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This volume presents national reports describing the legal instruments that are available to prevent the payment of bribes for acquiring contracts. Anti-corruption is one of the preeminent issues in the modern global commercial order and is tackled with the help of criminal law and contract law in different ways in different countries. The reports included in this volume, from very diverse parts of the world, represent a unique and rich compilation of court decisions, doctrinal discussions and a pool of suggested solutions. The central theme is the enforceability of three problematic types of contracts: the bribe agreement, whereby a bribe payer promises the agent of his business partner a personal benefit in exchange for favourable contract terms; the agreement between a bribe payer and an intermediary (a “bribe merchant”), where the latter offers his expertise to help funnel bribes to agents of the business partner; and finally, the contract between the bribe payer and his business partner which was obtained by means of bribery. The analysis is tailored toward commercial contracts, which can also include contracts with state-owned enterprises. The examination and comparison of international and national initiatives included in this volume advance the discussion on the most appropriate remedies in corruption cases, and show how to get past the boundaries of criminal, private and contract law.
The United States legal system seeks to prevent and prohibit bribery and corruption through a myriad of laws, regulations and policies. Anti-corruption jurisprudence is more developed in the context of public sector contracts where the United States criminalizes bribery of public officials through 18 U.S.C. § 201 (Bribery of Public Officials and Witnesses). In addition, the United States was the first country to criminalize bribery of foreign government officials in 1977 with the passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). The FCPA has since been amended to comply with the adoption of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (the OECD Convention). The FCPA does not have a private right of action, but FCPA investigations and convictions have led to collateral civil actions, and it is predicted that as FCPA prosecutions increase in number, such collateral FCPA actions will also continue to increase. There is no federal law prohibiting private sector bribery per se, but thirty-seven states have enacted "commercial bribery" statutes that criminalize bribery and corruption on the state level. In addition, at the federal level, there are a variety of criminal and civil statutes that allow private parties to address corruption, including, but not limited to, mail and wire fraud statutes, securities and anti-trust laws, and the Travel Act. Furthermore, federal government contracts can be voided under certain criminal conflict of interest statutes. Finally, there are contract law principles that have found utility in instances where a contract has been tainted due to actual bribery or potential breach of fiduciary duty, such as illegality, public policy, and unclean hands.
The report was prepared for the XIXth International Congress of Comparative Law (Vienna 2014). It is devoted to the civil law consequences of corruption under Polish law. It starts with explaining the criminal law framework relating to bribery laid down in Poland. Polish legislator deals with it extensively prohibiting both the corruption in public and in private sectors. Poland is also a party to various international conventions to that effect.The paper focuses on the influence, which corruption has on the private law contracts. Generally, a contract tainted by bribery is treated as invalid under Polish law. However, this might not be the case in each and every situation. If one of the parties to the transaction was not aware of the criminal nature of the behaviour of the other party to that transaction, the criminal law might not step in so as to invalidate the transaction in question.The report than continues to discuss the consequences of the invalidity of illegal contracts. In that respect modern Polish law provides for a specific solution. This is because Polish law is not based on the in pari delicto principle, known to most of the other European legal systems. Rather, when the performance of the contract is considered immoral, the possibility of forfeiture by the State Treasury arises. The issue is decided by the court in light of the circumstances of each case. When the contract is tainted by corruption, this means that the bribe would often be forfeited for the benefit of the State.
It is common practice to assume that business practices are universally similar. Business and social attitudes to corruption, however, vary according to the wide variety of cultural norms across the countries of the world. International business involves complex, ethically challenging, and sometimes threatening, dilemmas that can involve political and personal agendas. Corruption in International Business presents a broad range of perspectives on how corruption can be defined; the responsibilities of those working for publicly traded companies to their shareholders; and the positive influences that corporations can have upon combating international corruption. The authors differentiate between public and private sector corruption and explore the implications of both, as well as methods for qualifying and quantifying corruption and the challenges facing policy makers, legal systems, corporations, and NGOs, as they seek to mitigate the effects of corruption and enable cultural and social change.
This edited collection analyses, from multiple disciplinary perspectives, the issue of corruption in commercial enterprise across different sectors and jurisdictions. Corruption is commonly recognised as a major ‘social bad’, and is seriously harmful to society, in terms of the functioning and legitimacy of political-economic systems, and the day-to-day lives of individuals. There is nothing novel about bribes in brown envelopes and dubious backroom deals, ostensibly to grease the wheels of business. Corrupt practices like these go to the very heart of illicit transacting in both legal markets – such as kickbacks to facilitate contracts in international commerce – and illegal markets – such as payoffs to public officials to turn a blind eye to cross-border smuggling. Aside from the apparent pervasiveness and longevity of corruption in commercial enterprise, there is now renewed policy and operational attention on the phenomenon, prompting and meriting deeper analysis. Corruption in commercial enterprise, encompassing behaviours often associated with corporate and white-collar crime, and corruption in criminal commercial enterprise, where we see corruption central to organised crime activities, are major public policy issues. This collection gives us insight into their nature, organisation and governance, and how to respond most appropriately and effectively.
Until now, the fight against corruption was regarded as a criminal law problem. This volume, on the other hand, focuses on the victims' rights to hold perpetrators of corrupt acts to account under civil law. Its contributions provide an overview of the legal situation in the US and several European states, as well as an examination of legal arbitration. Furthermore, representatives of international organizations express their views. The book centers on the enforceability of corrupt contracts, the skimming-off of illegal profits, and the right to damages.
In Addressing Corruption Allegations in International Arbitration, Brody K. Greenwald and Jennifer A. Ivers draw upon their experience in international arbitrations involving allegations of corruption to provide a comprehensive overview of the key issues that arise in these high-stakes cases.
The Impact of Corruption on "Gateway Issues" of Arbitrability, Jurisdiction, Admissibility and Procedural Issues /Yas Banaiftemi --On Corruption's Peremptory Treatment in International Arbitration /Aloysius P. Llamzon --Corruption Issues in the Jurisdictional Phase of Investment Arbitrations /Hiroyuki Tezuka --Standards of Proof for Allegations of Corruption in International Arbitration /Vladimir Kvhalei --Proving Corruption in International Arbitration /Andrea J. Menaker and Brody K. Greenwald --Corruption and Arbitration /Sébastien Besson --Addressing Allegations and Findings of Corruption /Nassib G. Ziadé --Corruption in Arbitration /Thomas K. Sprange QC --Arbitrators' Investigative and Reporting Rights and Duties on Corruption /Edoardo Marcenaro --The Common Law Consequences and Effects of Allegations or a Positive Finding of Corruption /Matthew Gearing QC and Roanna Kwong --The Effects of a Positive Finding of Corruption /Juan Fernández-Armesto --Raising Corruption as a Defence in Investment Arbitration /Sophie Nappert --Consequences and Effects of Allegations or of a Positive Finding of Corruption /Carita Wallgren-Lindholm --Concluding Remarks: Corruption and International Arbitration /Richard Kreindler.
Non-trial resolutions, often referred to as settlements, have been the predominant means of enforcing foreign bribery and other related offences since the entry into force of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention 20 years ago. The last decade has seen a steady increase in the use of coordinated multi-jurisdictional non-trial resolutions, which have, to date, permitted the highest global amount of combined financial penalties in foreign bribery cases. This study is the first cross-country examination of the different types of resolutions that can be used to resolve foreign bribery cases.
International Arbitration Law Library, Volume 65 International commercial arbitration is by no means free from bribery and corruption. Although a plethora of legal scholarship clearly affirms this contention, a thorough study on the particularly important question of the authority and duty of international commercial arbitrators to investigate a suspicion or indication of bribery or corruption sua sponte ¬– that is, on their own initiative – has been surprisingly lacking. This important book fills this gap, inter alia, by locating sua sponte authority in the position of arbitral tribunals in establishing the facts of a case and ascertaining and applying the applicable normative standards. In addition to providing a comprehensive examination of how the issue of bribery and corruption is dealt with in contemporary international commercial arbitration, the book also highlights the role of arbitrators in global efforts to combat transnational commercial bribery and corruption. Among others, the following critical issues are thoroughly investigated: arbitrability of issues of public interests; intermediary contracts; role of arbitrators in the fact-finding process; party autonomy versus overriding mandatory rules; iura novit curia in international commercial arbitration in the context of bribery and corruption; notion of transnational (or ‘truly international’) public policy; arbitrators’ duty to act as guardians of international commerce; investigative tools available to arbitrators; dealing with manifestly recalcitrant parties; possible consequences of violating the obligation to sua sponte investigate; and the view from developing countries. The analysis leans primarily on Swiss law, as Switzerland is one of the most important jurisdictions in international commercial arbitration; Switzerland has also been involved in some of the most famous and controversial arbitration cases wherein bribery and corruption became an issue. However, the study also includes a comparative analysis of the relevant laws, jurisprudence, and doctrine of other major arbitration venues, particularly England, France, and Germany. Not only in the light it sheds on how and whether international commercial arbitrators have hitherto justified the trust States have placed in them regarding the protection of the public interests but also in the practical solutions it offers arbitrators faced with issues of bribery and corruption, this deeply researched book equips arbitration practitioners and arbitration institutions with a hitherto lacking in-depth analysis on the question of sua sponte investigation. It also provides invaluable insights on how this issue might affect the future, legitimacy and expansion of this dispute settlement mechanism. Outside the field of arbitration, the book also provides jurists, legal scholars, in-house counsel for companies doing transnational business and public officials with highly enlightening perspectives on the interaction between international commercial arbitration and public interests.