decrees of the Congregation of Rites are quoted from the Collections of Gardellini and Muhlbauer. As to the Decrees of the Congregation of the Ceremonial. as there exists no official Collection. I have had to rely on the authors who quote them. To the decrees, I have joined the prescriptions of the Ceremonials. and especially of the official books of the Church, the Missal. the Ceremonial of Bishops. and the Roman Pontifical, which contain a wealth of interesting and instructive Rubrics. Finally, for the interpretation of decrees and rubrics. and for the modern adaptation of all these rules, ] have consulted authors generally considered the best, who have devoted their lives to original research in this matter, such as Mgr. Martinucci - " Rex Caeremoniariorum ., - Mgr. Barbier de Montault, the Rev. Fr. Haegy, C. S. Sp., in his new edition of," Les Ceremonies Pontificales " of the learned Father Levavasseur, etc. As to matter that is not to be found in books, I have invariably followed Roman Tradition. The only one of authority on this point as on all others. I t goes without saying that ] have not failed to mention lawful customs where these exist.