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One would think that at least the youngest humans would be spared from the deeds of the people with twisted minds, but even they are not safe just like that. In this book, learn about the various cases where children were criminally taken away from their parents. It has happened all over the world. A stranger appears at the bedside of a mother who has just given birth and plays upon the trust of the parents to trick them into handing over their child. Perhaps the person is dressed as a doctor, nurse, lab technician, or some other member of the medical staff, but whatever the case may be, their performance as an imposter is sufficient to spin a web of deception convincing enough to spring their trap. Other abductors eschew deception in favor of force or stealth. Some have pulled a gun on the mother and demanded their child; some have simply snatched up the infant when no one was looking. More often than not the perpetrators of these crimes are women, although some claim that their demanding boyfriends or husbands put them up to it. Typically these women are either unable to have children of their own or have great difficulty in doing so. Some of them are depressed over recent miscarriages and wish to replace the baby they lost. Of course, this begs the question of why they don't simply use the proper channels to adopt a child who needs a home, rather than stealing babies that don't belong to them. One answer is that many of them are unable to do so due to a criminal record, history of mental illness, or general instability. Anyone in any of those categories would most likely be denied conventional adoption. But as you will see from the cases in this book, even though the methodology is often similar, the reasons are legion when it comes to what motivates the hand that robs the cradle. Scroll back up and grab your copy today!
Karen Beaudin recounts the events surrounding her younger sister's unsolved murder. It was a cold November night in 1971 when thirteen-year-old Kathy Lynn Gloddy went missing, only to have her beaten, bruised body found the next day on the cold ground. This is the true story of a small New Hampshire town stunned by the revelation of such a brutal crime, and a family devastated by the loss of a beloved daughter and sister. As Karen and her family search for justice, their faith will be tested in the battle against the guilt, fear, and devastating grief that comes when they realize every family's worst nightmare.
BABY-PROOFCHILDPROOFBULLETPROOF, THE ROLE OF PARENTS HAS NEVER BEEN GREATER. Roaming unabated, a serial pedophile spent every waking moment pacifying his inner demons. Combatting illicit sexual cravings, like self-medicating an incurable disease, required daily heavy doses of hardcore pornography. A chilling account of an eight-year-old child kidnapped and brutally murdered. Rising up from a rural California town and striking back, a world-wide chase ensued for a sociopath gone mad. No respecter of human rightsa childs life. Leaving the United States and spanning half the globe, the hunt would never end until coming face-to-face with every parents worst nightmare. A harrowing true-crime story grippingly told by a team of detectives left standing. The story of Maria Piceno is a testament of courage and faithunder fire. This special child wouldnt go quietly into the night. Out of lifes hardest lessons, comes unforgettable sweet tender moments. Anyone that has loved a childthis is a must read, no one can afford to miss. Youll never be the same: WHEN TOUCHED BY A CHILD
Ten Babies. Eight Murders. One Woman to Blame: Their Mother In March of 1949, a healthy baby boy named Richard Noe entered this world. Thirty-one days later, he left it -- found dead in his parents' bedroom in a working-class Philadelphia neighborhood. Over the next nineteen years, all nine of Marie and Arthur Noe's other children would die -- one stillborn, one in the hospital, and the other seven of unexplained causes--none lived longer than fifteen months. Gaining national sympathy for their unbelievabloe bad luck, the Noes were deemed victims of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). But as the years went on, may people found their SIDS defence a hard pill to swallow -- after all, SIDS is not a hereditary condition. As investigators proved, they found that in each case, the child had died while home alone with Marie Noe. Finally, in 1999 -- fifty years after her first child died -- septuagenarian Maried Noe pled guilty to killing eight of her ten dead children. Today, she remains at home on probation helping psychiatric experts understand what is perhaps one of the most disturbing and baffling mysteries of all: how and why a mother could kill her own children. In this riveting true crime account, author John Glatt goes behind the headlines and into the heart of this fascinating case to reveal the shocking answers.
William and Melissa Smith have three gorgeous children, William, aged 7, Andrew, aged 4, and a new little girl that they named Carole Anna. Francine and James Robins are a young couple trying to start a family but when their baby is stillborn, they are crushed. Meanwhile, Melissa Smith gave birth to Carole Anna at the same time. Francine begins to suspect that she had been lied to and senses a conspiracy in which her baby was swapped out with the Smith baby and that the Smith baby was the one that was stillborn. She eventually convinces her husband, James of this and they hatch a plot to kidnap Carole Anna and claim her as their own. When they successfully make off with Carole Anna it is up to local law enforcement and the FBI to track the kidnappers down, but when that fails, William, a detective with the NYPD, along with his partner, Timothy Porter, takes matters into his own hands.
There are few things in life more shocking than a parent killing their child. Numerous reasons have been offered by adults who have carried out such a heinous act, ranging from mindless acts of violence to serious mentally debilitating conditions. What is perhaps the most shocking and disturbing aspect of the following cases are the ones where a parent murders infant children and even babies. It is surprising just how common 'filicide' - the deliberate act of killing a son or daughter - actually is. Regrettably, the following truly disturbing cases are not exhaustive and may not even contain the worst cases of filicide, which might escape unreported in the more isolated areas of our country. But these are cases of parents murdering their own flesh and blood that can be deemed utterly, earth-shatteringly shocking. Reader discretion is advised.
A look at the history of child kidnappings and abductions in the United States, the motives of the perpetrators, the activities of the media, and the results in the law and in public opinions.
Recent stories of long-term abduction have flooded our current news. Everyone wants to know why children stay with their captor even when opportunity presents itself. The media scrambles to get expert and eye witness interviews. We place the child in front of a camera to get that smile of relief. We fail to look deeper and ask the real important questions. The young boy stands there confused and afraid. They have just been ripped from all they know, captivity. That is all about to change. In reading the life story of a former abducted child and revisiting one of the first national cases of child stealing in America, Throwing Stones; Parental Child Abduction Through the Eyes of a Child gives a dark narrative look into the life of a seven year old boy ripped from all he knows, and later returned to a life of hell at the age of eleven. His baby was brother raised to hate a woman he was too young to know. His older sister consumed with her own inner turmoil turns violently on him. Left alone to find his own way he befriends anyone who will give him a sense of self worth. A peaceful and quiet child at the beginning; little Kenny learns to lie, steal and attack anyone who he thinks is a threat. Scared to trust anyone, Kenny goes inward to protect himself. Infected with an internal struggle to hold on to dying memories of a loving mother ripped from him, he gives in. After many lies, little Kenny starts to protect the man he fears most, his Father. Regardless of his outward environment, he finds hope and strength from within. Clear and sobering, this is long overdue. No other book has been written from the childs perspective concerning Child Theft. This case takes place before there was the National Center for the Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). His abduction was the first to involve a multi-state-manhunt and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The American people were aroused to a white-hot anger. Clergymen of all faiths joined in prayer. Messages of sympathy came in from presidents, prime ministers, dictators, friends, crackpots, the morbid, the curious... THE LINDBERGH BABY HAD BEEN KIDNAPED! State, city and federal law enforcement groups vied with each other for publicity. Detectives, nationally known gangsters and charlatans offered their services as go-betweens. Reporters from all over the world descended on the town of Hopewell, N.J. like a swarm of locusts. On this wild note of hysteria began the search for the baby and his kidnaper—the greatest manhunt of the century, the most vicious case in the annals of crime.
TOP SECRET FBI Files on the Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping The historic New York-to-Paris flight of Charles Lindbergh began at 7:51 a.m., May 20, l927 near New York City and ended 33 and one-half hours later, at the Le Bourget airfield near Paris. Charles Lindbergh had flown into immortality. His flight galvanized the western world; he instantly became an international celebrity. His life changed in ways that few others have ever experienced since his time. Lindbergh subsequently met and married Anne Morrow and despite his world-wide fame, they were happily married -- for a time. Until their first-born son was kidnapped. The Lindbergh baby kidnapping became the crime of the century; as much as the world loved "Lucky Lindy" for his achievement in flying the Atlantic, so the world despised, in equal measure, the kidnapper of the Lindbergh's child. Bruno Richard Hauptmann was eventually arrested for the crime and, in a trial which defined media circus, was convicted and eventually executed. But he never confessed to the crime, leaving the Lindbergh baby kidnapping case one of eternal debate. Although the crime and Hauptmann trial were in New Jersey, the FBI maintained its own extensive files on the case. ______ This book is the first publication of the formerly-secret FBI files on the Lindbergh baby kidnapping. ______ This is true history laid bare; in fact, the second major report in this volume, the arrest of Bruno Richard Hauptmann ends with the single word PENDING as the case was still in progress. This is time stopped in l934.