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Expanding beyond the solely nutritionally based information in his former book, The Maker's Diet, Jordan Rubin will take readers through a comprehensive look at their body and their health in The Great Physician's Rx for Health and Wellness Study Guide. In this study guide, Rubin will walk readers through 7 Keys to achieve good daily health habits-not only for the disease-ridden, but also for anyone desiring to live an abundant life of health and wellness.
Expanding beyond the solely nutritionally based information in his former book, The Maker's Diet, Jordan Rubin will take readers through a comprehensive look at their body and their health in The Great Physician's Rx for Health and Wellness program. In this companion DVD, Rubin will walk readers through 7 keys to achieve good daily health habits in eight 10-minute segments.
A Christian man who went on a quest to find the nature of his illness and any treatments and cures associated with it tells his story and how he overcame it.
Bestselling author Jordan Rubin, with David Remedios, M.D., shows how to adopt the 7 Keys in The Great Physician's Rx for Health and Wellness to focus aggressively on diabetes and develop a game plan against it.
Presents a seven-part plan for a healthy lifestyle based upon dietary and hygienic teachings outlined in the Bible.
The New York Times–bestselling author of The Maker’s Diet helps show how to address women’s health issues with biblical and natural health concepts. Women—who are not only responsible for their own health but frequently the health of their husbands, children, and aging parents—are sick and tired of being sick and tired. They simply want more out of life, especially when they are dealing with the health challenges unique to women, like the “baby blues,” breast cancer, menopause, and bone loss. These women want biblically based and medically sound solutions. To them, life is all about thriving, not just surviving. Now, New York Times–bestselling author Jordan Rubin, along with his wife, Nicki, and Pancheta Wilson, MD, take biblical and natural health concepts and formulate a plan to help you transform your health and live the life of your dreams. The Great Physician’s Rx for Women’s Health will empower you to achieve maximum energy, attain your ideal weight, enhance your immune system, improve your digestion, reduce your risk for diseases such as breast cancer and osteoporosis, and best of all, make this the healthiest year of your life. If you desire to run the race of life with excellence, then The Great Physician’s Rx for Women’s Health is your road map.
The New York Times–bestselling author of The Maker’s Diet uses biblical and natural health concepts to show you how to improve your gastrointestinal health. Heartburn and acid reflux have a nasty way of defying cure or prevention, but following the Great Physician’s prescription for heartburn and acid reflux can alleviate symptoms and nip more serious problems in the bud. Acid indigestion and burning feelings in the chest often strike in the middle of the night with stabbing chest pain. At 1:30 in the morning, there are not a whole lot of options. Most approach the medicine cabinet with the fervent hope that there are a few Tums left in the bottle. Jordan Rubin, along with Joseph Brasco, MD, is not so sure that taking antacids and powerful proton pump inhibitors best for people’s healing or their health. The Great Physician’s Rx for Heartburn and Acid Reflux reveals a more natural approach to beating heartburn and acid reflux based on the Seven Keys to Health and Wellness.
At 19 years old, Jordan Rubin was a healthy 6'1" and 180 pounds. Shockingly, his weight fell to just 104 lbs. in a matter of months. His immune system was at an all-time low, as he suffered from Crohn's disease, food allergies, anemia, fibromyalgia, intestinal parasites, and a host of other conditions. After seeing over 70 health professionals, using both conventional and alternative medicines, Rubin was sent home in a wheelchair to die. But his story didn't end there. Through determination and a powerful faith in God, Rubin refused to give in to disease. Instead, he educated himself on natural health, and applied its principles. Now, ten years later, Rubin is fully recovered-and he desires to share the keys to his own good health. These keys aren't just for the disease-ridden; they are for anyone desiring to live an abundant life of health and wellness.
The definitive program on detoxification just got easier, thanks to multiple New York Times bestselling author Dr. Alejandro Junger’s detailed, personalized, and medically proven seven-day plan that helps us begin to rid our bodies of the multitude of toxins that infiltrate our systems every day. Each day, too many of us struggle unnecessarily with debilitating health issues, such as colds or viruses, allergies or hay fever, stubborn extra pounds, poor sleep, recurrent indigestion, constipation, or irritable bowel syndrome, itchy rashes, acne or other skin conditions, depression, anxiety, or frequent fatigue. But we don’t have to suffer any longer. In his bestseller Clean, the international leader in the field of integrative medicine revealed how many of these common ailments are the direct result of toxic build-up in our systems accumulated through daily living, and offered solutions for combatting them. Now, with Clean 7, Dr. Junger makes his groundbreaking program easier and more accessible than ever before. Clean 7 is his medically proven seven-day regimen that provides all the necessary tools to support and reactivate our bodies’ detoxification system to its fullest capabilities. In one week, you can begin addressing those nagging health issues by discovering the foods that harm you and the foods that heal you, lose extra weight, and start to experience what it truly means to be well. The first seven days of any program are the most critical. Undertaking a new routine is stressful, and tests our commitment, willpower, and focus. Understanding exactly what’s going on in your body—why you might feel fatigue on day two or cravings on day five—is the key to success. A doctor who’s helped millions, Dr. Junger personally guides you through the process, offering a clear, day-by-day, meal-by-meal exploration of what’s happening in your body to keep you focused on your goals. Filled with the latest science on the brain, and featuring delicious, nutritious recipes, and details on everything from prepping your kitchen to prepping your mind, Clean 7 revolutionizes the detoxification process. If you have been searching for a book or program to help you take that next step for your overall health, Clean 7 is the answer. Discover what it truly means to be healthy.
The New York Times–bestselling author of The Maker’s Diet uses biblical and natural health concepts to show you how to fight arthritis. Like age, arthritis has a way of creeping up on you until one morning, that occasional stiffness in the knee or soreness in the hands turns into “That hurts!” type of pain. Prolonged physical activity only prolongs the soreness. Arthritis is a general medical term that refers to inflammation of the joints. The word “arthritis” is a blend of the Greek words “arthron” for joint and “it is” for inflammation. Frequent cracking of the joints and early morning stiffness are common symptoms of osteoarthritis, even during pain-free periods. Some will joke that they can tell a weather change is ahead when their knees act up, but that’s because painful joints can be sensitive to a falling of barometric pressure, which signals rain in the forecast. Arthritis often begins subtly with a little ache and stiffness in the knees or shoulders. Or it may herald its arrival with sharp pain and swollen, tender joints. Arthritis takes center stage, however, when you feel as stiff as a board when you pull yourself out of bed in the morning. Stiff spines, creaky necks, and balky backs can zap the life out of even the most optimistic individuals. Those with arthritic hands and wrists find it painful to type or even use a computer mouse, while some with arthritic knees shuffle around with pain as their constant companion. Arthritic hips not also restrict mobility but impact a couple’s love life since arthritic hip pain can make sexual relations painful, particularly for women. No matter how you cope or make lifestyle adjustments, arthritis is a pain to live with. In The Great Physician’s Rx for Arthritis, Jordan Rubin, along with Joseph Brasco, MD, recommends a total lifestyle program for the health of the body, mind, and spirit that’s much more effective than sleeping on a bed of magnets each night, and it’s based on the seven keys to unlock your God-given health potential found in his foundational book The Great Physician’s Rx for Health and Wellness.