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A Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year From an obesity and neuroscience researcher with a knack for engaging, humorous storytelling, The Hungry Brain uses cutting-edge science to answer the questions: why do we overeat, and what can we do about it? No one wants to overeat. And certainly no one wants to overeat for years, become overweight, and end up with a high risk of diabetes or heart disease--yet two thirds of Americans do precisely that. Even though we know better, we often eat too much. Why does our behavior betray our own intentions to be lean and healthy? The problem, argues obesity and neuroscience researcher Stephan J. Guyenet, is not necessarily a lack of willpower or an incorrect understanding of what to eat. Rather, our appetites and food choices are led astray by ancient, instinctive brain circuits that play by the rules of a survival game that no longer exists. And these circuits don’t care about how you look in a bathing suit next summer. To make the case, The Hungry Brain takes readers on an eye-opening journey through cutting-edge neuroscience that has never before been available to a general audience. The Hungry Brain delivers profound insights into why the brain undermines our weight goals and transforms these insights into practical guidelines for eating well and staying slim. Along the way, it explores how the human brain works, revealing how this mysterious organ makes us who we are.
Thinking Fast and Slow meets The End of Overeating in this fascinating exploration of how the brain’s dual thinking processes regulate when, what, and how much we eat.
'ESSENTIAL' —The New York Times Have you ever wished you could just stop eating the cake, even as you put another forkful in your mouth? Have you ever wondered why exactly you are still eating chips when you are definitely full? This book has the answers. The Hungry Brain isn’t about denying yourself the food you love, or never eating pudding again, but the bottom line is that we often eat too much and don’t really know why; Guyenet will help the reader to understand exactly why – and more importantly, what to do about it. ‘Many people have influenced my thinking on human nutrition and metabolism, but Stephan is the one person who has completely altered my understanding of why we get fat.’ Robb Wolf, author of the New York Times bestseller The Paleo Solution 'For those interested in the complex science of overeating, it is essential' The New York Times
Leading Harvard Medical School expert and "obesity warrior" (Time magazine) Dr. David Ludwig rewrites the rules on weight loss, diet, and health in this guide to retraining your cells and reclaiming your health for life. Forget everything you've been taught about dieting. In Always Hungry?, renowned endocrinologist Dr. David Ludwig explains why traditional diets don't work and presents a radical new plan to help you lose weight without hunger, improve your health, and feel great. For over two decades, Dr. Ludwig has been at the forefront of research into weight control. His groundbreaking studies show that overeating doesn't make you fat; the process of getting fat makes you overeat. That's because fat cells play a key role in determining how much weight you gain or lose. Low-fat diets work against you by triggering fat cells to hoard more calories for themselves, leaving too few for the rest of the body. This "hungry fat" sets off a dangerous chain reaction that leaves you feeling ravenous as your metabolism slows down. Cutting calories only makes the situation worse by creating a battle between mind and metabolism that we're destined to lose. You gain more weight even as you struggle to eat less food. Always Hungry? turns dieting on its head with a three-phase program that ignores calories and targets fat cells directly. The recipes and meal plan include luscious high-fat foods (like nuts and nut butters, full-fat dairy, avocados, and dark chocolate), savory proteins, and natural carbohydrates. The result? Fat cells release their excess calories, and you lose weight - and inches - without battling cravings and constant hunger. This is dieting without deprivation. Forget calories. Forget cravings. Forget dieting. Always hungry? reveals a liberating new way to tame hunger and lose weight for good.
This book offers a breath of fresh air for diet-weary people. The book reveals how to choose heart- and brain-healthy foods to make you thin. The former acting Chief of Paediatric Neurosurgery at Denver Children's Hospital, Dr Larry McCleary became fascinated by the paradox of the fattening of America and the brain starvation being seen in ageing brains. His research led to this innovative conclusion: Calories we are consuming bypass our brains and end up being stored in fat cells. He outlines the Brain-Belly connection that describes how sticky fat cells send mixed messages to the brain, causing us to experience persistent hunger, to overeat, and to get fat as a result. His book offers a unique approach that enables us to get in touch with the signals our bodies generate so that we work with, not against, our innate metabolic machinery. This makes weight loss easy and keeps hunger at bay while providing our brains with high-octane fuel that keeps us mentally sharp. By breaking down how different styles of eating "cruise-ship" diets, starvation diets, among others -- affect us, the author reveals a novel perspective on the counterintuitive benefits of brain-healthy fat consumption. Dr McCleary's Feed Your Brain Lose Your Belly Diet and Activity program was clinically tested with a group that called themselves the "Biggest Losers", and the results were amazing. The firsthand accounts of their heartache and despair and how they overcame these feelings and successfully lost weight are inspirational. This book pairs its advice with 7 days' worth of helpful meal plans and plenty of delicious recipes. Learning to choose foods that prevent the production of sticky fat cells, rather than forcing ourselves to eat less, is the best way to feed our hungry brain cells and stay thin.
This is the ultimate guide to getting your brain in tip-top shape and keeping it healthy via the foods you eat. With a worldwide ageing population, and cases of dementia as well as severe depression and anxiety alarmingly on the rise, the need to look after your brain optimally has never been more important. It has now been proven beyond a doubt that it is possible to improve focus and memory, reduce stress and anxiety, and think more clearly simply by enjoying a diet rich in the right nutrients. In Part 1 of Feed Your Brain, Delia takes you through her 7-step program, simply and clearly explaining the science behind how the brain works, and showing how vitamins, minerals, fats, oils, carbohydrates and proteins affect brain function. Part 2 of the book features delicious, quick and easy recipes that can form the basis of your new diet while also providing you with inspiration to come up with your own ideas in the kitchen.
Hungry for Ecstasy: Trauma, The Brain, and the Influence of the Sixties by Sharon Klayman Farber explores the hunger for ecstatic experience that can lead people down the road to self-destruction. In an attempt to help mental health professionals and concerned individuals understand and identify the phenomenon and ultimately intervene with patients, friends, and loved ones, Farber speaks both personally and professionally to the reader. She discusses the different paths taken on the road to ecstatic states. There are religious ecstasies, ecstasies of pain and near-death experiences, cult-induced ecstasies, creative ecstasies, and ecstasies from hell. Hungry for Ecstasy explores not only the neuroscientific processes involved but also the influence of the sixties in driving people to seek these states. Finally, Farber draws from her own personal and professional experience to advise others how to intervene on behalf of the person whose behavior puts his or her life at risk.
I think, therefore I am. The legendary pronouncement of philosopher René Descartes lingers as accepted wisdom in the Western world nearly four centuries after its author's death. But does thought really come first? Who actually runs the show: we, our thoughts, or the neurons firing within our brains? Walter J. Freeman explores how we control our behavior and make sense of the world around us. Avoiding determinism both in sociobiology, which proposes that persons' genes control their brains' functioning, and in neuroscience, which posits that their brains' disposition is molded by chemistry and environmental forces, Freeman charts a new course--one that gives individuals due credit and responsibility for their actions. Drawing upon his five decades of research in neuroscience, Freeman utilizes the latest advances in his field as well as perspectives from disciplines as diverse as mathematics, psychology, and philosophy to explicate how different human brains act in their chosen diverse ways. He clarifies the implications of brain imaging, by which neural activity can be observed during the course of normal movements, and shows how nonlinear dynamics reveals order within the fecund chaos of brain function.
“If diets worked, we'd all be thin by now. Instead, we have enlisted hundreds of millions of people into a war we can't win." What’s the secret to losing weight? If you’re like most of us, you’ve tried cutting calories, sipping weird smoothies, avoiding fats, and swapping out sugar for Splenda. The real secret is that all of those things are likely to make you weigh more in a few years, not less. In fact, a good predictor of who will gain weight is who says they plan to lose some. Last year, 108 million Americans went on diets, to the applause of doctors, family, and friends. But long-term studies of dieters consistently find that they’re more likely to end up gaining weight in the next two to fifteen years than people who don’t diet. Neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt spent three decades in her own punishing cycle of starving and regaining before turning her scientific eye to the research on weight and health. What she found defies the conventional wisdom about dieting: ·Telling children that they’re overweight makes them more likely to gain weight over the next few years. Weight shaming has the same effect on adults. ·The calories you absorb from a slice of pizza depend on your genes and on your gut bac­teria. So does the number of calories you’re burning right now. ·Most people who lose a lot of weight suffer from obsessive thoughts, binge eating, depres­sion, and anxiety. They also burn less energy and find eating much more rewarding than it was before they lost weight. ·Fighting against your body’s set point—a cen­tral tenet of most diet plans—is exhausting, psychologically damaging, and ultimately counterproductive. If dieting makes us fat, what should we do instead to stay healthy and reduce the risks of diabetes, heart disease, and other obesity-related conditions? With clarity and candor, Aamodt makes a spirited case for abandoning diets in favor of behav­iors that will truly improve and extend our lives.
A food psychologist identifies hidden factors, motivations, and cues that cause overeating and offers practical solutions to help avoid these hidden traps and enjoy food without putting on excess pounds.