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Hypersonics is the study of flight at speeds where aerodynamic heating dominates the physics of the problem. Typically this is Mach 5 and higher. Hypersonics is an engineering science with close links to supersonics and engine design. Within this field, many of the most important results have been experimental. The principal facilities have been wind tunnels and related devices, which have produced flows with speeds up to orbital velocity. Why is it important? Hypersonics has had two major applications. The first has been to provide thermal protection during atmospheric entry. Success in this enterprise has supported ballistic-missile nose cones, has returned strategic reconnaissance photos from orbit and astronauts from the Moon, and has even dropped an instrument package into the atmosphere of Jupiter. The last of these approached Jupiter at four times the speed of a lunar mission returning to Earth. Work with re-entry has advanced rapidly because of its obvious importance. The second application has involved high-speed propulsion and has sought to develop the scramjet as an advanced airbreathing ramjet. Scramjets are built to run cool and thereby to achieve near-orbital speeds. They were important during the Strategic Defense Initiative, when a set of these engines was to power the experimental X-30 as a major new launch vehicle. This effort fell short, but the X-43A, carrying a scramjet, has recently flown at Mach 9.65 by using a rocket. Atmospheric entry today is fully mature as an engineering discipline. Still, the Jupiter experience shows that work with its applications continues to reach for new achievements. Studies of scramjets, by contrast, still seek full success, in which such engines can accelerate a vehicle without the use of rockets. Hence, there is much to do in this area as well. For instance, work with computers may soon show just how good scramjets can become. NASA SP-2007-4232
This volume from The NASA History Series presents an overview of the science of hypersonics, the study of flight at speeds at which the physics of flows is dominated by aerodynamic heating. The survey begins during the years immediately following World War II, with the first steps in hypersonic research: the development of missile nose cones and the X-15; the earliest concepts of hypersonic propulsion; and the origin of the scramjet engine. Next, it addresses the re-entry problem, which came to the forefront during the mid-1950s, showing how work in this area supported the manned space program and contributed to the development of the orbital shuttle. Subsequent chapters explore the fading of scramjet studies and the rise of the National Aerospace Plane (NASP) program of 1985–95, which sought to lay groundwork for single-stage vehicles. The program's ultimate shortcomings — in terms of aerodynamics, propulsion, and materials — are discussed, and the book concludes with a look at hypersonics in the post-NASP era, including the development of the X-33 and X-34 launch vehicles, further uses for scramjets, and advances in fluid mechanics. Clearly, ongoing research in hypersonics has yet to reach its full potential, and readers with an interest in aeronautics and astronautics will find this book a fascinating exploration of the field's history and future.
This book highlights the failure theories and evaluation techniques of thermal barrier coatings, covering the thermal-mechanical–chemical coupling theories, performance and damage characterization techniques, and related evaluations. Thermal barrier coatings are the key thermal protection materials for high-temperature components in advanced aeroengines. Coating spallation is a major technical bottleneck faced by researchers. The extremely complex microstructure, diverse service environments, and failure behaviors bring challenges to the spallation analysis in terms of the selective use of mechanical theories, experimental methods, and testing platforms. In the book, the authors provide a systematic summary of the latest research and technological advances and present their insights and findings in the past couple of decades. This book is not only suitable for researchers and engineers in thermal barrier coatings and related fields but also a good reference for upper-undergraduate and postgraduate students of materials science and mechanics majors.
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The key to opening the use of space to private enterprise and to broader public uses lies in reducing the cost of the transportation to space. More routine, affordable access to space will entail aircraft-like quick turnaround and reliable operations. Currently, the space Shuttle is the only reusable launch vehicle, and even parts of it are expendable while other parts require frequent and extensive refurbishment. NASA's highest priority new activity, the Reusable Launch Vehicle program, is directed toward developing technologies to enable a new generation of space launchers, perhaps but not necessarily with single stage to orbit capability. This book assesses whether the technology development, test and analysis programs in propulsion and materials-related technologies are properly constituted to provide the information required to support a December 1996 decision to build the X-33, a technology demonstrator vehicle; and suggest, as appropriate, necessary changes in these programs to ensure that they will support vehicle feasibility goals.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing field of computer science which integrates multiple disciplines such as computer science, psychology, and philosophy. It is a technology that develops theories, methods, technologies, and application systems to simulate, extend, and expand human intelligence by attempting to understand its essence, producing a new, intelligent machine that can respond in a way similar to human intelligence. Artificial intelligence now plays an increasingly important role in the development of global industries and economies, and as such is currently changing our world significantly, making AI research a hot topic worldwide. This book presents the proceedings of ICICTA 2023, the 16th International Conference on Intelligent Computing Technology and Automation, held on 24-25 October 2023 in Xi’an, China. The conference is an annual forum dedicated to emerging and challenging topics in AI and its applications, and its aim is to bring together an international community of researchers and practitioners in the field of AI to share the latest research achievements, discuss recent advances influence future direction, and promote the diffusion of the discipline throughout the scientific community at large. A total of 322 submissions were received for ICICTA 2023, and each paper received at least 2 review reports in a rigorous peer-review procedure. Based on these reports, 141 papers were ultimately accepted and are included in this book. The book offers a current overview of developments in AI technology, and will be of interest to all those working in the field.