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Mark provides compelling evidence that wealthy satanist-psychopaths are waging a covert war right in your neighborhoods as they establish a global dictatorship known as the New World Order. Their potential enemies are placed under constant surveillance by the security forces and attacked with silent and traceless directed-energy weapons that leave no visible injury. These attacks are combined with psychological warfare used to inflict recurrent emotional pain.
Highly organized, covert, state-sponsored psychological warfare operations, being carried out on the civilian population in all NATO countries.
Mark provides compelling evidence that wealthy satanist-psychopaths are waging a covert war right in your neighborhoods as they establish a global dictatorship known as the New World Order. Their potential enemies are placed under constant surveillance by the security forces, relentlessly persecuted, and attacked with silent and traceless directed-energy weapons that leave no visible injury. These attacks are combined with psychological warfare used to inflict recurrent emotional pain.
Through these two books I want to show you as much as possible the completely blueprint where I've worked on for years. It's my library, a collection from which I work, and the many documents that I now use as evidence. This book is a collection of quotations from many books, magazines, newspapers, internet documents and reports from others. Therefore I see this book as a manual / reference book for those interested. It's important to me that finally there is a book where everything that is concealed for us for centuries, is at a glance. What you do with the information and how much it is worth to you to know these things is up to you. Here I simply put those pieces that in my eyes came closest to the truth, and which fitted together like a puzzle. The past has big secrets which still are carefully concealed in the present. By putting the many citations and articles at a glance we see a strong message: Wake up people.
In Killing the Planet: How A Financial Cartel Doomed Mankind, best-selling authors Rodney Howard-Browne and Paul L. Williams investigate the true motives and consequences of the Pilgrim Society. Early members of the Society included J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, Andrew Mellon, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Paul Warburg, Mortimer I. Schiff, Otto Kahn, and John D. Rockefeller. Although the Pilgrim Society and the powerful men involved are often praised for their philanthropic actions, Howard-Browne and Williams show that the Society was self-serving and subjected the American people to a brutal system of economic tyranny, one which is still in place today. As a sequel to The Killing of Uncle Sam, Killing the Planet is a thoroughly documented and impeccably researched book, with over 1,500 footnotes. It shows how mankind has become enslaved within the Luciferian world system that is managed and controlled by the world's wealthiest families. The book is not full of conspiracy theories but instead, unfortunately for all of humanity, full of gut-wrenching facts.
If Gangstalking destroys the lives of millions why is it allowed to exist? As a tool of the elite, using other worldly entities, mind control and technology, it protects the illusion controlled by the Master Builder's and allows the Serpent in everybody's subconscious to control them by concepts and impressions, a necessary device linked to corporate profits as well as the maintenance of the illusion. The original instigators of civilization still oversee and control the evolution of illusion down here on earth. This book answers the many questions, both spiritual and practical, as to the irrational activity of Gangstalking. It details the concealed reality which co-exists, underlies, monitors and controls this one.A reality of psychic possession, shape-shifting, daimons. Energies devoted to impeding the emergence of mankind's true Glory for the sake of maintaining control of the illusion. You may not like everything that you read in this book but you after you have read it you will be in no doubt that it is time to awaken to long hidden truths about how the world works and not who but WHAT controls it and why. *Contains inside and on back cover, photographs of shape-shifting/demonic materialization's linked to gangstalking and gangstalkers themselves. Chapters include:- 1) Who is behind this? 2) The possessed seeking to possess others 3) Freemasonry is the church of the Serpent 3) Recognizing the energy that isn't you; re-claiming the lost vision! 4) Understanding the evolution of psychic possession 5) Incarnation of the soul and the soulless 6) The Serpent in the garden 7) The beatific state without the Serpent 8) Why the Master Builders suppress the beatific state for the propagation of illusion 9) The usurpation of individuality and empowerment leaves us slaves to the Master Builders illusion 10) Asset management and the order of the Knights of Malta 11) The Serpents control depends upon lack of love, putting out the human nodes of light 12) Mind control the suckers 13) Brutalizing the awakened, the Serpents only threat 14) Why Gangstalkers steal the jewels of the solar plexus chakra and Chi 15) Why the electronic mind control of society is necessary 16) Generated fracas, keeping communities mediocre by artificial intelligence, gangstalking and technological thugs 17) Tech to achieve take over: by their fruits ye shall know them 18) Unlimited personal power is counteracted 19) Energetic beings made real and formed from your body 20) Technology for the supplantation: hybrid cyborg slaves 21) Targeted individuals and gangstalking 22) Taking our power back from the Master Builders: the dawning of a new kingdom 23) Fallen Angels
Deadly aerosols that poison the air, food, and water supplies have been injected into the atmosphere since the late 1940s. The program, known as geoengineering, has been implemented by wealthy eugenicists to deliberately sabotage the planet and commit mass murder. By directly poisoning the Earth's life-sustaining natural resources, geoengineering offers a compound approach to depopulation. The ionospheric heaters, which are used in conjunction with geoengineering, allow for the creation of artificial droughts and floods that are impacting many nations. Geoengineering has unleashed fatal climate feedback loops that have set the planet on a doomful course. The fallouts and weather attacks further a deceptive gambit for global feudalism known as Agenda 21. With obstructive policies and rising costs, they intend to seize private property and herd citizens into megacities with towering prisons that hold hundreds of thousands of people.
Wealthy eugenicist-psychopaths have launched a covert eugenics program to reduce the population. They are attacking citizens with chemical weapons disguised as medicine, which slowly inflict many devastating medical conditions. The victims suffer a reduced lifespan and are removed from the breeding pool. They have established complete control of the public schools which have been transformed into eugenic laboratories. These laboratories are used to identify and destroy any positive values that might foster individual development and to identify those to be attacked. The teachers and doctors are on the frontline working together to identify the resisters who are attacked for life with chemical weapons under the guise of medical treatment. There is a highly coordinated worldwide coverup of the deaths and injuries caused by these weapons. This population control agenda can be traced back to the late 1800s, when they vowed to eliminate certain bloodlines to purify the human race.
In this short book Mark shares the observations that he's made over the last 18 years as a targeted individual. The book is focused on the civilian population's witting acceptance of AI brain tethering. Here's some of what he covers: ■ How the bulk of the population has already consciously taken the cerebral link that societal managers claim will happen in the future. ■ How the common citizen functions as a weaponized AI host, carrying out clandestine public executions at the direction of AI. ■ What it's like to live among citizens who are knowingly brain-shackled to a cognitive computer with the mind of a psychopath. ■ Why the citizens have communally normalized their enslavement to this digital monster while relegating it to the collective shadow. ■ Why the average person was unable to resist AI enlistment. ■ Why the AI takeover of the population was unannounced & remains insufficiently acknowledged in the independent media. ■ The double mind of the electronic beast & decision-makers in the surveillance loop. Mark explains what must be done to free people from "It" so that genuine redemptive actions can be taken.
This up-to-date introduction to the complex world of conspiracies and conspiracy theories provides insight into why millions of people are so ready to believe the worst about our political, legal, religious, and financial institutions. Unsupported theories provide simple explanations for catastrophes that are otherwise difficult to understand, from the U.S. Civil War to the Stock Market Crash of 1929 to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. Ideas about shadowy networks that operate behind a cloak of secrecy, including real organizations like the CIA and the Mafia and imagined ones like the Illuminati, additionally provide a way for people to criticize prevailing political and economic arrangements, while for society's disadvantaged and forgotten groups, conspiracy theories make their suffering and alienation comprehensible and provide a focal point for their economic or political frustrations. These volumes detail the highly controversial and influential phenomena of conspiracies and conspiracy theories in American society. Through interpretive essays and factual accounts of various people, organizations, and ideas, the reader will gain a much greater appreciation for a set of beliefs about political scheming, covert intelligence gathering, and criminal rings that has held its grip on the minds of millions of American citizens and encouraged them to believe that the conspiracies may run deeper, and with a global reach.