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The biggest and deadliest war. Over 50 countries involved. More than 100 million people mobilized. 50 to 85 million deaths--half of which were innocent civilians. Six bloody years. Countless atrocities and savageries. If you're interested in the story and legacy of World War II, then this history book is for you! From the Pearl Harbor attack and the D-Day invasion to the Holocaust and the Manhattan Project, World War II has had a lasting impact on the world. Larger-than-life heroes and villains were minted: Hitler, MacArthur, Stalin, and Churchill, to name a few. The ballistic missile, atomic bomb, radar, and other inventions were developed that came to define modern life. The impact of World War II cannot be underestimated. The Handy World War II Answer Book looks at the Blitzkrieg, Hiroshima, concentration camps, and the rest of the war's history. It answers nearly 350 of the most intriguing questions about the war, including ... Why did Italy and Germany become allies? What was special about the Commando Fighting Knife? What were the secrets of Station X? Who were the Desert Rats? Did the Allies know that the Holocaust was happening? When was the first Enigma machine captured -- and by whom? What led to the Battle of Midway? How was the fate of Stalingrad decided? Who were the Flying Tigers? Did Hitler really sleep through the D-Day invasion? What was the biggest naval battle of World War II? Why was Iwo Jima so difficult for the Americans to capture? How did two of the Nuremberg prisoners evade justice? What happened to Emperor Hirohito? Fought all over the world, there were battles and operations, warships and warplanes, guns and bombs, attacks and sieges, soldiers and leaders. There was despair and victory, triumph and tragedy, struggle and sacrifice. Learn all about the conflict in The Handy World War II Answer Book! With more than 120 photos and graphics, this fascinating tome is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography and extensive index add to its usefulness.
The biggest and deadliest war. Over 50 countries involved. More than 100 million people mobilized. A death toll between 50 to 85 million—half of which were innocent civilians. Six bloody years. Countless atrocities and savageries. If you’re interested in the story and legacy of World War II, then this history book is for you! From the Pearl Harbor attack and the D-Day invasion to the Holocaust and the Manhattan Project, World War II has had a lasting impact on the world. Larger-than-life heroes and villains were minted: Hitler, MacArthur, Stalin, and Churchill, to name a few. The ballistic missile, atomic bomb, radar, and other inventions were developed that came to define modern life. The impact of World War II cannot be underestimated. The Handy World War II Answer Book looks at the Blitzkrieg, Hiroshima, concentration camps, and the rest of the war’s history. It answers 550 of the most intriguing questions about the war, including … Why did Italy and Germany become allies? What was special about the Commando Fighting Knife? What were the secrets of Station X? Who were the Desert Rats? Did the Allies know that the Holocaust was happening? When was the first Enigma machine captured — and by whom? What led to the Battle of Midway? How was the fate of Stalingrad decided? Who were the Flying Tigers? Did Hitler really sleep through the D-Day invasion? What was the biggest naval battle of World War II? Why was Iwo Jima so difficult for the Americans to capture? How did two of the Nuremberg prisoners evade justice? What happened to Emperor Hirohito? Fought all over the world, there were battles and operations, warships and warplanes, guns and bombs, attacks and sieges, soldiers and leaders. There was despair and victory, triumph and tragedy, struggle and sacrifice. Learn all about the conflict in The Handy World War II Answer Book! With more than 120 photos and graphics, this fascinating tome is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography and extensive index add to its usefulness.
Heroism and sacrifice. Brutality and folly. Great leaders, great villains, pivotal moments, and events. Take a captivating, concise, and convenient look at how the world, the United States, and the lives we lead today have been changed by war and the military! Military history is a fascinating, complex, and often contradictory subject. War and fighting between tribes, clans, groups, and countries has been with us forever. Wars cause political, social, and technological upheavals. From early Greeks and Romans to the great conquering militaries of the past, continuing on through the civil wars and world wars that shaped the boundaries of today’s nations, and to the modern weapons, technologies, guerrilla warfare, and terrorism currently reported in the nightly news, The Handy Military History Answer Book looks at the who, the what, the why, and the how of conflicts throughout history. It answers over 1,100 questions, from the most widely asked to the more obscure, such as: Who cast the first stone (of human history)? Is there anything to the story of Ancient Troy? Could Alexander the Great have conquered the early Roman Republic? How many men, and auxiliary fighters, were there in a Roman legion? Which precious metal did the Vikings prefer above all others? Do we even have his name—Genghis Khan—right? Where did Richard the Lion-Heart get his nickname? How long did it take to learn how to use the longbow? Was Napoleon really not French? When did George Washington have to alter all his plans: and how did he go about making the change? What signals did Paul Revere watch for on the evening of April 18, 1775? How many people died at the Siege of Fort Sumter? What was the worst day of the Civil War, in the Far West? Where was the world's first submarine deployed? When were balloons first deployed in warfare? Where did the name "Uncle Sam" come from? What did Rasputin have to say about the approach of the First World War? Why on earth did Hitler code-name his invasion of Russia for a German emperor who drowned? How close did Hitler come to victory at Moscow in 1941? What ten days decided the outcome of World War II? What was so special about the B-24? When did the Cold War commence? What role will technology like the Internet play in future warfare? How significant—to the United States—is the rise in China’s military power? The weapons, leaders, soldiers, battles, tactics, strategies, blunders, technologies, and outcomes are all examined in The Handy Military History Answer Book. It investigates everything from the smallest miscalculations and maneuvers to the biggest invasions and battles, as well as the cutting-edge technologies and firepower that led to victories and helped change the world! This powerful primer on the military also includes a helpful bibliography and an extensive index, adding to its usefulness.
The mighty dinosaurs were the dominant life form on earth for millions of years. But catastrophe awaited. In what amounts to a geological blink of an eye, the dinosaurs disappeared. This fun-filled fact-book takes you deep into the world of dinosaurs! From Tyrannosaurs to Stegosaurs, The Handy Dinosaur Answer Book profiles numerous species, chronicling their time on Earth and exploring their roles in archaeological expeditions and museums today. It covers the latest, greatest findings along with the accompanying shifts in dinosaur theory. Because of recent discoveries, there are some great debates: Are birds really dinosaurs? Were any dinosaurs warm blooded? What caused their extinction? Unearth answers to over 800 commonly asked (and just plain interesting) dinosaur questions such as . . . What is a dinosaur? Where are extremely large dinosaur bones being found and why? Did dinosaurs get blown away by hurricanes? Did some dinosaurs have self-sharpening teeth? Which dinosaur had the longest neck of any animal known? Did dinosaurs travel in herds? What dinosaurs are thought to have evolved into birds? Do dinosaur bones ever get “rearranged” after they are placed on display? Where and what is the Dinosaur Freeway? From the earth’s beginnings through the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods to today’s latest scientific discoveries and discovery-laden sites, The Handy Dinosaur Answer Book provides hundreds of intriguing dinosaur facts. With numerous photos and illustrations, this tome is richly illustrated, and its helpful bibliography and extensive index add to its usefulness. It’s a perfect reference to help make sense of 65-million-year-old mysteries!
The story of the United States military is the story of the country itself. Both have grown and changed over time. Learn about the unique histories, traditions, weapons, leaders, stats, and fun facts of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Air Force, and Space Force, and their roles within the military in this fun and fascinating guide! From the few hundred soldiers in its ranks when it was first established, to the over one million service members today, the U.S. military has grown in power and size over its 250-year history. Its organization and branches have changed to adapt to new technologies and national needs. The Handy Armed Forces Answer Book: Your Guide to the Whats and Whys of the U.S. Military looks at each branch of the U.S. military. It answers more than 500 of the most intriguing questions, including … How is the U.S. military organized? How do the branches work together? When did the Army Air Corps become the U.S. Army Air Force? What is the selection process like for Special Forces? Who was the Continental Army’s first Commander in Chief? How does the military rank structure function? How does somebody become an Air Force officer? What was the “Brown Water Navy”? What is the motto of the Coast Guard? How many bases does the military have? What is the Marine Corps Hymn? Did any Coast Guard vessels serve in combat? What type of aircraft is Air Force One? Who said “Retreat? Hell! We just got here!” Who were the Buffalo Soldiers? What are the Blue Angels? What is the most challenging USAF plane to fly? What is the origin of the Coast Guard “racing stripe”? Does the Space Force have any operational bases? How did a mutiny help establish the United States Naval Academy? What is the longest-serving personal weapon used by the American soldier? What is the difference between a UAV and a drone? What attack submarines does the Navy deploy? Who defends the United States against cyberattacks and other digital threats? The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Space Force are uniquely American, each in their own way. Learn what makes each branch special in The Handy Armed Forces Answer Book! With more than 140 photos and graphics, this fascinating to me is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography and extensive index add to its usefulness.
Heroism and sacrifice. Brutality and folly. Great leaders, great villains, pivotal moments, and events. Take a captivating, concise, and convenient look at how the world, the United States, and the lives we lead today have been changed by war and the military! Military history is a fascinating, complex, and often contradictory subject. War and fighting between tribes, clans, groups, and countries has been with us forever. Wars cause political, social, and technological upheavals. From early Greeks and Romans to the great conquering militaries of the past, continuing on through the civil wars and world wars that shaped the boundaries of today’s nations, and to the modern weapons, technologies, guerrilla warfare, and terrorism currently reported in the nightly news, The Handy Military History Answer Book looks at the who, the what, the why, and the how of conflicts throughout history. It answers over 1,100 questions, from the most widely asked to the more obscure, such as: Who cast the first stone (of human history)? Is there anything to the story of Ancient Troy? Could Alexander the Great have conquered the early Roman Republic? How many men, and auxiliary fighters, were there in a Roman legion? Which precious metal did the Vikings prefer above all others? Do we even have his name—Genghis Khan—right? Where did Richard the Lion-Heart get his nickname? How long did it take to learn how to use the longbow? Was Napoleon really not French? When did George Washington have to alter all his plans: and how did he go about making the change? What signals did Paul Revere watch for on the evening of April 18, 1775? How many people died at the Siege of Fort Sumter? What was the worst day of the Civil War, in the Far West? Where was the world's first submarine deployed? When were balloons first deployed in warfare? Where did the name "Uncle Sam" come from? What did Rasputin have to say about the approach of the First World War? Why on earth did Hitler code-name his invasion of Russia for a German emperor who drowned? How close did Hitler come to victory at Moscow in 1941? What ten days decided the outcome of World War II? What was so special about the B-24? When did the Cold War commence? What role will technology like the Internet play in future warfare? How significant—to the United States—is the rise in China’s military power? The weapons, leaders, soldiers, battles, tactics, strategies, blunders, technologies, and outcomes are all examined in The Handy Military History Answer Book. It investigates everything from the smallest miscalculations and maneuvers to the biggest invasions and battles, as well as the cutting-edge technologies and firepower that led to victories and helped change the world! This powerful primer on the military also includes a helpful bibliography and an extensive index, adding to its usefulness.
From the Origin of Humans to Today ... All in One Volume! Highlights. Low lights. The twists and turns of social, political, and cultural history gathered in one fun and fascinating title! The Handy History Answer Book: From the Stone Age to the Digital Age takes a riveting walk through the ages, looking at the most important events of the past 5,000 years, including wars, disasters, pandemics, births, lives, and more. It supplies context to the past with a wealth of information on invention, philosophy, science, politics, culture, sports, business, law, media, and religion. A concise guide to all things historical, this feast of facts and compelling stories recounts the revolutionary ideas, acts, and inventions that changed the world. It surveys significant people, times, and events worldwide, with a special focus on U.S. history from its beginnings to the present. Fully revised and updated, this new edition of The Handy History Answer Book answers over 1,600 of the most frequently asked, most interesting, and unusual history questions, including ... What was the Stone Age? Why was Julius Caesar murdered? What are the origins of the religion of Islam? Why is the COVID-19 pandemic so significant? Why is the shamrock the symbol of St. Patrick? What is the legacy of the Crusades today? What are England’s royal “houses”? Did Marie Antoinette really say, “Let them eat cake”? When did people first migrate to North America? Who are the Cajuns? What is the Hubble Space Telescope? What were the first political parties in the United States? Who was Black Elk? When did chain stores first appear? Were the Nazi’s socialists? How long have hurricanes been given names? Who was Typhoid Mary? What happened at Pearl Harbor? What was the Bataan Death March? What is NATO? What is habeas corpus? Who was Emmett Till? Who was Genghis Khan? What was the triangular trade? Who is called the “Father of the Interstate System”? Who is Bernie Madoff? Who were the Wobblies? What was the Beat movement? Who is Ralph Nader?? What is the Occupy movement? What is the strongest earthquake ever measured? What happened on Apollo 13? What is Gray’s Anatomy? What is origin of Listerine®? What is the problem with antibiotics today? Who developed the first MRI machine? How does it work? What are the Ivy League colleges? Who were the Brothers Grimm? Why does the Leaning Tower of Pisa lean? What was the Motion Picture Production Code? Which entertainers were in the Rat Pack? Who wrote the first computer program? What is unique about the Trump presidency? If “History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes” (as Mark Twain is reputed to have said) then The Handy History Answer Book is a lyrical and poetic treat. Clear, concise, and straightforward, this informative primer is a resource for brushing up on the events, terms, and history-makers many of us remember from school but can’t completely recall. Wide-ranging and comprehensive with nearly 250 illustrations, this information-rich tome also includes a helpful bibliography and an extensive index, adding to its usefulness. A perfect companion for history buffs of all ages.
Our country and the world is changing fast, and a knowledge of history helps us understand the hows, whats, and whys of modern civilization. Fully revised and updated, this new edition of The Handy History Answer Book answers over 1,000 how-what-why questions. A concise guide to all things historical, this feast of facts and compelling stories recounts the revolutionary ideas, acts, and inventions that have changed the world from the Stone Age through the 21st century. Open the pages of this historical guide and get ready for an exciting journey. From Neanderthal Man to sports, from the Trojan War to the Arab Spring, from the Hippocratic Oath to the Internet, this is the perfect companion for history buffs of any age and a resource for learning—and brushing up on—the events, terms, and history makers. A concise guide to all things historical, this feast of facts and compelling stories recounts the revolutionary ideas, acts, and inventions that have changed the world. Beginning with a section on historical eras, this popular reference source tracks history and organizes information in 13 specific subject sections, ranging from politics and war to science and religion. It tackles exploration and settlement, technological advances, legal fireworks, financial and business events, social movements, natural and man-made disasters, medicine and disease, and art and culture. From the Stone Age to sports, from the Trojan War to the Arab Spring, and from the Hippocratic Oath to the internet, this is the perfect companion for history buffs of any age.
The Handy History Answer Book answers over 1,000 how-what-why questions. A concise guide to all things historical, this feast of facts and compelling stories recounts the revolutionary ideas, acts, and inventions that have changed the world from the Stone Age through the 21st century. This is the perfect companion for history buffs of any age and a resource for learning-and brushing up on-the events, terms, and history makers. Open the pages of this historical guide and get ready for an exciting journey.
Get More from the Bible The Bible is a beloved text owned by nearly all Americans. It’s probably on your reading list, but it can be a daunting work to master. The Handy Bible Answer Book illuminates the secrets and reveals the wisdom of the Bible. Through easy-to-understand explanations to common questions, this book examines, story-by-story, the origins and history of the meanings of chapters, verses, and parables. Offering enlightening explanations and defining key terms, people, places, and events, this user-friendly guide is for anyone interested in learning more about the Bible. It brings context to readers by answering more than 1,700 commonly asked questions about the Good Book, including: • How has archeology contributed to understanding the Bible? • What are some of the most notable Bible translations through the ages? • What was the Day of Atonement? • How did Gideon obey God’s call? • According to Peter, what was the benefit of faith? • What is the Apocrypha? This comprehensive resource provides concise, straightforward information, drawing from five different translations of the Bible and other sources, it's designed to let even casual readers dig deeply into the Bible. It helps bring the Good Book's parables, stories, history, and power to your life.