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Paul Clements took to the road in search of the county tops, armed with his own rules of the road, 'Forsake all 21st century Celtic superhighways in favour of boreens'. Faced with leave he couldn't afford, Paul travelled the GMRs (Great Mountain Roads), exploring remote corners of little known counties, some very flat, and spent time with the eccentric and the quaint. Meet Cathy Rea who can see, and even smell, fairies! Listen to tales of druids, banshees, highwaymen and loose women. And learn how a poet stops Errigal's ego from deflating. P.S. Paul found only 28 tops!
There is within all theological utterances something of the ridiculous, perhaps more so in Christianity, given its proclivity for the paradoxical and the childlike. Few theologians are willing to discuss how consent to the Christian doctrine often requires a faith that goes beyond reason. There seems to be a fear that the association of theology with the absurd will give fuel to the sceptic's refrain: 'You can't seriously believe in all that nonsense.' Josephine Gabelman considers the legitimacy of the sceptic's objection and explores the possibility that an idea can be contrary to rationality and also true and meaningful using the systematic analysis of central stylistic features of literary non sense such as Lewis Carroll's Alice stories. Gabelman sets up a nonsense theology by considering the practical and evangelical ramifications of associating Christian faith with nonsense literature and, conversely, the value of relating theological principles to the study of literary nonsense.Ultimately, Gabelman says, faith is always a risk and a strictly rational apologetic misrepresents the nature of Christian truth.
In June 1975, the distinguished Harvard entomologist Edward O. Wilson published a truly huge book entitled, Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. In this book, drawing on both fact and theory, Wilson tried to present a com prehensive overview of the rapidly growing subject of 'sociobiology', the study of the biological nature and foundations of animal behaviour, more precisely animal social behaviour. Although, as the title rather implies, Wilson was more surveying and synthesising than developing new material, he com pensated by giving the most thorough and inclusive treatment possible, beginning in the animal world with the most simple of forms, and progressing via insects, lower invertebrates, mammals and primates, right up to and in cluding our own species, Homo sapiens. Initial reaction to the book was very favourable, but before the year was out it came under withering attack from a group of radical scientists in the Boston area, who styled themselves 'The Science for the People Sociobiology Study Group'. Criticism, of course, is what every academic gets (and needs!); but, for two reasons, this attack was particularly unpleasant. First, not only were Wilson's ideas attacked, but he himself was smeared by being linked with the most reactionary of political thinkers, including the Nazis.
In June 1975, the distinguished Harvard entomologist Edward O. Wilson published a truly huge book entitled, Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. In this book, drawing on both fact and theory, Wilson tried to present a com prehensive overview of the rapidly growing subject of 'sociobiology', the study of the biological nature and foundations of animal behaviour, more precisely animal social behaviour. Although, as the title rather implies, Wilson was more surveying and synthesising than developing new material, he com pensated by giving the most thorough and inclusive treatment possible, beginning in the animal world with the most simple of forms, and progressing via insects, lower invertebrates, mammals and primates, right up to and in cluding our own species, Homo sapiens. Initial reaction to the book was very favourable, but before the year was out it came under withering attack from a group of radical scientists in the Boston area, who styled themselves 'The Science for the People Sociobiology Study Group'. Criticism, of course, is what every academic gets (and needs!); but, for two reasons, this attack was particularly unpleasant. First, not only were Wilson's ideas attacked, but he himself was smeared by being linked with the most reactionary of political thinkers, including the Nazis.
When did "chemical" become a dirty word? Forty or so years ago, chemistry -- which had been recognized as a miracle-making boon to humanity - somehow became associated with warfare, sinister food additives, "toxins" and pollution. It's a situation that Dr. Joe Schwarcz aims to put into perspective. Yes, there's a downside to chemistry, he says, but this is dwarfed by its enormous benefits. Dr. Joe's new collection of commentaries will inspire an appreciation for the science of everyday life, and equip you to spot the muddled thinking, misunderstandings and deceptions in media stories and advertising claims. Does organic food really always equal better food? Are vaccines dangerous? Will the latest health fad make you ill? Do expensive wrinkle creams do the job? What are the best ways to avoid cancer? The answers to such questions often lie in an understanding of the chemistry involved. Ask Dr. Joe. Science, Sense and Nonsense celebrates chemistry's great achievements, lambastes its charlatans, and explores its essential connections to our wellbeing. And does so in authoritative, highly readable, good humoured style.
What do the whimsical writings of Dr. Seuss have in common with near-death experiences? The answer is that nonsense writing and spiritual experiences seem to defy all logic and yet they both can make a powerful personal impact. In this book, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Raymond Moody shares the groundbreaking results of five decades of research into the philosophy of nonsense, revealing dynamic new perspectives on language, logic, and the mystical side of life. Explore the meaningful feelings that accompany nonsense language and learn how engaging with nonsense can help you on your own spiritual path. Discover how nonsense transcends classical logic, opening the doorway to new spiritual and philosophical breakthroughs. With dozens of examples from literature, comedy, music, and the history of religion, this book presents a unique new approach to the mysteries of the human spirit.
A collection of over 100 limericks with the author's original illustrations.
It's almost a universal phenomenon. Nobody knows when, how, and why it started, but society somehow allows their political leaders to get away with nearly anything, up to and including murder- at least in many countries in Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa, and Central and South America. Here in these United States of America, no one is suggesting (at least not me) that our political leaders are guilty of committing murders. To the extent that anybody can accuse them of such, it's their enacting of lax gun laws at the behest of the NRA. Thanks to these laws, anyone applying for a permit to buy an automatic assault weapon is no more subjected to rigorous background check than they are buying candy. By this and this alone, U.S. politicians are partly to blame in the deaths of innocent people. Anyway, this book is not about murders or guns. In a way though, it's about "death"- the death of reason and sense in politics. It's about some insidious behavior that politicians get away with. Society itself is to blame for tacitly permitting politicians to engage in such a behavior. So here in the United States, as is the case everywhere, politicians get away with too much: Corruption; lying or showing a disdain for facts; being lazy; stealing; and cheating on their spouses. We also allow them to make promises that they can't possibly keep- or never keeping promises that they can easily keep. We have put the bar for tolerable behaviors, or conduct expected of our leaders, very low. We have reached a stage where the moral code of our politicians is on par with, if not worse than, that of criminals. Well, this author decided to draw a line, a "red line," if you want to be dramatic, on dumbassedness- or rather- on the dumb things that the people we look up to in society, especially our political leaders, say. They can get away with lying, being corrupt, etc., but they will not be let off so easily for saying things that are decidedly dumb. Just as Iran will hear from Israel and the U.S. if its nuclear (or as George W. Bush would say, "nucular") ambitions crosses Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu's somewhat arbitrary "red line," politicians here will hear from me if and when they cross my own arbitrarily laid "dumbassedness" red line. Like most citizens, I'll tolerate- barely- such maladapted behaviors of our politicians as corruption, cheating, infidelity, lying, not keeping campaign promises, etc., but not dumbassedness. This is what this book is about. This author's blood boils when he hears these stupid politicians, like Indiana's U.S. Senate candidate, Richard Mourdock say such things as, "A woman being raped and conceiving as a result, is in God's grand scheme of things." That is, God wanted it that way, and therefore that the victim shouldn't be allowed to terminate such a pregnancy. Unlike most books, this is not one long, continuous story. One need not necessarily start reading from page one or chapter one successively to the last. One can jump around, or even begin with the last chapter. Every chapter is a stand-alone chapter. There is no "continuity" to worry about if you decide to read the book in a sort of haphazard manner. You're going to encounter unbelievable dumbassedness of our politicians on every page.Politicians and other leaders of society may get away with having the morals and ethics of alley cats, but I ́ll be damned if I ́ll let them get away with the immaturity of pre-adolescents and the dumbassedness of a jackass. This is my raison d ́etre, or if you want to be "religious" about it, it ́s my calling.Let me add that had my sense of self-preservation not been so heightened, I ́d have moved to Russia to take on Emperor Vladimir Putin.But I don ́t like having Polonium-210 as part of my diet. Thank you and enjoy. Kabembo Chinku.
Who is this guy and why are people listening? Forget Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Sean Hannity—Glenn Beck is the Right’s new media darling and the unofficial leader of the conservative grassroots. Lampooned by the Left and Lionized by the far Right, his bluster-and-tears brand of political commentary has commandeered attention on both sides of the aisle. Glenn Beck has emerged over the last decade as a unique and bizarre conservative icon for the new century. He encourages his listeners to embrace a cynical paranoia that slides easily into a fantasyland filled with enemies that do not exist and solutions that are incoherent, at best. Since the election of President Barack Obama, Beck’s bombastic, conspiratorial, and often viciously personal approach to political combat has made him one of the most controversial figures in the history of American broadcasting. In Common Nonsense, investigative reporter Alexander Zaitchik explores Beck's strange brew of ratings lust, boundless ego, conspiratorial hard-right politics, and gimmicky morning-radio entertainment chops. Separates the facts from the fiction, following Beck from his troubled childhood to his recent rise to the top of the conservative media heap Zaitchik's recent three-part series in Salon caused so much buzz, Beck felt the need to attack it on his show Based on Zaitchik's interviews with former Beck coworkers and review of countless Beck writings and television and radio shows Explains why Beck is always crying, why he has so many conservative enemies, why he's driven by conspiracy theories, and why he's dangerous to the health of the republic A contributing writer to Alternet, Zaitchik's reporting has appeared in the New Republic, the Nation, Salon, Wired, Reason, and the Believer Beck, a perverse and high-impact media spectacle, has emerged as a leader in a conservative protest movement that raises troubling questions about the future of American politics.