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Old Testament prophecy and the New Testament fulfillment of Jesus the Messiah. Intended as primarily a pastoral work, based on theology and biblical exegesis, it contains' homelitic outlines and samples. Also included are the church Fathers' writings on the most important issues of hermeneutics. This book is a work of exegesis and biblical theology entwined with pastoral guidance. It will be a useful tool for both ministers and faithful in their quest of Christ in the Old Testament.
Publisher Fact Sheet Argues that there was a "messianic forerunner" to Jesus named Menachem who lived a generation earlier & served as a sort of role model for Jesus & his messianic movement.
An academic study that suggests the Old Testament was written to be read as a work that reveals direct messianic prophecies.
The Hebrew Messiah: The Glory and Triumph of Israel takes seriously the witness in the Tanakthe books of teaching, the prophets, and the writingsthat Judaism receives as its Scripture. It listens to that witness to discover the truth of the Hebrew Messiah. Drawing upon study inspired by an intense interest to explore and appreciate the riches of Judaism, Allan Russell Juriansz has poured his findings into this exploration of the crucial role of Ha-Mashiach, the Messiah, in the Tanaks works that span a millennium of Jewish life and reflection. The exploration of The Hebrew Messiah begins by sketching out the contemporary scholarly climate in Judaism. Then it conducts a detailed survey of the witness to the Messiah in the Tanak, particularly in its prophetic writings. Next, it examines the place of this witness to the Hebrew Messiah in the life of modern Jewry. Finally, The Hebrew Messiah concludes by celebrating the good news that Ha-Mashiach is the glory and triumph of Israel. The Hebrew Messiah: The Glory and Triumph of Israel will satisfy the curiosity of all who desire to know how intimately and extensively the witness to the Messiah is woven through the tapestry of the Tanak. It will speak to members of the modern Jewish community who desire to take a fresh look at the foundations of their faith. Finally, it will offer Christians the blueprint for their understanding of the Messiah available to them. He is the Hebrew Messiah, Israels glory and triumph.
The Messiah How did the Jews from 250 B.C.E. to 200 C.E. conceive and express their beliefs in the coming of God's Messiah? Why did the Jews closely associated with Jesus of Nazareth claim within ten years of his crucifixion in 30 C.E. that he indeed was the promised Messiah? An international team of prominent Jewish and Christian scholars discuss these and related questions in this volume that stems from the First Princeton Symposium on Judaism and Christian Origins. The book focuses on the historical and theological importance of the presence or absence of the term "Messiah" and messianic ideas in the Hebrew Scriptures, the New Testament, Philo, the Apocrypha, the Pseudepigrapha, Josephus, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. It clarifies the key issues to be discussed, illustrates the appropriate methodology shared by international experts, and concentrates on the perplexing questions regarding messianic beliefs in Judaism and Christianity before the close of the New Testament and the editing of the Mishnah. Contributors Hugh Anderson David E. Aune Matthew Black B. M. Bokser Peder Borgen F. H. Borsch James H. Charlesworth Adela Yarbro Collins Nils Alstrup Dahl W. D. Davies J. D. G. Dunn Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly Paul D. Hanson J. G. Heintz Martin Hengel Richard A. Horsley Donald H. Juel Burton L. Mack D. Mendels J. Priest J. J. M. Roberts L. H. Schiffmann Alan F. Segal S. Talmon J. C. VanderKam James H. Charlesworth is the George L. Collord Professor of New Testament Language and Literature and director of the Dead Sea Scrolls Project at Princeton Theological Seminary. He is noted for his research in Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Josephus, the Historical Jesus, and the Gospel of John. He is a Founder and Veteran of the Enoch seminar and a member of the Advisory Board of the Journal Henoch. Religion / Early Judaism and Christianity
Andrew Chester focuses on Jewish messianic hope, intermediary figures, and visionary traditions of human transformation, particularly in the Second Temple period, and analyzes their significance for the origin and development of New Testament Christology. He brings together five previously published essays on these themes: these include two long chapters, one on Jewish messianic and mediatorial traditions in relation to Pauline Christology, the other on messianism and eschatology in early Judaism and Christianity, plus one on messiah and Temple in Sibylline Oracles 3-5. Two further essays, on the significance of Torah in the messianic age, and on resurrection, transformation and early Christology, have been extensively revised. There are also three substantial new chapters, all of which engage closely with recent scholarly debate. The first, on the origin of Christology, argues for the significance of Jewish visionary traditions of human transformation for understanding how 'high' Christology came about at such an early stage within the New Testament. The second discusses the complex questions of the definition, scope and nature of Jewish messianism, especially in relation to the Hebrew Bible and the more-recently available Qumran evidence, and their significance for the New Testament. The third is concerned with what Paul means by the 'law of Christ', and the wider issues raised by this.
For us, Jews who grew up in Israel, Jesus and His word were never part of the conversation. Not in our school system, not in our synagogues, and not in our media. Nor do we have easy access to the New Testament. Jesus has been studiously avoided, and hidden from our people. Today in Israel, 99.7% of the Jewish population, reject Jesus as the Messiah. How did our country, where the gospel first took place, come to be so adamantly against it?Within Judaism over the last two millennia, any kind of spiritual message had to go through the "gate keepers," the Orthodox Jewish Rabbis. The Rabbinic Judaism of the Orthodox comes directly from the sect of the "Pharisees," whom Jesus rebuked: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from people; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in." (Matthew 23:13)Ever since the days of Messiah, the Rabbis have set themselves in opposition to the gospel, blocking the message of Jesus from Israel. They deliberately prevent Jewish people from hearing about the free salvation offered to them in the death and resurrection of their own Jewish Messiah. They have gone to great lengths to conceal Jesus, and keep him the best kept secret in Judaism., keeping our people in spiritual darkness.But now the secret is out!After almost 2000 years, Jesus, or as we call him in Hebrew, Yeshua, can no longer be hidden from the people! Today, our ministry, ONE FOR ISRAEL, reaches Jewish and Arab Israelis exactly where they are - online. We no longer need the rabbis' permission for anything. We can go straight into the smartphones, tablets, and computers of every Israeli, sharing the saving good news of Yeshua the Messiah!In the past, the message of the gospel came to Israel from outside our borders, delivered by people who didn't understand our language, our culture, our heritage or our way of thinking. Today the messengers look very different. Now it is Jewish and Arab Israelis who are bringing the gospel back to where it started - back to our own people Israel. We can explain the gospel to our people in a way that makes sense to them, in our own native tongues of Hebrew and Arabic as only Israelis can, and help our people understand who Yeshua really is.The Orthodox rabbis in Israel operate an "anti missionary" organization called Yad L'Achim, specifically to fight against the spread of the gospel among the Jewish people. This very well-funded organization, works very closely with the Minister of Interior in the Israeli government. They seek to prevent Jewish people from leaving the confines of Rabbinic Judaism by any means necessary (not always legally), and relentlessly persecute us, the Jewish believers in Jesus in Israel. With over 90% of the names, photos and addresses of all the Messianic Jews in Israel on file, Yad L'Achim began sending a magazine called "Searching" to the homes of believers in Israel back in 2014. The magazine contains objections and refutations from Orthodox rabbis about the messiahship of Jesus, the credibility of the New Testament, and trying to ridicule and destroy the belief in Jesus. This caused several Jewish believers, even including some who had been missionaries, to deny their faith in Jesus and revert to rabbinic Judaism. Over the past five years, I decided to go over all of their magazines, books and videos, in order to answer their arguments and prove their objections false. Since 2015 we have released about 150 short videos where we share the gospel and directly refute these rabbinic objections to Jesus, New Testament and Christianity. This book is a compilation of transcripts from these videos, all in one place for your consideration. While the content of this book is based on five years of academic research, I did my best to write it in a simple, easy-to-read way, in order to keep this book as short as possible.Please SHARE links to this book!: )
Discover how Gods redemptive plan is revealed through the feasts of Israel. You will learn the prophetic purposes of the feasts, how the feasts are fulfilled in Messiah, future implications of the feasts and practical truths for life
This book is the go-to source for introductory information on Messianic Judaism. Editors David Rudolph and Joel Willitts have assembled a thorough examination of the ecclesial context and biblical foundations of the diverse Messianic Jewish movement. Unique among similar works in its Jew-Gentile partnership, this book brings together a team of respected Messianic Jewish and Gentile Christian scholars, including Mark Kinzer, Richard Bauckham, Markus Bockmuehl, Craig Keener, Darrell Bock, Scott Hafemann, Daniel Harrington, R. Kendall Soulen, Douglas Harink and others. Opening essays, written by Messianic Jewish scholars and synagogue leaders, provide a window into the on-the-ground reality of the Messianic Jewish community and reveal the challenges, questions and issues with which Messianic Jews grapple. The following predominantly Gentile Christian discussion explores a number of biblical and theological issues that inform our understanding of the Messianic Jewish ecclesial context. Here is a balanced and accessible introduction to the diverse Messianic Jewish movement that both Gentile Christian and Messianic Jewish readers will find informative and fascinating.
It is a little known fact that there have been more than fifty prominent Jewish Messiahs. These characters, though unrenowned today, inspired messianic fervour that at times seized the whole Jewish, Christian, Muslim and even secular worlds. The stories of these fifty Messiahs, both male and female, are unknown -- suppressed by Jewish religious authorities or ignored by historians of all religions. Until now. In this book, these Jewish Messiahs are remembered, and now their forgotten stories -- whether humorous, bizarre, tragic or solemn -- are finally told. The Messiah who killed the Pope; The Messiah who was saved from the Inquisition when the Pope hid him in the Vatican; The Messiah who demanded that his head be cut off in order to prove his immortality The Messiah who defied the Holy Roman Emperor; The 17th century Messiah whose followers continued their secret society into the 20th century. And to contemporary times and the story of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, and how he inspired a passionate and devoted following. Above all, Fifty Jewish Messiahs examines humanity, not divinity, and history rather than theology. Taken together, these intriguing stories paint a vivid portrait of the universal and timeless human need for optimism, and hope in a better future.