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This report raises several questions concerning the overall effectiveness of workforce readiness training programs.
Employers of newly hired higher education graduates report their new workforce is not prepared. Further research was required to discover insights to the workforce readiness gap. This concurrent mixed methods study explored what competencies influenced employer's perceptions of the work-readiness of Information Systems (ISYS) undergraduate students and discovered ISYS graduates' and current ISYS students' perceptions of their work-readiness. Participants consisted of a convenience sample including 69 ISYS program upperclassmen, 20 ISYS program alumni, and 8 employers of the ISYS program graduates. ISYS program alumni completed an online Qualtrics survey to measure the participants' perception of their workforce preparedness. ISYS program upperclassmen completed a similar paper-based survey to measure the students' current perception of their workforce readiness. Employers of ISYS program graduates were interviewed to determine (1) how they defined workforce readiness, (2) the competencies associated with being workforce-ready, and (3) the degree to which the Sam M. Walton College of Business graduates demonstrated workforce readiness. The instrument used in this study was adopted from the employer survey used in the Are They Really Ready to Work?: Employers' Perspectives on the Basic Knowledge and Applied Skills of New Entrants to the 21st Century U.S. Workforce report by Casner-Lotto, Barrington, & Wright (2006) and the Ill-Prepared U.S. Workforce: Exploring the Challenges of Employer-Provided Workforce Readiness Training report by Casner-Lotto, Rosenblum, & Wright (2009). The reports were produced by ASTD, The Conference Board, Corporate Voices for Working Families, Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and SHRM. Research findings demonstrated 91% of ISYS program alumni and 86.9% of upperclassmen believed they were adequately to well prepared for the workforce by the ISYS program. Additionally, 75% of ISYS graduates' employers felt the students were adequately to somewhat well prepared for the workforce. Workforce readiness skills measured in this study included English Language (spoken), Writing in English, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Collaboration/Working with Others, Computer/Technical, Project Management, Knowledge within Major, General Business Knowledge, Willingness to Learn, Ability to Learn, Responsibility/Dependability, Initiative, Attitude Toward Work, Attendance/Punctuality, and Other skills not mentioned.
This Handbook provides a comprehensive and up-to-date examination of lifelong learning. Across 38 chapters, including twelve that are brand new to this edition, the approach is interdisciplinary, spanning human resources development, adult learning (educational perspective), psychology, career and vocational learning, management and executive development, cultural anthropology, the humanities, and gerontology. This volume covers trends that contribute to the need for continuous learning, considers psychological characteristics that relate to the drive to learn, reviews existing theory and research on adult learning, describes training methods and learning technologies for instructional design, and explores current and future challenges to support continuous learning.
Although Lean and wireless professionals seek the same goals, few are fluent in each other‘s language. Those who are have already helped their companies tap into the competitive advantages possible by integrating wireless technology into a Lean culture of continuous process improvement. Highlighting wireless as a powerful and inherently Lean tool,
Working Scared will help citizens, policy makers, educators, business, union, and community leaders better understand what is happening to the United States workforce. It also describes the essential national priorities and policies that will assist in restoring the American dream of secure employment and intergenerational progress.
"Countries that at different times in history were among the world's greatest powers, such as Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Britain, and Germany, have gradually shifted their sights either in the wake of defeat or after protracted periods of grappling with decline, from winning the great power sweepstakes to topping the lists of nations offering the best quality of life." David Rothkopf "One critical measure of the health of a modern democracy is it ability to legitimately extract taxes from its own elites. The most dysfunctional societies in the developing world are those whose elites succeed either in legally exempting themselves from taxation or in taking advantage of lax enforcement to evade them." Francis Fukuyama "Today, the United States has less equality of opportunity than almost any other advanced industrial country. Study after study has exposed the myth that America is a land of opportunity." Joseph E. Stiglitz "Tea Party constitutionalism and conservative originalism more generally are less interested in the Constitution's actual words (or the 'real' intentions of the Founders) than they are in rolling back democratic advances that have been made since 1787." E. J. Dionne
A comprehensive and insightful look at the modern workplace and how employees are managed, where the new approach is driven by the quirks of financial accounting to the detriment of employees and the long-term success of the organization. Real wages have stagnated or declined for most workers, job insecurity has increased, and retirement income is uncertain. Hours of work for white collar employees have increased steadily, opportunities for advancement have withered, and evidence of the negative effects of workplace stress on health continues to accumulate. Why have jobs gotten so much worse? As Peter Cappelli argues, these issues are not a result of companies trying to be cost effective. They stem from the logic of financial accounting--the arbiter for determining whether a company is maximizing shareholder value--and its fundamental flaws in dealing with human capital. Financial accounting views employee costs as fixed costs that cannot be reduced and fails to account for the costs of bad employees and poor management. The simple goal of today's executives is to drive down employment costs, even if it raises costs elsewhere. In Our Least Important Asset, Cappelli argues that the financial accounting problem explains many puzzling practices in contemporary management--employers' emphasis on costs per hire over the quality of hires, the replacement of regular employees with "leased" workers, the shift to unlimited vacations, and the transition of hiring responsibilities from professional recruiters to more expensive line managers. In the process, employers undercut all the evidence about what works to improve the quality, productivity, and creativity of workers. Drawing on decades of experience and research, Cappelli provides a comprehensive and insightful critique of the modern workplace where the gaps in financial accounting make things worse for everyone, from employees to investors.
Peter Cappelli, Wharton management professor and director of Wharton's Center for Human Resources, debunks the arguments and exposes the real reasons good people can't get hired. Named one of HR Magazine's Top 20 Most Influential Thinkers of 2011, Cappelli points the way forward to rev America's job engine again.