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Based on the author's experience of the suprasensory being behind spiritual science (Anthroposophy), this volume is the culmination of Sergei Prokofieff's twenty-five years of work on Rudolf Steiner's spiritual impulse. He shows that the being Anthroposophia is not merely a poetic image or an abstract concept, but an actual spiritual entity who works in the higher worlds to benefit earthly evolution and bring to humanity "the new revelation of the heavenly Sophia, the divine wisdom." In the first part of the book, Prokofieff describes the path that led him to experience the being Anthroposophia--a path that is clearly outlined so that it can be followed by the reader as well. In the second part, beginning with Steiner's relatively few statements on the subject, the author considers the position of the living Anthroposophia in the cosmic hierarchy--specifically her relationship to Christ, to the heavenly Sophia, and the to Archangel Michael. Finally available in paperback, this work will be of special interest to all those who have a close connection to Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy.
"The confrontation with evil manifests as a battle taking place on many levels, the outcome of which lies in the hands of each one of us alive today. The most important requisite is the creating of a space within us in which a new consciousness, the Imagination, will gradually be able to arise. Much in the future depends on whether a sufficient number of people succeed in reaching this level of experience." --Maria Betti With the world in turmoil, the greatest challenge facing us today, says Mario Betti, is the inner transformation of our whole being. Rebirth from within heralds a new form of consciousness--a creative imaginative faculty--that is also a reawakening of the mysterious Sophia, the Divine Feminine. Imagination allows us to behold the spiritual forces actively at work in the world, leading to the possibility of a comprehensive rebirth and renewal of culture.
"There is a delicate distinction between these two sentences: 'To find the others in oneself' and 'To find oneself in the others.' In the higher sense, it means 'You are that.' [Tat tsvam asi]. Above all, in the highest sense, it means to recognize oneself in the world and to understand that saying of Novalis from The Disciple at Sais... 'One was successful. He lifted the veil of the goddess at Sais. But what did he see? Miracle of miracles! He saw himself.' To find oneself--not in egoistic inwardness, but selflessly in the outer world--that is true self-knowledge." --Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner is perhaps best known for his influence and wisdom in the fields of education, agriculture, medicine, science, and art. It is often forgotten that it was as a spiritual teacher that he made these contributions. Unfortunately, while his immediate students had the advantage of Steiner as a personal guide to their inner lives, later readers have had only his written works to guide them. Steiner, however, did give a few lectures on inner development--especially on beginning a path of practice. This book now collects these lectures--some of which have never been in English--for the first time. It also contains a number of the basic meditations and exercises shared by Steiner with his students. Here readers will find descriptions of various practical exercises, including exercises for the moral qualities that students must develop, and for the various qualities of consciousness that inner development requires. This book is not only for beginners. Wherever you are on the path, this book will be your companion.
The wisdom contained in this book is not derived via the usual methods of scholarly and historical research, and neither is it based on theory or speculation. Rudolf Steiner acquired his original contribution to human knowledge from metaphysical dimensions of reality which are hidden to most people – but visible to anybody who is prepared to develop spiritual means of perception. With his philosophical and scientific training, Steiner brought a new systematic discipline to the field of spiritual research, allowing for fully conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries. Samples of his work are to be found in this book of edited texts, which brings together excerpts from his many talks and writings on the subject of the Goddess. This volume also features an editorial introduction, commentary and notes by Dr Andrew Welburn. Chapters: Rediscovering the Goddess Natura; Retracing our Steps – Mediaeval Thought and the School of Chartres; The Goddess Natura in the Ancient Mysteries; The Goddess in the Beginning – the Birth of the Word; Esoteric Christianity – the Virgin Sophia; the Search for the New Isis; The Renewal of the Mysteries; The Modern Isis, the Divine Sophia.
"I asked Rudolf Steiner, 'What will remain of your work thousands of years from now?' He replied, 'Nothing but The Philosophy of Freedom. But everything else is contained in it. If one realizes the act of freedom described there, one can discover the whole content of Anthroposophy.'" -- Walter Johannes Stein Some people's path to Anthroposophy leads them directly to Rudolf Steiner's early work Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path: A Philosophy of Freedom, which becomes the philosophical basis for further exploration. Steiner referred to this as a "safe" approach. However, the destiny of many leads them directly to Anthroposophy itself, perhaps through one of its practical initiatives such as Waldorf education or biodynamics, sometimes making it difficult to relate to the cognitive basis of Anthroposophy. In this unique study, Prokofieff offers a fresh approach to Steiner's crucial book, Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path. He shows why the book is so important to Anthroposophy as the work in which Steiner lays a foundation for his method of spiritual research. In Steiner's own words, "One who is willing can indeed find the basic principles of Anthroposophy in my Philosophy of Freedom." Prokofieff discusses the Christian nature of the anthroposophic means of cognition and how it is integral to freedom and love. This in turn reveals the deeply Christian roots of Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path and its importance for modern Christian esoteric work. In considering its multifaceted cosmic and human dimension, Prokofieff discusses Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path in relation to the mystery of the Resurrection, the work of the hierarchies, the being Anthroposophia, the "Fifth Gospel," Steiner's path of initiation, the Rosicrucian and Michaelic impulses, the life between death and rebirth, the Foundation Stone, the Christian mysteries of karma, and the science of the Grail.
Meditative reflection--strengthening thinking and feeling through the will--is one of the main methods of experiencing Anthroposophy. Prokofieff writes: "The best path to this goal is inner work with the Foundation Stone Meditation, because this meditation is the quintessence of the whole of Anthroposophy, given in meditatively inspired form by means of earthly words." Rudolf Steiner described the substance of the "Foundation Stone Meditation" as spoken by him "out of the will of the spiritual world," and as "verses heard from the Cosmic Word." Owing to its spiritual and mantric form, the text of this meditation represents an archetype and is thus a key to the most diverse areas of world and human existence. Depending on "which spiritual portal is opened with this key," explains Prokofieff, "one arrives at one result or another, and one and the same line of the meditation becomes a reply to the most varied questions." The author applies this method in this work and, in the process, illuminates and opens up many dimensions of spiritual science. His research embraces, among other aspects, the relationship of the "Foundation Stone Meditation" to the being Anthroposophia, the spiritual hierarchies, human karma, the Rosicrucian, Michaelic and Grail streams, the Mystery of Golgotha, the two Jesus children, the three spiritual sources of Anthroposophy, and even the Constitution of the General Anthroposophical Society.
"The anthroposophical community seeks to lift human souls into supersensible realms so that they may enter the company of angels." --Rudolf Steiner Sergei Prokofieff traces the three stages of heavenly preparation of Anthroposophy--the "spiritual thunderstorm," the Michael School in the Sun sphere, and the "imagination-based cultus" in the spiritual word nearest the Earth. These events involved the nine spiritual hierarchies, associating them with the karma of the anthroposophic movement. The author goes on to elaborate the tasks of the Anthroposophical Society and indicates how these are connected with the spiritual hierarchies, the Michael movement, the Grail mysteries, the work of new group souls, and the "Foundation Stone Meditation." He shows that, in an esoteric sense, the General Anthroposophical Society was created so that people could learn to work with the gods. This is a vital booklet for all those who care deeply about the future of the Anthroposophical Society and the proper evolution of humanity.
"It is my personal conviction that the question of our relationship to Rudolf Steiner is fundamental to the life of Anthroposophy itself." -- Sergei O. Prokofieff Even within the Anthroposophical Society and the anthroposophic movement, people's relationship to Rudolf Steiner is weakening and dissipating. This is problematic, says Prokofieff, as the future of both the Society and movement depends on a sufficient number of people aspiring to and realizing a true spiritual connection with the founder of Anthroposophy. Prokofieff deals in detail with this issue and asks, "Can one be an anthroposophist without being Rudolf Steiner's pupil?" In the second part of this book, Prokofieff elaborates on the mysteries surrounding the laying of the spiritual Foundation Stone at the Society's Christmas Meeting that began 1923. That event, he asserts, ensured that a personal relationship with Rudolf Steiner "would not remain within the realm of the generally abstract or intellectual, but would become a real inner deed." Thus, Steiner gave each anthroposophist the possibility of connecting with him through free inner work on the Foundation Stone. Both parts of this book are linked, in the sense that once a relationship with Steiner is established, an inner longing to work with the "new mysteries" will follow. In Prokofieff's words, "The will to take the foundation of the new mysteries seriously leads to a real, inner connection with Rudolf Steiner." Relating to Rudolf Steiner includes an essay on the "problem" of digitally publishing Steiner's most important esoteric texts and the esoteric background of the internet and electronic media in general. In response to readers' questions about how to counteract the harmful consequences of these developments, Prokofieff has expanded and developed his original essay on this subject.
Prokofieff draws on the whole extent of Rudolf Steiner s work and combines it with his own original spiritual research to form an intricate picture of the cosmic forces at play between Christmas and Epiphany. We are led on a tour through the circle of the zodiac and spiritual hierarchies, and shown how they form a path from Jesus to Christ. The author further explains that the Starry Script is a key to anthroposophical Christology, and shows how it relates to the conception of the First Goetheanum. Prokofieff guides us imaginatively through the interior of Steiner s architectural masterpiece (destroyed by fire at the end of 1922), whose structure and decorations are seen to constitute a coherent esoteric map. Our task now, he suggests, is to rebuild the First Goetheanum within ourselves and, through a new form of self-development, work toward a truly modern path of initiation. Supplementary essays focus on the cosmic aspects of Sophia as well as the being of Michael. Prokofieff s seminal study offers a rich source of inspiration for those wishing to penetrate the mysteries of the Twelve Holy Nights and their relation to spiritual beings."